With aging parents, we find that most children cannot manage the caregiving, suitable accommodation, and healthcare process alone. However you do not have to be alone—we at Senior Life Care Planning are here to help. Dealing with aging parents, can be stressful, demanding, and overwhelming, but your parent’s closing days i.e. quality of life, depend on you.

If you require a caregiver for your parents, we can help you hire the right aide, be it an individual or a health care agency. We work with well-qualified candidates and organizations for you to interview. Do you want to rely on the “Yellow Pages” for your parents?

As part of the Life Care Plan , we evaluate the care required, your parent’s resources and ways to pay for care, private, LTCI, or government funds i.e. Veteran's Benefits , Medicaid, etc.

We stress to you, the caregiving child(ren), you have your own life to live, job and family responsibilities that cannot be overlooked. However, you can try to do it yourself, relying on input from family, friends, and neighbors etc. but often the best option is to hire a professional, Senior Life Care Planning, to help you through the end of life, elder maze.

To increase your monthly income, please contact us for a FREE HANDBOOK about VA Benefits, written by David Wingate, an Accredited VA Attorney , of Senior Life Care Planning, LLC, go to www.seniorlcp.com or info@seniorlcp.com to request the FREE HANDBOOK.

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