Blog Posts
Aging Parents
- Caregiving Affects Work and Finances
- Driving Seminar
- Seniors Aging in Place Turn to Devices and Helpers, But Unmet Needs Are Common
- Medicare’s hospice benefit for beneficiaries with Alzheimer’s disease.
- Women and Aging
- What Can an Elder Law Attorney Do For Me?
- Maintain Your Independence
- Caregiver Contracts: A Growing Planning Trend for Families
- A New Book – TAX FREE MONEY FOR LONG TERM CARE by David Wingate
- Elderly Kansans Losing In-Home Services
- Old And Overmedicated: The Real Drug Problem In Nursing Homes
- More Americans Are Aging in Place. Can Towns and Cities Adapt?
- Americans are Living Longer Than Ever Before
- Long-Term Care Insurance
- Planning for Long-Term Care
- Who Needs Long-Term Care?
- Defining the Need for Long-Term Care
- Long Term Care Issues
- Sometimes the annual trek to the family homestead can bring more stress than joy for adults with elderly, disabled or chronically-ill parents.
- Great Holiday Gift For You, Your Loved Ones, and Your Kids
- Photographer Captures the Beauty of Elderly Animals
- Robots for Elderly Draw Crowds at iRex
- AARP Poll Reveals Caregivers’ Life Changes
- Davd Wingate at Silk and Burlap for a Fundraiser for Friends of Meals and Wheels.
- David Wingate at Frederick County Department of Aging’s Caregivers Event
- Are You One Of 500,000 Being Abused?
- Hiring an End-of-Life Enforcer
- Why You Need To Pre Plan Your Funeral
- A Toast To The Holidays
- Caring for Someone With Alzheimer’s Disease Seminar
- “Dealing with the Fighting Family” What Every Professional Needs to Know….
- Three California Bills Would Strengthen Elder Abuse Prevention Law
- UN Report Says the World Is Not Ready for Global Aging
- Long-Term Care Insurance Premiums on the Rise
- Wireless Network Detects Falls
- PBS Series Will Discuss “Top Ten Cities for Successful Aging”
- New Survey on Preparedness of Local Communities to Accommodate Aging Population
- What Do You Think?
- How Will Climate Change Affect Older Americans?
- New Research Says Elderly Persons Who Live With Children Fare Worse Than Those Who Don’t
- Seniors More Likely to Crash When Driving With Pet
- Medical Alert Scam Targets Seniors
- The Silver Ribbon Brochure Re Upcoming Senior Seminars
- May is Older Americans Month
- Poll: Aging US in denial about long-term care need
- AARP Polls Find That Chained CPI Will Alienate Older Voters
- Long Term Care Test for Older People – Off Color Joke
- Retirement Crisis: Impoverished Seniors on the Horizon
- More “Sandwich” Boomers Aiding Adult Kids
- How Does Your State Fare in Older Americans Act (OAA) Funding?
- Meals on Wheels – Frederick County, Maryland – Needs Your Donnations.
- Will you Be Responsible For Your Parents Nursing Home Bill?
- Tips For Long Distance Caregivers
- Warning signs When Visiting Your Aging Parents
- Choosing a Nursing Home
- Some red-flag tips to help you assess how life is progressing for your loved ones.
- Tips for taking stock of your parents’ health
- The cost of long-term care increased significantly, according to the 2012 MetLife Market Survey .
- Pay close attention to your aging parents on a holiday visit this year.
- Something To Learn From Hurricane Sandy
- Will Your Children Pay For your Nursing Home Care?
- David Wingate, was part of a Focus Group discussing “Fall Prevention” held at Ingleside at King Farm, 701 King Farm Blvd., Rockville.
- 8 Tips to Help You and Your Parents Find The Correct Home / Residence
- Dealing with Your Aging Parent
- Theft or diversion of funds by family members as the most common form of financial abuse.
- Are You Going To Pay For Your Mother’s Nursing Home Bill?
- Fall Prevention for Seniors
- Making the decision to move a parent out of the home can hurt.
- Doctors may play a critical in their patient’s finances, as well as their health.
- Seniors who are buying or selling a house often have very different issues than younger buyers and sellers.
- Seniors face a myriad of health, finance and legal issues.
- Transitioning Your Parents To An Assisted Living Facility.
- Why You Need Advance Directives!
- Providing Care Services and Being Paid By Your Parents?
- Making Life Your Parent’s a Little More Livable
- Seniors and Driving?
- Depression in Seniors
- Finding Good home Care for Your Aging Parent.
- Your Aging Parent Runs Out of Money?
- Caregivers Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Help
- Your Loved May Need Help With Their finances
- Seniors Drowning In Debt
- Seniors Falling Into Poverty
- Caregiving Struggles
- Project Lifesaver International (PLI) Provides Rapid Response for Wandering Adults and Children with Developmental and Cognitive Disabilities
- Potential Warning Signs – Dealing With Aging Parents.
- Don’t be an Ostrich regarding Elder Law Issues i.e. head in ground
- Tough questions about the availability of Medicaid
- NPR radio series “Family Matters” deals with financial planning with multigenerational households.
- Financial Scams on the Elderly
- Have You Seen This Person?
- Money was no object when the time came for Joan Lunden to find a senior care facility for her 88-year-old mother.
- Reverse Mortgages – what’s the catch?
- Have you planned financially for your later years
- Financial scams targeting seniors have become so prevalent that they’re now considered “the crime of the 21st century.”
- Long Distance Caregiving
- In Maryland, with a huge budget shortfall—the State is trying to save money on Medicaid
- Are you faced with a spouse or parent entering a nursing home?
- Planning for assisted living costs should be at the top of your aging parent’s mind, or your mind.
- Elder Law Handbook
- Medicaid. The best advice is to Get help!
- What is the the second-most common type of progressive dementia in the elderly?
- What are Caregiving Contracts?
- Caring for a loved one is both physically and mentally challenging.
- 10 signs that your aging parent may might require help at home.
- If you are taking care of an aging parent with Alzheimer’s, dealing with outbursts of agitation and aggression, is a particular problem.
- The debilitating cycle of a nursing home admission followed by repeated hospitalizations, a spiraling into decline, and ultimately death.
- Adult children spending time and money on their parent’s care has tripled
- Should You Hire an Elder Care Attorney?
- The cost of senior care can be daunting, but if you have help and guidance, you can reduce the overall cost by planning ahead.
- Claiming Your Aging Parent as a Dependant?
- What Can You Do With Early Memory Loss?
- Are You Saving For Your The Nursing Home?
- What is the difference between Long-term care insurance (LTCI) and the Medicaid Asset Protection Trust (MAPT)?
- Address the topic of assisted living before it becomes necessary.
- So Far Away: Twenty Questions and Answers About Long-Distance Caregiving.
- Some Question to ask Home Care Companies.
- Have You Planned for an Evacuation?
- Seniors who are facing changes in their health and mental abilities face several important legal and financial decisions.
- Making effective decisions about the care of a loved one often takes more time than expected.
- What is Elder Mediation?
- Family Coaching & Care Management
- The physical drain of caring for an aging family member can be tremendous. Often, however, it’s the emotional drain that takes a greater toll.
- Before You Leave The Hospital
- “Up to 100 days” of coverage for rehabilitation does not guarantee 100 days.
- How long you stay in the hospital matters if you want follow-up therapy.
- Prior To and After a Hospital Discharge, if your over 65.
- Adult Daycare Center versus Home Care
- Choosing a nursing home for an aging parent is an important and difficult decision.
- Stress and grief can result from “giving up the family home,” a loss of independence or even a perceived loss of prestige.
- Can I protect my parents assets and care for them?
- Who may benefit from hiring our services?
- How can you tell if you need our services?
- When Aging Parents Resist Care – We Come to the Rescue
- Impoverished Seniors Rate Nearly Doubles
- What is a Caregiver Contract?
- 62 million unpaid Family Caregivers
- Family Coaching & Care Management
- Some hints for determining your aging parent’s ability to drive.
- Are you at the stage where your aging parents should no longer be driving. Usually, this is one of the hardest tasks you will probably face as the family caregiver.
- Issues With Aging Parents?
- Medicare Advantage plans can save older Americans money, but difficulty choosing among the many available plans often prevents them from realizing substantial cost-savings.
- Antipsychotics are meant primarily to help control hallucinations, delusions and other abnormal behavior in people suffering from schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, but they’re also given to hundreds of thousands of elderly nursing home patients.
- Care transitions — those times when someone enters a hospital, transfers from one department to another, gets discharged to a rehabilitation center or goes home — are risky times.
- Sometimes you travel because you want to, sometimes because you need to. Whatever the reason, planning a trip can be logistical nightmare for caregivers.
- Asset protection planning is all about taking chips off the table in good times, so that you still can walk away from the table a winner no matter what happens in bad times.
- When inflation rises, retirees’ social security checks keep pace with small increases. But if some lawmakers get their way, those raises may be a whole lot smaller in the future.
- The biggest lesson may be that contracts, invoices, and good record-keeping are just as important in a family or related party setting as they are anywhere else.
- Debt Deal: Not (Really) A Done Deal
- Uncovering Dementia/Alzheimer’s Cover-ups
- Do I Need to Hire Senior Life Care Planning To Help Me With My Aging Parents?
- Create a comprehensive folder of documents that family members can access in case of an emergency, so they aren’t left scrambling to find and organize a hodgepodge of disparate bank accounts, insurance policies and brokerage accounts.
- Sometimes deteriorating physical or health may make independent living impossible..
- The new Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act aims to provide at-home alternatives to nursing home care.
- The study is a follow-up of MetLife’s 2009 “Broken Trust: Elders, Family, and Finances”
- A little-known tax rule can help offset the cost of some retirement communities.
- Does Medicare Pay All My Nursing Home Costs?
- Why Plan? What’s the Need?
- Is An Assisted Living Facility Right For You Or Your Parents?
- Elder Abuse In Assisted Living Facilities
- At Senior Life Care Planning we have STRATEGIES THAT WORK.
- Is Alzheimer’s Disease Causing Distress in Your Family? Is Caregiving Affecting Your Work and Finances?
- Medicaid – same-sex spouse or domestic partner beneficiary – Transfer of Assets
- The Nuts and Bolts of Medicare Premium Support Proposals
- Vulnerability of elderly to suicide
- No Advance Planning To Care For Aging Parents
- Most Baby Boomers Lack A Plan To Care For Parents
- Among the many reasons hospitals can be dangerous to your health, if you’re an old person: all that time spent in bed.
- Should You Pay a Relative to Take Care of Your Parents?
- Any time you have a financial services company marketing exclusively to retirees and elderly people, it raises questions
- Five Tips on Caring for Elderly Loved Ones.
- The demographics of aging are shifting, and the number of single, childless seniors is growing.
- A medical issue can spring up with sudden ferocity, and even savvy patients can find themselves overwhelmed when trying to navigate care and insurance.
- Giving to Your Religious Organization can Hurt You at the Nursing Home!
- Are You Penalized By the Nursing Home For Making A Contribution to Your Grandson’s College Tuition?
- How care coordinators can help adult children face a challenge which often seems overwhelming, both emotionally and mentally, and is always stressful
- A hypothetical example to see how valuable Senior Life Care Planning’s care coordinators can be.
- Compensation to Family Caregivers.
- When do your aging parents require to move to an assisted living facility and who can help you?
- With Assisted Living Facilities Increasing their Rates, Seniors Are Having Financial Difficulties.
- What are some signals that your aging parent needs help?
- How do you know that you need the services of Senior Life Care Planning?
- Some hidden costs of caregiving — and some ways to combat them.
- Caregiving is expected to increase by more than 20% in the next 15 years–and by 85% in the next 40 years
- Home Or Nursing Home: America’s Empty Promise To Give Elderly, Disabled A Choice
- For states, how much is it going to cost taking care of the elderly?
- If you are a caregiver of your spouse or aging parent you need to plan for legal, financial and health care issues. It’s important that a life care plan is put in place before the crisis occurs.
- Every year, one in three Americans aged 65+ falls; Review the FREE US Dept of Labor – Fall Prevention Course
- Aging Well at Home With Senior Life Care Planning
- Some Startling Senior Stats!
- What does Good Nursing Home Care Looks Like?
- I was told that I cannot protect any of my assets from the nusing home!
- Are you concerned about your parent’s welfare?
- ABC News video series on Elder Care : Families on the Brink
- Is Your Parent Driving Safely?
- When Dementia Drains the Pocketbook
- The government reports that fewer than one in 10 recipients is getting all the screenings and immunizations recommended by public health groups.
- Aging parents and their children are entering into legal agreements, “caregiver agreements,” in order to compensate children who are providing caregiving services.
- New Reverse Mortgage Product Has Lower Upfront Costs
- Get a good nights sleep
- When do you NEED HELP with someone with Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia?
- A powerful new film highlighting the frustrations and joys of a wife trying to connect with her husband with advanced dementia
- Sometimes, we know our elderly parents require help, but getting them to accept it is a challenge.
- Effective strategies and techniques to care for your parents
- Do you have aging parents who still drive?
- So, can you get paid to care for your aging parents? Yes—under certain circumstances. But there are important rules to keep in mind. Otherwise, payments to you could end up costing your parents a lot more in the long run.
- What can Senior Life Care Planning do for you and your aging parent?
- Preventing financial abuse of your aging parent
- What senior residential or care organizations do you trust?
- When do your parents require assisted living placement?
- What are some benefits of having Senior Life Care Planning help your aging parents?
- What is Elder Mediation?
- Attend the 2011 Alzheimer’s Association Advocacy Forum
- As the baby boom generation approaches retirement age, millions of Americans are facing one wrenching question: What to do about Mom and Dad?
- Elder mediators say their profession is growing as baby boomers seek help with their aging parents.
- How do you communicate with your aging parents?
- How can an Elder Care Coordinator help you and your Parents?
- What is the elder care continuum?
- Paying for skilled nursing and rehabilitation care can cost approximately nine thousand dollars each month.
- What is the Global Impact of Alzheimer’s disease?
- For many aging seniors, the best living and care arrangement may be a continuing care residential community.
- Does My Parent Have Alzheimer’s disease?
- How to Manage Aging Parents?
- Senior LCP provide seniors and their families, expertise and resources they need to better navigate the many complexities associated with aging.
- What’s changed in 6 years since the 2005 PBS Show? Nothing!!!!
- Estimated costs for different types of senior care
- How to Hire a Home Care Provider for Your Aging Parents
- Some More Medicaid Myths
- Five More Medicaid Myths
- Five Medicaid Myths
- Aging Parents – Asset Protection – Medicaid
- Aging Parents – Overwhelmed and Confused Part II
- Aging Parents – Overwhelmed and Confused
- Join Senior Life Care Planning for an important and educational seminar by an Accredited VA attorney, David Wingate, about the VA’s Aid & Attendance Benefit.
- When to place someone with dementia in an assisted living facility or nursing home is a very emotional and difficult decision.
- With the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease for your aging parent, it is an alarming event for them and the family.
- How Will You Take Care of Your Aging Parents?
- Is your aging parent a veteran or a veteran’s surviving spouse?
Aid and attendance
- Department of Treasury Mandatory Use of Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) System or Direct Express® Debit MasterCard® Program
- What home care and assisted living advantages can be found for veterans and their surviving spouses?
- Veterans are missing out on benefits they’ve earned
- If a veteran transfers an income fund, how does the VA look at the income, and does it matter?
- Can a veteran apply for Aid and Attendance benefits, if spouse has dementia?
- Does workman’s compensation count as veteran’s income on the VA A&A application?
- Here’s a reminder of a benefit, called the Aid and Attendance, which can cover nearly $2,000 a month of such costs for qualifying veterans, depending on the situation.
- Attention Veterans – Stationed in Thailand between 1961 thru 1975.
- Does a Veteran’s Aid & Attendance pension counts as income for the nursing home, when you are on Medicaid?
- Asbestos – Compensation for Veterans
- Attention Vietnam Veterans: You were exposed to Agent Orange – Get Help
- Attention Senior Veterans – What Do You Know About Aid and Attendance?
- What is VA Accreditation?
- Saluting our Senior Veterans
- What’s the proper way to notify the VA of the death of a veteran receiving Aid and Attendance?
- What happens if a Vietnam Veteran, who was exposed to Agent Orange, dies before his service connected claim is finalized?
- Can a veteran’s mother make a claim for Aid and Attendance?
- Veteran resides at an assisted living facility but wants to retain her home?
- Will the VA take into account the spouse’s assets if there is a legal separation (rather than divorce?)
- What happens to a Veteran’s VA Benefits if they receive Medicaid?
- Can a Veteran have both service connected and non-service connected benefits?
- What is the difference, by the VA, between a licensed health professional and non-licensed for caregiving?
- What VA Benefits are Available for a Service Connected Veteran’s Surviving Spouse?
- Can your net worth disqualify you from VA Benefits?
- What is countable income for veteran’s AID AND ATTENDANCE eligibility purposes?
- Many Veterans and their families are uniformed that the Veterans Administration has benefits that pay for home care providers.
- If a veteran is receiving Medicaid but is not residing in a nursing home, will the veteran’s benefit be $90?
- Veteran “moves in” with adult child, keep veteran’s residence, what do you do with rental income?
- Veteran has a Partial Interest in Property – No Transfer Involved
- Veteran Transferring a Partial Interest in Property to Person in Household
- Veteran Transferring a Partial Interest in Property to Person Outside Household
- Is a remarried veteran’s spouse entitled to Veterans Benefits?
- Can a Veteran receive service connected benefits and aid & attendance?
- Can a veteran transfer all his assets to his child that he is residing with?
- Son is giving Veteran Money is this Countable re Pension or A & A?
- What is the maximum amount of VA burial benefits that are available?
- How is a NSC Veteran determined 100% disabled?
- Businesses soliciting ALF for Veteran’s Applications
- VA consequences of Surviving Spouse, approved for Aid and Attendance, moving to a new Assisted Living Facility.
- Surviving spouse who deceased husband was 100% service related disabled, is she entitled to Aid and Attendance?
- Does the VA consider prior medical expenses for a VA application?
- Attention Vietnam Veterans and Their Families!!!
- The VA has introduced a new shortened application form 21-257EZ in lieu of the 21-526 application.
- Is a Veteran’s condo exempt?
- Are Veterans Long Term Care Insurance Premiums of Well Spouse deductible as out of pocket expenses?
- Most Veterans are unaware that the Veterans Administration has benefits that pay for in home care providers and Assisted Living Facilities.
- What happens when a home owning veteran sells their home?
- How can a home owning veteran afford an assisted living facility?
- How does a veteran withdraw an informal request, if over resources?
- Can widow of retired USAF receive money from the VA, if she was not married at time of service?
- Does a veteran have to be aged 65 or older to receive A&A?
- Veteran’s daughter is providing services to Veteran: talking to physicians, employees at the assisted living facility, paying all bills etc can she be paid?
- Veteran has a vacation property, in addition to their home, is it countable?
- Asserting that VA failed to fulfill its duty to assist the veteran
- A Veteran, 50 years later, filed a claim for compensation for a service-connected back injury.
- Veterans of Frederick and Montgomery County, Maryland can now get help accessing benefits and programs offered by federal and state governments to assist veterans
- VDC eligibility and determination
- The VA has a “presumptive conditions” policy that entitles certain veterans, survivors, and dependents, to a presumption of service-connection.
- Program distinctions between Social Security Disability “SSDI” and Veterans Disability Compensation “VDC”
- The differences between Veterans Disability Compensation program (VDC) and the Social Security Disability Insurance program
- An organization called Veterans Affairs Services is providing benefit and general information on VA and gathering personal information on veterans.
- Most veterans, over 65, and their families are not aware of Aid and Attendance.
- Veteran lives with daughter, can she charge rent?
- Is a business interest a countable asset for VA benefit purposes?
- Would separated spouse be eligible for VA benefits?
- The difference between SSDI and Veterans Benefits – Part 2
- What is the difference between SSDI and VA benefits?
- Veterans are missing out on benefits they’ve earned
- How the does the VA look at an asset in a trust?
- No service number on the veteran’s DD214 just a social security number, what do you do for a Merchant Marine?
- WWI Veteran still alive at 109.
- If veteran was denied VA benefits, when can file a new application?
- The VA has begun distributing disability benefits to Vietnam Veterans who qualify for compensation under recently liberalized rules for Agent Orange exposure.
- FREE VA Benefits Workshop on December 8, at 9.00am, The Support Center, Rockville
- Senior Life Care Planning offers you independent advice about home care versus assisted living facilities.
- How does a reverse mortgage effect assets or income with regards to VA Pension with A and A?
- If you are a veteran or spouse/surviving spouse of a veteran and over the age of 65, or know of a loved one or friend who is, you owe it to yourself to come
- How to qualify for aid and attendance
- aid-and-attendance benefit pays a maximum of $1,949 a month to qualified married veterans.
- Aid and Attendance is an underused Veteran’s benefit.
- Is the Surviving Spouse’s education expenses deductible?
- What documentation should you submit to the VA for family daily services?
- What is VA Benefit Form 21-8049?
- How do veterans qualify to get medical care at a VA hospital?
- Does the veteran need a divorce or is a legal separation sufficient to obtain veterans benefits?
- What would be the benefit amount a widow would receive from Aid and Attendance?
- How does the VA treat payments made by children to Veteran?
- What are VA priority 4 benefits?
- What is the best method for modifying the original claim to get additional UME?
- A NSC veteran, who needs a lot of help, wheelchair bound, and resides in an assisted living facility, was forced to the VA medical center for a medical.
- How does the VA rate a disability?
- Does a veteran have to die before the divorced spouse can collect A&A?
- Can a war veteran claim – child support order – a dependant?
- Can a surviving spouse may qualify for pension, compensation, or dependency and indemnity compensation?
- The VA stopped Veterans Benefits because the VA sent the EVR’s to the facility, rather than his agent.
- How do I request the Presidential Memorial?
- Get Independent Advice Through Senior Life Care Planning
- What is necessary for a Vet to qualify for A&A while living in an Independent Living Facility?
- Veteran’s widow and remarriages – Veterans Benefits available?
- A veteran cannot receive both SC compensation and NSC pension.
- Korea veteran rated 100% disabled – ALS, receiving $2,769/month from VA, is also entitled to other veteran’s benefits.
- Financial Advisors will tell a veteran or veteran’s spouse there assets must be below a certain amount.
- Veteran was a POW in WWII and had 100% service disability. Is widow entitled to DIC benefits?
- A typical Veteran’s Benefits appeal process
- Can second wife keep veteran’s benefits after he dies?
- Can veteran’s children be reimbursed by veteran with retroactive payments when approval occurs?
- Veteran’s children are paying for caregiver costs, are these VA Unreimbursed Medical Expenses?
- Veteran’s children are paying for caregiver costs, are these VA Unreimbursed Medical Expenses?
- Veteran’s Beware – Make sure you investigate your Service Connected Pension!
- Veteran’s Benefits – DIC for widow of POW
- A “Village” in the world of the aging is an organized network of volunteers dedicated to doing what is needed for seniors to stay in their homes.
- A veteran can receive full military retirement (through the DOD) and full VA pension.
- The payment to a non-spouse family member for a Veteran’s care can be used as UME, provided money is exchanged.
- In regards to VA Benefits, any interest or dividends related to stocks, CDs, or bonds that create a 1099 are considered income
- A fact sheet issued by VA Health Care states that all veterans stationed at Camp Lejeune from 1957-1987 should have been contacted through a mail campaign initiated by the Department of the Navy.
- Although Veteran’s Widow cannot receive A & A, she can file for the additional DIC benefit of $286.00 per month
- Is there a time frame a surviving spouse has to file after her husband’s death to receive Veteran’s Benefits?
- Can a totally disabled, service connected Veteran receive Social Security benefits and Veteran’ Benefits?
- How do you obtain a Purple Heart?
- What is the effect of reducing assets when a VA benefit’s claim has been filed and pending?
- The surviving spouse cannot collect any deceased veteran’s benefits.
- What is the Vet entitled, in regard to VA Benefits?
- Regarding VA Benefits, what is “Presumptive” Service Connection?
- When converting an IRA to an immediate annuity for VA purposes, the immediate annuity does not have to have an actuarially sound pay-out.
- Is there a waiting period before re-applying for Veteran’s Benefits?
- Regarding Veteran’s Benefits – What is a Survivor Benefit Plan?
- A Veteran filed an initial lock in date, for Veteran’s Benefits,but has yet to file an application because Asset Planning is required, can the planning cause the claim to be rejected?
- Is their an organization or group that is willing or able to serve as personal representative and fiduciary, for the veteran, if they have no family etc?
- The VA requested that the Assisted Living Facility monthly charge be broken down into Base Rate and Medical & Nursing Services, to be eligible for Veteran’s Benefits.
- Why a world war two veteran was denied Aid and Attendance at an assisted living facility?
- What do you do when a Veteran is physically unable to sign documents?
- If the client is already receiving the maximum widow’s pension (residing in assisted living facility) and her exempt home is sold, can the spouse protect any of the assets?
- If a Veteran dies before benefits are approved, is the spouse eligible for any benefits?
- Are Supplemental Security Income counted as income by the VA?
- Watch this Chicago Honor Flight Video.
- How do annuities work for VA A & A?
- Should I use an annuity to get Aid and Attendance?
- For VA aid and attendance, can a Veteran use his rent payment as well as his medical expenses?
- What happens when you receive a VA denial because the VA looses paperwork?
- Can a daughter sign the Vet’s application?
- Unless an individual or organization is accredited with the VA, they cannot complete, assist, or consult on any VA application.
- Should a Veteran use an annuity for planning?
- Can a Vet transfer funds directly to his daughter?
- What do you do when a Veteran’s records were destroyed in the St. Louis fire?
- If you are age 65 and married, the odds are 75 percent that you or your spouse will need long-term care.
- When can a Veteran or Surviving Spouse collect the maximium Aid and Attendance?
- A VA adjudicator called the facility and asked if the facility provided “medical care” to the vet, and the facility said “No”.
- the VA adjudicator called the facility and asked if the facility provided “medical care” to the vet, and the facility said “No”.
- If my mother sells her house before moving into Assisted Living, does she have to count that money as income?
- The VA did not consider prescription co-pays as there is no ability to predict their on-going requirement.
- What is the VA procedure of a DRO and a BVA?
- There are a number of financial organizations that abuse seniors and those who refer to them, if they knew or should have known that the senior (or disabled) was likely to be financially abused.
- WWII veteran had a previous marriage in the 1950’s, the Veteran recently died, and daughter filing for VA Benefits for Mom, who has dementia. Daughter asked do I need to disclose previous marriage?
- An Accredited VA Claims Agent discusses how many senior care providers are “not compliant” with the current VA regulations on assisting veterans
- A Client asked what VA benefits can I collect?
- Why was I denied DIC benefits related to Parkinson’s Disease?
- If a Veteran’s widowed spouse is residing in her daughter’s home and daughter is providing caregiving services, can the payments under a personal caregiver agreement count as UME?
- Can a disabled veteran (service connected), receive non-service compensation such as base pension+housebound+Aid and Attendance?
- The VA has a specific webpage / website for the surviving spouses and dependents of military personnel who died while in active military service and to the survivors of veterans who died after active service.
- Republicans “pledge” to slash veterans benefits
- FREE VA Benefits and Mediciad Workshop
- Free Canes for Veterans
- VA Commercial re Veterans Benefits
- Medicaid – A ticking Time Bomb
- What are the co-payments for Veterans (PART 2)?
- What are the co-payments for Veterans (PART 1)?
- What is covered under VA health care?
- Who is eligible for VA Health Care?
- How to apply for VA Benefits
- VA Disability Compensation
- How to Enroll for VA Health Benefits
- According to a 2006 MetLife Study, at least 60 percent of employed caregivers, reported making work adjustments because of caregiving.
- If my mother sells her house before moving into Assisted Living, does she have to count that money as income?
- Veterans Advocates Group of America, LLC announced that David Wingate of Senior Life Care Planning, LLC, Maryland, attended its Fall VA conference on VA Benefits held in October 7-8, 2010 at Saint Louis, Missouri.
- Are you a widow of a veteran, if so, you may be entitled to VA compensation?
- The President was asked, “at the VA sometimes my father doesn’t get the care and the service that he should,” and “he put his blood, his sweat and his tears into this country and doesn’t always get the type of care that he deserves.
- “Taking advantage of Veterans”
- What is a presumptive condition?
- Seniors are resistant to care; whether their own child or a professional provides assistance.
- You need to be aware of self described “veterans advocates” who are in fact unscrupulous investment advisors.
- “I don’t want my kids to become my caregiver. Therefore, if the time comes along that I can no longer care for myself, I want to go to a retirement community or nursing home, so they do not have to worry or do anything”
- What Can Senior Life Care Planning Do for Me?
- The Newark VA Regional Office gets 29 % of disability claims wrong
- Filing for VA Disability Benefits
- A veterans’ benefits bill is being sent for President Obama’s consideration.
- Providing Care For Someone With Alzheimer’s Disease.
- How Do I Make Sure That Home Health Care Is Quality Care?
- Most people think that we do wills, trusts and power of attorneys. Although, we do prepare estate planning documents, the major focus for Senior Life Care Planning, is to provide advocacy care services
- A comprehensive veterans’ benefits bill is headed to the White House for President Obama’s approval.
- Through spouse’s, love and affection, is he abusing his wife?
- Working with a financial advisor, who is “advising” on preparing the VA application, and how to obtain VA Benefits, if NOT ACCREDITATED is against the law.
- Accredited VA Attorney Elder Speaks about VA Benefits
- The Senior Life Care Planning, LLC Leads the Way in Comprehensive Services Designed to Help Families Select Nursing Homes and Maintain Quality Long-Term Care
- “If I can no longer take care of myself, or my spouse, can I automatically go to the VA nursing home?”
- With a presumptive condition or death, it is presumed. the veteran served in a certain arena or time the military service was the cause of condition or death.
- The idea of Assisted Living is tremendously appealing – an older individual receiving necessary care and services in a home-like environment, while retaining choice and autonomy.
- The VA is launching a multi-year initiative called Veterans Relationship Management (VRM) that will greatly improve Veterans’ access to health care and benefits information.
- SLCP hosts meetings for veterans and families to learn about VA benefits
- Beware of VA and Medicaid information on the internet, even from professional sources
- Is your Independant Financial Advisor Accredited?
- The House Veterans’ Affairs Committee passed various bills.
- The RAPID Claims Act goes before the House of Representatives
- Symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease
- Our Life Care Planning & Elder Care Practice addresses senior citizens concerns.
- The VA Has Issues of Room and Board at the Assisted Living Facility.
- Home May Lose Exempt Status for VA Benefits
- Incomplete VA Form By the Assisted Living Facility.
- Issues with Physician’s Report – For VA Benefits.
- VA Tightens Eligibility for Assisted Living and Home Health Benefits
- Funny Prayer about Getting Old at the Caregiver of the Year Dinner
- VA Burial Allowances
- New VA Health Care and Benefits Provided for Many Vietnam Veterans
- Vietnam Vets, Agent Orange, and Type 2 Diabetes
- Some Frequent VA Aid and Attendance Questions
- Aid and Attendance – Questions and Answers, Contd.
Alzheimer's Disease
- Poor Financial Decision-Making Can Be a Sign of Dementia or Alzheimer’s
- Study Pinpoints Alzheimer’s Plaque Emergence Early and Deep in the Brain
- “You’re Not Alone: Living as an Alzheimer’s Caregiver” Answers to your Questions – Part 5
- “You’re Not Alone: Living as an Alzheimer’s Caregiver” Answers to your Questions – Part 4
- “You’re Not Alone: Living as an Alzheimer’s Caregiver” Answers to your Questions – Part 3
- “You’re Not Alone: Living as an Alzheimer’s Caregiver” Answers to your Questions – Part 2
- “You’re Not Alone: Living as an Alzheimer’s Caregiver” Answers to your Questions
- Deep Brain ‘Zap’ Restores Vivid Memories to Alzheimer’s Patients
- Research Shines Light on Why Women More Likely to Develop Alzheimer’s
- Anxiety Complicates Life for Dementia Patients and Their Caregivers
- You Are Not Alone – Find Answers In The Book
- You’re Not Alone – Living With Alz. Disease
- The Mobile Game That Can Detect Alzheimer’s Risk
- Diagnosis Alzheimer’s – Now What?
- A Senior’s Weakness for Scams May Be Warning Sign of Dementia
- Are You Caring For Someone with Alzheimer’s Disease?
- The Link Between Alzheimer’s and Menopause
- David Wingate with Julie Steinbacher at the National Alliance of Attorneys for Alheimer’s Planning
- David Wingate is a founding member of The National Alliance of Attorneys for Alzheimer’s Planning (“N3AP”)
- Early Signs and Symptoms of Alzheimer’s
- Wandering
- What’s the Dollar Cost of Caring for a Loved One With Alzheimer’s?
- Actuaries Shouldn’t Bet on a Cure for Alzheimer’s Any Time Soon
- Caring for someone with Alzheimer’s…real world strategies that work.
- David Wingate was at the Movies.
- Photo’s of Martini and a Movie – For Alzheimer’s Awareness Month
- David Wingate presenting an Alzheimer’s seminar at Sunrise
- David Wingate at the Alzheimer’s Association Caregiver Conference
- Today, Sunrise of Frederick Invites You to Dine or Dash for Dinner – For Alz. Assoc.
- Western Maryland Dementia Conference
- Would you please support our efforts to raise awareness of Alzheimer’s disease?
- September 21 is World Alzheimer’s Action Day
- Alzheimer’s Association “Walk To End Alzheimer’s” on Sunday, October 20 th, 2013.
- Alzheimer’s Association – Transitions of Care
- David Wingate donates $500 to the Alzheimer Association
- Dementia Care Cost Will Double By 2040
- White House BRAIN Initiative Challenges Researchers to Unlock Mysteries of Human Mind
- Caring for a person with Alzheimer’s is hard work.
- Dealing With Alzheimer’s Disease
- New Resource On Dementia Care
- Defense of Assumption of Risk Bars Claim in In-Home Caregiver’s Negligence Action Against Alzheimer’s Patient (Cal. App.)
- Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Outlines Path to Test Alzheimer’s Drugs Earlier
- Tips to help concerned individuals speak with their loved one about a possible need for memory screening.
- John Hopkins a procedure that may help combat Alzheimer’s disease.
- Being an Alzheimer’s caregiver around the holidays can be like waiting for a bomb to go off.
- Sundowning Planning
- The Bad News: Dementia Cases Expected to Triple Worldwide by 2050
- We are supporting the National Memory Screening Day (NMSD)
- The Good News: Genetically Altered Mouse May Help Lead to Alzheimer’s Advances
- “Everyday” Drugs Could Combat Alzheimer’s
- November is National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness month. Join us for a FREE showing of The Notebook.
- Elder Law Firm Supports Conference as Sponsor
- Elder Law Office participated in the Walk to End Alzheimer’s.
- The Walk To End Alzheimer’s on Oct. 21 at Maryland School for the Deaf, Frederick, MD
- Alzheimer’s Disease – Latest Outlook
- Afternoon At The Movies
- Alzheimer’s Association Greater Maryland Chapter held a Town Hall Meeting
- the Law Office is walking in the “Walk to End Alzheimer’s” – make a donation.
- Alzheimer’s disease affects young people not just seniors.
- Coping with stigma created by people living with the Alzheimer’s disease
- The Stigma Attached to Alzheimer’s Disease
- How to help someone with Alzheimer’s Disease
- 10 warning signs of Alzheimer’s Disease
- Retired pro football players seem to have higher-than-average risks of dying from Alzheimer’s.
- Alzheimer’s disease hits women harder than men, even when both are at the same stage of the disease.
- Caregivers of Alzheimer’s suffer more than they do
- Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease
- If you’re a caregiver for someone with Alzheimer’s, here are some recommendations
- The nearly 15 million Americans are caring for persons with Alzheimer’s Disease.
- The Supreme Court’s decision on Obamacare is a triumph for people with Alzheimer’s Disease
- Art Therapy For Alzheimer’s Patients
- Can You Sign A Will If You Have Alzheimer’s Disease?
- family members hesitate to take their loved one to a doctor, fearing that the diagnosis will in fact turn out to be Alzheimer’s
- Is your family dealing with Alzheimer’s disease?
- The High Emotional—And Financial—Cost of Alzheimer’s Disease
- The Alzheimer’s Association Greater Maryland Chapter’s Awareness Video
- The Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s™ is the nation’s largest event to raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer’s care, support and research.
- National Plan To Address Alzheimer’s Disease
- How to fight Alzheimer’s Disease
- 5 steps to prevent boomers’ poor health from bankrupting America
- The Begining of an Alzheimer’s Epidimic?
- The diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease is a devastating, life-altering blow.
- What are Risk Factors for Alzheimer’s Disease?
- How do you and your Physician interect upon learning you have Alzheimer’s Disease?
- The U.S. government has set a target, to effectively treat and prevent Alzheimer’s disease, by the year 2025.
- Know the early warning signs of Alzheimer’s Disease
- Why is an early diagnosis crucial for people with Alzheimer’s Disease?
- Wishful Thinking is Not a Treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease
- Reminiscing can help an Alzheimer’s patient remember past
- Is there a difference between dementia and Alzheimer’s disease?
- Sundowning with Alzheimer’s common and difficult behavior
- I’m Often Asked What Alzheimer’s Books Do You Recommend?
- 1 in 7 people with Alzheimer’s or other dementia livesalone
- Don’t confuse normal aging with Alzheimer’s Disease (AD)
- ALZConnected (, powered by the Alzheimer’s Association, is a new online social networking community
- Aggression, Agitation, Shouting, Hallucinations… How Do You Handle Aberrant Behaviors?
- Caring for a Loved One with Alzheimer’s Disease?
- Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia
- Types of Dementia
- Effective treatments for Alzheimer’s by 2025?
- Don’t Dismiss the early signs of dementia as normal aging.
- Knowing the warning signs of Alzheimer’s disease is important because it may lead to an early diagnosis
- 5 Problems and Solutions for People with Alzheimer’s Disease
- What are the Symptoms of Mild Sate Alzheimer’s Disease?
- What are the symptoms of Moderate Stage Alzheimer’s Disease?
- Legal Planning for People With Alzheimer’s Disease
- Undetected dementia results in lack of assistance for seniors and the care providers.
- Employees with Dementia?
- Is Alzheimer’s Disease Causing Distress in Your Family? Is Caregiving Affecting Your Work and Finances?
- Living with Alzheimer’s disease is very difficult for the individuals affected and their loved ones.
- An Alzheimer’s diagnosis is a devastating blow, one that requires immediate action to ensure the financial resources built over a lifetime can sustain a person through this progressive and fatal disease.
- Long-Term Care Insurance Comes Of Age
- The profit motive in hospice has become a greater concern as for-profits hospices have expanded.
- Earlier detection and with it the possibility of earlier, more effective treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease.
- Symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia – Parietal Lobe Damage
- Are the memory problems of the person you care for, symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.
- Doctors serve on the front lines when cognitive impairment starts creating financial chaos.
- Members of Congress Discuss Importance of Advocacy
- Preparing for your Doctor’s visit if you suspect Alzheimer’s Disease
- Early Identification – Alzheimer’s Association Ten Warning Signs
- Over the last 30 years, researchers have made remarkable progress in understanding healthy brain function and what goes wrong in Alzheimer’s disease.
- The hope for future Alzheimer’s disease drugs
- What is Alzheimer’s Disease?
- Many families or their loved ones’ doctors often wait too long to order hospice.
- A FREE Alzheimer’s Tool Kit is available at NCCDP
- The Johns Hopkins Health Alerts Guide to Understanding Dementia
- Caregiver Dealing with Dementia Wandering Issues
- Caregiver dealing with Dementia Aggression Issues
- Caregiver dealing with Dementia Repetitive Questions, Repetitive Phrases or Movements, Anxiety and Hostility
- Dealing Confusion with Dementia
- Non verbal communication with person with dementia.
- Communicating with a loved one with dementia can be very frustrating for both.
- The most common types of dementia.
- What is Dementia?
- What is Pallative Care?
- Alzheimer’s Association 10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s disease
- A person with dementia may be at risk for wandering
- A few tips to help you reduce the risk of wandering
- Watch for warning signs that your parents may need help, not just at the holidays, but for the rest of their life.
- Seniors who require assistance in their activities of daily living can receive care and still remain in their own homes, by a Home Care agency.
- Alzheimer ’s Disease International (ADI) REPORT focuses on the economic impact of dementia and contains the current findings on this disease.
- Seniors Should Utilize a Medical Alert System
- Whether you are caregiver, spouse, child, friend, Senior Life Care Planning’s comprehensive services will help you, and help your loved one.
- Senior Life Care Planning works with individuals and families as advocates for their care, residence, and assets.
- What is an Elder Care Coordinator and Do I Need One?
- an increasing number of people will have to remain employed past their anticipated retirement age.
- Learn about legal and practical issues that are likely to occur in providing care of your loved one at the Alzheimer’s Support Group at Country Meadows, Frederick, Maryland
- New research shows that one of the first signs of impending dementia is an inability to understand money and credit, contracts and agreements.
- Caring for aging parents is a concern no matter where they live in another state or close by.
- A basic package includes about a dozen motion sensors placed strategically around a house. They can provide adult children with a stunningly detailed rundown of a parent’s day.
- What’s In A Wired Home?
- Alzheimer families and the holidays: Tips to enjoy the season (Part 2)
- Alzheimer families and the holidays: Tips to enjoy the season (Part 1)
- “We promised Mum never to put her in a nursing home.”
- A few decades ago, the average life expectancy was in the late 60’s and early 70’s. Additionally, the community and family took care of the aging.
- When do I place my spouse in a nursing home?
- Long-term care insurance (LTCI), also known as nursing home insurance, is the only form of insurance that will pay for long-term nursing home care.
- Advice about how to pick a team of professional financial advisors
- Senior Life Care Planning finds and accesses services for veterans, through VA benefits, and seniors through Medicare, Medicaid and other governmental or private resources.
- More people should consider hiring an Elder Care manager to help them.
- There is growing need in this country for improvements in care for the elderly.
- Are assisted living facilities right for me?
- What do you do, if you and your siblings cannot agree on Mum’s care?
- How Do You Take Care of Mom – Long Distance
- The HOPE for Alzheimer’s Act
- Our government currently lacks a national strategic plan for dealing with dementia.
Asset Protection
- Win a copy of “Tax – Free Money for Long-Term Care” book
- What Is Estate Planning, & Why Is It Important?
- Spending Down Assets to Qualify for Medicaid
- What Happens To My Debts If I Die
- Protecting Your Assets from the Nursing Home (Contd.)
- “Instructions” in your financial power of attorney are key to how those assets can be protected for you and for your loved ones
- The case of “The Countable Chickens.”
- Why Plan to Pay for Long-Term Care (Nursing Home) Expenses
- Protecting Your home From the Nursing Home.
- If proper asset protection planning for nursing home care and estate planning are not done in advance, it can put your loved one at risk financially.
- Who Will Pay for the Nursing Home?
- What is the look back period for Medicaid?
- Steps to a create a Family Caregiving Agreement
- How to avoid probate, save estate taxes, protect assets from nursing home costs
- Making a loan
- “Taxes are a heavy component of estate planning, but it is important to be alert for other issues.”
- Transfers to Children of Medicaid Applicant in Exchange for Promissory Notes Not Actuarially Sound
- One of the main goals of asset protection is to settle the case before it gets to court.
- One of the most common estate planning mistakes that people make is joint ownership.
- Be Sure Your Life Insurance Is “Life Insurance”
- If you’re paying on a life insurance policy — or you’ve ever bought one — track it down and give your heirs complete information about it: Where the paperwork is, the policy number, the insurance company, the agent who sold it to you, etc.
- These cases confirm a perhaps obvious intuition—that fraudulent transfers can prove counter-productive at best, and disastrous at worst.
Assisted Living Facility
- Assisted Living Facilities Struggle to Meet the Needs of Dementia Patients
- New Guide Helps Consumers Find Information on Assisted Living Facilities
- Assisted Living Consumer Alliance (ALCA) Webinar Recordings Available
- Assisted Living Staff Nurse Refuses to Provide CPR to Dying Resident
- Free Tools to Find an Eldercare Facility
- Assisted Living Prices Increasing
- Benefits of Assisted Living Facilities
- Assisted Living Statistics / Report
- Assisted Living Facilities may not be what you think. In fact, many are like 5 star hotels.
- The boomer generation wants to live among other generations they don’t necessarily want to be segregated.
- How Can You Challenge An Increased Bill At An Assisted Living Facility
- Driving a Bargain for Long-Term Care
- The cost of nursing homes and other assisted living facilities continues to rise significantly.
- Claims Denials or Delays With Long Term Care Insurance.
- If you are struggling, overwhelmed, and lost as a long distance or local parent caregiver, we at Senior Life Care Planning, are your “eyes and ears”.
- Senior Life Care Planning provides you with a professional care coordinator to help you navigate the aging process.
- Santa Claus isn’t just for kids, it’s also for the elderly.
- For healthy seniors who want their own space and freedom, senior independent living is an ideal residential option.
- Where should the senior move too?
- Aging parents can pose a problem for their baby boomer children.
- Senior Life Care Planning’s workshop educates seniors, their families and professionals about common mistakes, myths and concerns related to aging.
- Where can you find care at home or at an assisted living facility?
- A 2009 survey found that 14.5% of the U.S. population – about one of every seven of us – is responsible for the care of a disabled person age 50 or over, up 28% since 2004.
- Family Dynamics, & Medicare Patient Rights and Ethical Issues for Social Workers Seminar
- LTCI holders can be stuck with astronomically rising premiums
- As the holiday season is fast approaching, take time when you visit your parent’s house to review and plan their health and care situation.
- If you have aging parents you may have to decide that staying at home is not an option anymore.
- Who do the Senior Life Care case manager’s do?
- What is the Difference between an Assisted Living Facility and a Nursing Home?
- What do you do when a parent has become increasingly infirm, had an accident or medical emergency that living alone is not an option?
- The challenges of elder’s choosing the right resources that are available, is daunting.
- Long-Term Care Insurance v. Medicaid Trust?
- Although, there are laws in place, elder abuse continues in staggering numbers.
- Young at Heart Video
Baby Boomers
Current Affairs
- Seniors Drawn to Alternative Housing Arrangements
- States Focus on Rise of Elderly Populations
- Aging Population Leads to Physician Shortage
- What Millennials Get Wrong about Social Security
- Chinese Americans Face Increased Risk of Elder Abuse
- Uninsured Rate Rises Under Trump
- AARP’s Livability Index
- In the Face of Hurricane Dorian, Florida Governor Says State Contacting Nursing Homes
- Why America Is Failing to Feed Its Aging
- Civility: George Washington’s 110 Rules for Today
- FHA Eases Condo Rules, Expanding Reverse Mortgage Market
- Financial Abuse of Older Adults by Family Members More Common Than Scams by Strangers
- Bankruptcy Among the Elderly Is On the Rise
- Pelosi Guides House Democrats Down Careful ‘Medicare for All’ Path
- House to Vote on Bipartisan Retirement Bill in May
- Democratic Proposals to Overhaul Health Care: A 2020 Primer
- How the Gender Pay Gap Hurts Women’s Retirement, 401(k) Plans
- House Democrats Launch Drug Pricing Investigation into 12 Major Companies
- ACL Profiles East Bay Area Olmstead Integration Program
- World’s Oldest Known Person Dies at Age 116
- AMTRAK Has Failed to Comply with ADA, Department of Justice Finds
- In Some States, a New Focus on Family Caregivers
- Theme Parks Strive to Attract More Senior Visitors
- Hospitals Charge Uninsured More Than 10 Times Cost of Care, Study Finds
- Few States Have Contingency Plans if Supreme Strike Down Health Law Subsidies
- American Medical Association (AMA) Proposes Competency Tests for Aging Doctors
- SEC Commissioners Urge Beefed-Up Elderly Protection
- Local Business and Nonprofit to Hold Benefit for Frederick County Meals on Wheels
- Guide Helps Hospitalized Medicare Beneficiaries When the “Observation Status” Virus Strikes
- Dealing With The Fighting Family – Seminar – Oct. 23 rd
- Federal Government Shutdown Update
- Affordable Care Act Deadlines You Need to Know
- How Will the Shutdown Affect You?
- Enroll America Toolkit to Enroll the “Presumptive Eligible” Individual
- International Task Force Releases Report on Abuse of Persons with Disabilities Around the World
- New MD Case Law – Deed Acquired Through Fraud by Son From Dying Mother (Md. App.)
- For Many Dying Elderly in Bay Area, Aggressive Cancer Treatment Despite Their Wishes
- Indiana’s Aging Prison Population Presents Health Care Challenges
- News You Can Use: A Glass of Wine a Day Keeps Depression Away
- FAQs about the Individual Mandate
- Boomer Report Corps Project Recruits Older Citizen Journalists
- Upcoming ABA Webinar Will Provide Overview of UAGPPJA
- Federal Agencies Release Retirement Toolkit
- New Resource From National Institute on Aging (NIA) to Detect Cognitive Impairment in Older Adults
- New Senate Committee Report Finds That States Have Failed to Achieve Olmstead Objectives
- Changes to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPPA)
- AARP Report Argues For Expanding Caregivers’ Work Leave Options
- CMS Issues Proposed Rule on Health Insurance Marketplace
- Saying Goodbye to Kimura – the Oldest Man Who Ever Lived
- Center for Medicare Advocacy (CMA) Submits Joint Testimony to Congress on Medicare Reform Proposals
- Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Issues Revised Publications on the Employment Rights of People With Specific Disabilities
- National Prescription Drug Take-Back Initiative
- Department of Justice (DOJ) Launches New Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Website
- In Contrast to Boomers, Millenials Are “Super Savers”
- Former CMS Administrator Talks About Improving Quality of Care
- Law Commission of Ontario Launches New Project on Registered Disability Savings Plans (RDSPs)
- Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Launches Patient Network Website
- Department of Justice Issues New Guidance on Accessible Design and Construction of Multifamily Housing
- “Cost of Dying” Series Now Available Online and as an IPad App
- Fundraiser for Meals on Wheels Today at Mamma Luucia, Frederick
- Support Friends of Meals on Wheels at Mama Lucia’s, Frederick, on May 1, 2013
- Interactive Educational Curriculum on Assessing the Capacity of Older Adults
- Frederick County Meals on Wheels Fundraiser Pancake Breakfast on April 6, 2013
- Reducing Corporate Risk And Expense: Your Employees And Elder Care
- Frederick County Meals on Wheels Fundraiser Pancake Breakfast April 6, 2013
- House Republican FY 2014 Budget Released
- Sequester’s Cuts – Where the Real Pain Would Be
- What the Sequester’s Cuts Will Mean for Seniors
- 2013 HHS Poverty Guidelines
- Administration releases rules for health insurance under ACA
- HHS Issues New Proposed Rules for Affordable Care Act Implementation
- Asperger’s Disorder Dropped from DSM-5
- Brain Changes Make Elderly More Vulnerable to Scams
- A state-based health insurance exchange in 2014
- What Do the Election Results Mean for Seniors?
- AARP Foundation Establishes Relief Fund for Victims of Superstorm Sandy
- The Affordable Care Act Helps Americans with Disabilities
- Now that the votes are counted (almost all of them, anyway) and President Obama has a second term, what does it mean for seniors?
- Md. woman sentenced to 6 years in prison for $7M Medicaid fraud
- The White Huse States That Obamacare Will Do the Following
- Supreme Court Ruling on Health Reform Upholds Key Benefits for Seniors
- ObamaCare: Victory for Elderly, Less for Near Elderly
- Outsmarting the Scam Artist
- Redefining the ‘Small’ in Small Business
- New legislation aims to keep skilled workers in the country if they start companies that create American jobs
- Latest Small Business Research: The News is Not Too Bad”
- The Senate overwhelmingly passed legislation to overhaul the U.S. patent system, reviving a long-stalled effort and raising industry hopes that the biggest changes to patent laws in almost six decades could soon be enacted.
- The donut hole is and has been a big problem for Seniors but help is on the way!
- Small Business and Health Care
- the recession continues to affect state programs for older individuals and adults with physical disabilities
- More than 1.6 million Americans are expected to file for Bankruptcy this year, with 42% of filers citing “job loss” and another 65% citing “income reduction” as the determining factor.
- Medicare has never been an easy program to understand.
- interest bearing business checking accounts.
- SBA published a compliance guide to describe “in plain English” requirements to participate in the program.
- Go. O’Malley introduces program, which provides veterans and their families with unique opportunities to enjoy the rich natural habitats of Maryland
- a Website operated by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services that allows consumers to look up information comparing hospitals on quality — called Hospital Compare.
- Republican proposals to make changes to Social Security would result in benefit cuts for millions and put the program’s solvency in jeopardy
- Seniors were comparatively unharmed by the fall 2008 recession.
- The NCOA national education campaign called “Straight Talk for Seniors on Health Reform.” The program is intended to help senior’s understand the health reform law.
- Protections Against Health Insurance Companies
- No Social Security increase for Seniors
- Report examines incidence of preventable readmissions among dual-eligibles
- Elderly zombies still roam the earth…
- 83 industries in which women are underrepresented in the federal contracting marketplace
- Supreme Court to Hear Anna Nicole Smith Estate Claim to Late Husband’s Fortune
- The biggest provision of the The Small Business Jobs and Credit Act, and the one that gets the most attention, is the $30 billion loan provision. But there’s actually a lot that can help you.
- Access to Long-Term Services and Supports: A 50-State Survey of Medicaid Financial Eligibility Standards
- David Wingate and Jack Davidson, held an Ethics Seminar for Social Workers.
- Everyone who needs to wear a bracelet for dementia, diabetes, heart condition should wear one.
- Sign the Petition
- No Grandma-You Can’t Demand Only White Caregivers at the Nursing Home
- The Case Against Do-It-Yourself Wills – Celebrity Mistakes
- Giving to Charitable Trusts
- Caregiver racial and ethnic effects attitudes of caregivers of Alzheimer’s patients.
- Living Old – broken down
- Stung by the market, advisers are abandoning variable life for more stable universal life products.
- Stealing from Grandma and Grandpa
Elder Law
- How To Choose and Be a Health Care Proxy
- Worried About Long Term Care?
- Executor vs. Power of Attorney: What’s the Difference, & Can They Be the Same Person?
- Pennsylvania Group Takes First Steps to Protect Seniors
- 2015 Spousal Impoverishment and Home Equity Figures Released
- Arbitration in Trusts
- David Wingate receives AVVO’s Clients’ Choice Award for 2013!
- Older Americans Act Passes Senate HELP Committee
- Lawyers call it one of the most unique wills ever written.
- Customers who claim LegalZoom’s document-preparation services amount to the unauthorized practice of law won’t be able to take their case before a judge.
- Here is a video clip about what the clients of The Elder Law Office of David Wingate are saying.
- Elder Law Seminar – It’s Never Too Late To Think About Your Future
- Our “Peace of Mind” Process
- Living Wills and Advance Directives Affects Your Family As Well As You
- Advance Directives are a Must
- Maryland is replacing the DNR form with MOLST.
- Don’t be disappointed five years from now by the things you didn’t do today
- When Should I Review My Elder-Law Estate Plan?
- Over the next quarter century, the number of older Americans is projected to grow from 12 percent to 20 percent of the total population.
- IRS Scrutinizes Gifts of Real Estate
- What are the advantages of pre-arranging your funeral plans?
- Advice to baby boomers on spending their $8.4 trillion inheritance.
- If you or your loved one require the services of an Elder Care Attorney who will you call?
- New Efforts to Simplify End-of-Life Care Wishes
- Don’t elder law attorneys just work with families when they need to place an elderly relative in a nursing home?
- I’ve heard about Special Needs Trusts but what is a Pooled Trust?
- Free Elder Law and Medicaid Planning Workshop to be held on March 15 th and 16 th
- Why Seniors Require Asset Protection?
- Small businesses utilize the services of the Small Business Administration
- Tax break to self-employed senior paying Medicare Part B premiums.
- Just when you thought the estate tax had lost its bite, it turns out more states want to tax your estate.
- The difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion is the thickness of a prison wall.
- If you are turning 65 this year, first, let me congratulate you! However?
- IRS Clarification Regarding Charitable Donations
- What ia a Life Care Planning Attorney?
- The number of unmarried couples is on the rise, and with them a myriad of legal snarls and entanglements.
- You may be a cheerful charitable giver, but there’s no reason you shouldn’t also be a tax-savvy one!
- People age 65 and older are the fastest-growing segment of the population seeking bankruptcy protection.
- The new tax bill contains a little-known loophole that, if you act quickly, could save a big tax bite for those who want to make substantial gifts to grandchildren.
- The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 eliminates the option for health insurance companies to deny coverage for a preexisting condition
- A little-known aspect of the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 is the temporary waiver on fees for some loans guaranteed by the Small Business Administration (SBA).
- The suspicion should be nothing new, but Consumers Union and the LA Times recently released warnings about reverse mortgages, and it’s worthwhile to repeat them here.
- Obama Tax Proposal, it may be time to review your year-end tax planning?
- The President says the concept behind this compromise proposal is to help all persons that are in need, and allow the tax code to work in unison with recent bills on healthcare and small business.
- Reasons to have an estate plan.
- Middle-class tax cuts were being held hostage to the high-end tax cuts
- Medicare Explained
- Talking about money with family members is never easy. What’s even harder is if you are the child trying to talk about money with your parent(s), and harder still if you are an adult trying to talk about money with your Depression-era parents.
- Planning your estate is an important step in ensuring the financial security of your family when you are gone.
- When you start a business you have a lot of things to think about and remember, from prices and products to advertising and social media.
- Federal Estate Tax lapses in 2010 and Congress has not yet decided what to do about it.
- President Obama Signs Historic Communications Accessibility Act, Giving Disabled Americans Access to Popular Technologies
- A Federal court has ruled that an immediate annuity is not considered an asset for Medicaid qualification purposes.
- Billionaires get off estate tax free
- The Deficit Reduction Act really punishes seniors for helping their families, charities, religious organizations, grand-children etc.
- Nursing homes, patients win debt payments in Medicaid settlement
- Here are 10 tips for choosing an in-home caregiver:
- The estate tax – also known as the “death tax” or “inheritance tax” depending on one’s persuasion – has been suspended entirely for 2010.
- the Boston Globe reports the end of year holds some good news for retirement investors – thanks to new rules put into effect by the small business bill passed last month making Roth IRAs a more attractive option.
- IRA Required distributions, taxation and beneficiary designations are among the most often overlooked aspects of retirement planning
- When a lawyer permits a non-lawyer who markets living trust packages to hold out to the public that the lawyer will prepare the documents, the lawyer acts unethically.
- What is a Medicaid Friendly Irrevocable Trust?
- How do I become a more effective advocate for my loved one with special needs?
- What is the Medicaid Partnership Agreement?
- The DEA has issued new guidelines to expediate nursing home residents in receiving certain painkillers and anti-anxiety medications.
- The number of estates filing taxes decreased from more than 108,000 in 2001 to fewer than 34,000 in 2009.
- Beware of Medicaid Information on the internet
- When someone dies, heirs can be surprised to learn what the estate holds for them. They aren’t alone, either: Estates are often shrouded in some mystery even for the people who plan and manage them.
- Planning for a loved one with special needs to be cared for after you’re gone may involve some of the most important and emotional decisions you make.
- The number of opposite-sex couples living together jumped 13% this year to 7.5 million
- Strategic use of life insurance frequently is a key aspect of comprehensive estate planning,
- The 2010 Small Business Jobs Act has some tax changes that could affect you – in a good way.
- Maryland has encated a new financial power of attorney.
- Should I have one or multiple people as my power of attorney?
- What is done when a power of attorney is left to both siblings jointly but one decides to become uncommunicative?
- They’re called “the golden years” – but it only takes one con artist to dull them.
- Most people need to complete three critical documents: a will or living trust, a health-care power of attorney and a power of attorney for your finances.
- The Washington Attorney General’s Office wants to be sure consumers aren’t misled by LegalZoom’s cost-saving claims.
- Disadvantages to probate, including the length of time required to complete the process and wrap up the estate, and the potential costs involved.
- Family businesses have issues that are very different from those of larger firms, and one of the most important of those issues is figuring out how to take the success of the first generation of entrepreneurs and safeguard and institutionalize it so that
- Losing a spouse is one of the most stressful and sad ordeals a person can go through, but often it’s not just the personal grief that brings widows and widowers to despair — it is the paperwork.
- I’m often asked “Why should I hire an attorney, it’s cheaper thru the internet?”
- David Wingate has been named as the number one Elder Law Attorney again
- The Use of a “Medicaid” Annuity to Protect Assets
- THE federal estate tax is scheduled to rise from the ashes on Jan. 1, and a lot more families may feel its bite unless Congress changes current law.
- the house Steinbeck called “my little fishing place,” about a mile out of town, is part of a long-running and bitter family estate battle, pitting the surviving sister of the author’s third wife, Elaine, against his oldest son and a granddaughter.
- Take a look at your investment strategies to help determine how to preserve hard-earned wealth with the goal of creating a family legacy
- If you own a small business, you sure don’t need an IRS audit.
- When it comes to your estate plan, periodic review is a necessity
- Now is the time to review your personal finances
- The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities
- What is Medicaid Estate Recovery?
- Why I’m I paying more Medicare Part B Premium than my next door Neighbor?
- more medicaid information is available, on the internet, whether that information is right or wrong.
- How to Find and Select an Elder Law Attorney
- ‘Gift and return’ strategy saves some elder assets
- Qualifying for Medicaid using “Gift and Return”
- Some people simply do nothing about retirement
- Real Estate Transactions
- Are you older than 53?
- What to do when a person dies
- Issues Regarding Paying a Family Caregiver
- What is a Charitable Remainder Trust?
- Attend a Seminar on Dealing with Difficult Clients & Dysfunctional Family Members? Ethical Issues- Who Should You be Communicating With???
- Be a Squeaky Wheel at the Nursing Home
- Special Needs Estate Planning
- Seniors Resist Asking For Help
- Bottom Limit of MMMNA to Remain Unchanged in 2010
- What are the Goals of Life Care Planning?
- Questions about aging?
- What is a life care plan?
- Medicaid – Questions and Answers
- Seminar on Dealing with Difficult Clients, Dysfunctional Family Member’s, and Ethical Issues?
- Veterans Entitled To Memorial and Burial Services
Elder Law Attorney
- DAVID WINGATE attends National Conference for Elder Law and Estate Planning Attorneys in San Diego, CA.
- David Wingate Met with Elder Law Attorneys in Kansas City, MO
- David Wingate Attends Leading Lawyers Conference
- How To Protect Your Assets In Today’s Economy?
- Whta Do elder Attorneys Do?
- With some basic tips, you can find an excellent life care planning lawyer that will give you peace of mind through sound advice.
- Estate planning means planning for contingencies
- Lifetime gifting has always been an important aspect of comprehensive estate planning.
- Do I Really Need Senior Life Care Planning’s Advocacy and Guidance Plan?
- Here are some tips from the Medicare blog on how to fight fraud
- Will you loose your home to the nursing home?
- You may want to learn more about a littleknown option called a “pooled trust,”
- If you desire to avoid a nursing home you have two choices: hire a home care aide or become one yourself.
- As a caregiver, you must take care of yourself. If you don’t, you are no good to anyone, especially, if you advocate for your frail and elderly parents.
- A change in federal legislation now allows women to have an easier time seeking treatment for suspected post-traumatic stress disorder.
- Do you desire to that your special needs child will remain financially secure even when you are no longer around?
- If you don’t know the answers to these questions, you need help.
- If you will be Medicare eligible this year, you know two things
- Increased tax deduction for long term care insurance
- Where were the Democrats, standing up for the rights of veterans, and the frail and elderly?
- As Americans live longer than ever, some will find it difficult to stay in their beloved homes: Steep stairs or a slippery shower can pose dangers, and standard houses are not wheelchair accessible.
- To Hospitalize or Not to Hospitalize, that is the Question?
- A group of experts discussed a variety of innovations related to elder abuse prevention and prosecution
- Keeping More Older Adults Out of Nursing Home – a FREE Webinar
- Avoiding Conflicts Involving the House with a Premarital Agreement
- Premarital Agrrement
- Elder Abuse is a huge problem in this country!
- How should I distribute my assests to my special needs child and my other children?
- Should I name my special needs child as a beneficiary of my IRA?
- Economic indicators are improving, and with them, small business optimism.
- The myth of giving all your assets away so you can qualify for Medicaid is WRONG.
Estate Planning - Wills/Trusts
- National Healthcare Decisions Day
- Do You Have an Advance Directive?
- Why Everyone Needs a Living Will!
- Few Elderly Patients Record Treatment Preferences Before Surgery
- Estate Planning for Young Families: 7 Important Steps to Take
- Estate Planning Glossary: Key Terms to Know
- Why Plan Your Estate?
- Online or DIY rather than professionals
- Why Plan Your Estate?
- We can help protect your legacy.
- Using a No-Contest Clause to Prevent Heirs from Challenging a Will or Trust
- Your Estate Plan: What Legacy Will You Leave?
- Why Plan Your Estate?
- In Unusual End-of-life Case: Paralyzed Deer Hunter Asked to Make the Call
- Highlights of National Healthcare Decisions Day (NHDD) 2013
- Radiolab Podcast Reveals Doctors’ Preferences With Regard to Their Own End-of-Life Options
- Myths and Realities about the Estate Tax
- Obama Budget Proposes Estate Tax Change
- What are & How do we use Powers of Attorneys and Living Wills?
- Are you motivated to get your estate planning started?
- When is further medical treatment futile?
- How much is something worth if it can never be sold?
- Who Gets Access to Your Online Accounts After You Die?
- Online Services Offer Estate Planning for Digital Assets
- Why Create A Living Legacy To Hospice of Frederick County?
- Why You Need A Power of Attorney
- You Need To Review Your Estate Planning documents Regularly.
- Several questions everyone should ask themselves when preparing a living will, advance medical directive or other legal documents
- Living wills and advance directives for medical decisions
- Do you need a living will and a medical POA?
- Living wills and advance directives for medical decisions
- Types of Trusts
- Powers of Attorney
- Reasons To Creat An Estate Plan
- How To Contest A Will
- Preventing A Will Contest!
- It’s Time to Protect Your Family and Your Future
- Estate Plan Forgery: How to Tell and What to Do
- Power of Attorney Issues and Will Conflict – Choose and Prepare wisely
- Almost 75% of Americans do not have a will, and 92 percent of adults under age 35 do not have one.
- End of Life Studies Regarding Costs and Advance Directives
- Is You Will Out of Date?
- The moral of the story is that in order for the plan to work you must have coordination between the attorney who prepares the plan and the accountant who will be preparing the relevant returns.
- If you’re in the fortunate position of deciding where to leave your millions or billions, take some advice from billionaire Warren Buffett’s son, Peter: Don’t spoil them.
- While hiring a professional trustee may not always be the best solution, it is almost always better to have a professional with experience managing special needs trusts serve in place of an unqualified or overwhelmed non-professional trustee.
- While you most certainly can write your own will, I believe that there are too many potential problems that can arise.
- Valuation Discount Strategies
- Why Have A “Crummey” Trust?
- The death of Jobs has sparked conversation about the motivations and merits that surround anonymous giving. And for those who either eschew the spotlight or hold to a religious tradition that espouses anonymous donation, giving in secret is attractive.
- A Reason To Update You Will
- What’s a charitable remainder trust?
- Many people want to use part of their estate to help charities they believe in—leaving a legacy of helping out the less fortunate, nurturing the arts or supporting other important causes.
- The Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University launched a free searchable database… the Million Dollar List, that captures 61,461 publicly-announced charitable gifts of $1 million or more made since 2000.
- Deciding how to leave your assets to your kids is tricky enough. If your adult child has a chronic disability, the task is much more complicated.
- There are many options to protect your children from themselves but the options are the epitome of tough love. Still, they could help your child in the end.
- If you enjoyed that last summer outing to your vacation home, maybe it’s a good time to start thinking about creating a succession plan for the property.
- Parents need to develop a plan that monitors their prodigal sons and daughters while respecting their independence and giving them room to mature.
- Wealthy non-citizens who live in the U.S., but who are not certain whether they are subject to U.S. gift and estate taxes, can (in some cases) take advantage of the new law to hedge their gifting.
- Retained income trusts are an excellent option if you choose to make a lifetime transfer to your children.
- The Obama jobs bill…creates a new battle between the charity world and government.
- How does a retiree replace the interest income from a certificate of deposit paying more than 5% when the rate on a new CD is 1.3%?
- Being asked by friends or family to be executor of an estate is a big honor, but the warm feelings can vanish once the job starts.
- If you are a property owner, you should be well aware of the type of ownership you have and consult your estate planner regarding the best ways to protect your estate’s rights to the full value of your property.
- Attention All Women: Get Estate Planning Savvy Now
- Potential Portability Problems
- Think your estate planning is done once you’ve gone to the trouble of making a will? Think again. All your hard work can be undone with a stroke of a pen when you open a bank, brokerage or retirement account.
- Rules such as Bank of America’s power of attorney policy are increasingly significant as the financial world increases its Web presence…
- When considering your own estate or someone else’s, don’t forget your potential liability for state death taxes.
- As of July 1, it’s official: Ohio has repealed its state estate tax, as reported through Forbes. Of course, it’s not quite dead yet as the estate tax provision of the new law doesn’t go into effect until Jan 1, 2013. Once it kicks in, though, the O
- You will be better served to create a trust that rewards your adult children for achieving results than to use money to control every aspect of their lives.
- People should do planning now while the opportunity still exists.
- “I don’t believe I’m exaggerating when I say that this could prove to be one of the smartest estate planning moves one will ever make.”
- There’s no doubt that many Baby Boomers are planning for the future …but even the savviest among them may overlook one crucial element in their estate plan: a letter of final instruction.
- So in the case of choosing an executor, who should get the job, what are the fees and what should you expect? There are a few things to consider when answering these questions.
- The Tax Relief Act of 2010 provided individual taxpayers with, among other things, the ability to gift $5 million free of gift tax.
- Tips for estate planning and tax law compliance in a global economy
- The Five Biggest Ways To Bungle a Trust
- Living Well Should Include Planning for Death
- Estate Planning For Women (And the Men Who Love Them)
- Taxes, estate planning, and other financial issues are becoming increasingly complex for both gay and straight unmarried couples.
- Your Circumstances Can Complicate Estate Planning
- Trust Options for Leaving Assets to Charity
- US Trust Insights on Wealth and Worth
- How To Prevent a Will Contest
- “For whatever reason, Trowbridge never deleted the ex-wife as the named beneficiary in the IRA account. Given all the known facts and circumstances, this seems to be a classic oversight.”
- Now is a fantastic time to give shares of a business to family members.
- Who will make your financial decisions when you no longer can?
- Resolving Conflicts between Co-agents on a Power of Attorney
- The tax deal reached in December by congressional leaders and the Obama administration is fueling a boost in donations into donor-advised funds.
- Having enough life and disability insurance should be a key element of your personal financial game plan.
- Here are some reasons to keep your Will and Trust updated.
- “The one-two punch of a defined benefit plan and Roth conversion is a useful estate planning tool for high-net-worth clients.”
- Some people do not need for a will. However, why you may choose to have a will.
- National Health Care Decisions Day is set for April 16
- A Matter of Trust: Giving Away a Home
- Divorce Over 50: 3 Mistakes to Avoid
- The Treasury Department released its “General Explanations of the Administration’s Fiscal Year 2012 Revenue Proposals, makes the following estate tax proposals, which you should consider when engaging in estate planning during 2011 and 2012.
- After all the hoopla around Roth conversions in 2010, now is the time to consider whether or not a re-characterization is in your future..
- Changes in estate taxes have prompted some families to consider dropping their life insurance. But for many, there are better options than allowing coverage to lapse.
- A type of trust used by the wealthy to shelter assets from estate taxes for hundreds of years, or even forever, is under fire.
- Retaining control over life decisions and maintaining dignity as the end of life approaches are top priorities for nearly everyone.
- “The measure of life is not its duration, but its donation” – Peter Marshall.
- For many executives, estate planning is an uncomfortable subject. That’s understandable, but there are adverse consequences to avoiding it.
- Setting up a testamentary trust for a child under a certain age is a common estate planning tool. The age sometimes varies, but the goal is usually the same; protect a loved one’s shares until they are at an age when they can manage it themselves.
- The 2010 Tax Relief Act has resulted in significant changes to the estate and gift tax rules, providing some clarity — at least for the next two years.
- The new estate tax law, in effect this year and next, offers a unique opportunity to family business owners who want to pass their business on to the next generation.
- Senior Life Care Planning helps seniors plan for their future and for what happens after they pass away.
- What happens if you leave your Roth IRA to your estate?
- Beware of Financial Exploitation.
- Review and Update Your Estate Planning Documents.
- Familiarize Yourself with 2011 Estate Tax Laws.
- Why would you pay Estate Tax?
- Currency, a new service from American Express, helps young adults take charge of their personal finances. Currency offers tips and suggestions on saving and spending, and allows visitors to the site to share their new knowledge on social networks and thro
- Parents need immediate estate planning to make sure their assets are properly disbursed for the specialized care of their minor or adult children when they die — an event that can happen at any time.
- Myths About Estate and Medicaid Planning
Financial Planners
- The Role of Financial Services and The Elder Law Office of David Wingate, LLC
- Business Groups Sue to Block New Retirement Investment Advice Rule
- David Wingate attended and presented to CPA’s.
- Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Reverse Mortgage Losses May Require Bailout
- A Year End Checklist To control your Finances
- U.S. targets financial abuse of elderly
- Voluntary Philanthropy – Look to Your IRA
- The new figures, from fund researcher Morningstar Inc., show that investments in 529 plans fell an average of 9.5% in the third quarter and are now down 5.9% this year through Sept. 30. That isn’t as large as the broader market’s drop.
- You can reverse a 2010 Roth conversion. Then it’s like the conversion never happened, which means the inflated conversion tax bill disappears.
- Tax-Smart Giving
- Recent tax-law changes are making it easier for families to help pay education bills for multiple grandchildren and even future generations. But grandparents have to make some tough decisions first.
- Many investors believe you can’t withdraw retirement savings before age 59 ½ without paying a 10 percent penalty.
- The controversial 1099 filing provision for small businesses was voted down by the Senate.
- What Do You Do About Retirement Planning When You Have Just Retired?
- The First Stage of Retirement Planning
- There are quite a few different retirement options out there and many specifically designed for small businesses
- Combine life insurance with long-term care protection to preserve your assets.
- Most workers, given the still fragile economy, are trying to hold on to their jobs, not ease out of them. But as nest eggs begin to recover, many of us will begin thinking again about when and how to walk away from work. As such, phased retirement is l
- Between 4–14% More U.S. Households “At Risk” of Running Short of Money in Retirement Due to 2008–2009 Recession
- Pay attention to how IRA’s might pass to your spouse or other heirs in the event of your death.
- The Obama administration proposes to do away with minimum distributions on IRAs worth $50,000 or less.
- Can you use an annuity for Medicaid Asset Protection?
- What is re-enrollment regarding your 401k?
- What should the best 401(k) plans do for you? And is yours the best it could be?
- If you are a small business owner or an entrepreneur – or dreaming of becoming one – there may be good news on the horizon for you and your business aspirations this year.
- If you are among the many who converted a traditional IRA to a Roth in 2010, you have some big decisions to make this year.
- If you are a small business owner, managing your business taxes eats up valuable time and energy that you know you could put to better use elsewhere.
- The Social Security Administration recently put the kibosh on a technique some retirees were using to boost their monthly benefits.
- How To Undo A Gift For Tax Purposes
- Have You Forgotten About Your New Year Resolution for proper retirement planning
- Issues with Annuities and Long Term Care Insurance?
- Buying a Retirement Home
Home Care
Identity Theft
Life Care Planning
Long Term Care Insurance
- Asset Protection for Medicaid
- Majority of Americans think government should pay for long-term care
- Jimmo Implementation Update: Where Is CMS?
- Medicare, Medicaid Contain Costs Better Than Private Insurers, Study Says
- CMS Highlights Opportunities for States to Better Serve Individuals Dually Eligible for Medicare and Medicaid
- Medicaid Plans Cover Doctors’ Visits, Hospital Care – and Now Your GED
- Trump Wants to Bypass Congress on Medicaid Plan
- Medicaid can pay for a large portion of your Nursing Home Care
- Does the thought of paying over $10,000 dollars a month for nursing home care terrify you?
- Confused about Medicaid? Don’t know where to turn?
- Confused about Medicaid?
- How to Qualify for Benefits to Cover Long-Term Care Expenses
- How Can an Elder Law Attorney Help With Medicaid Planning?
- The Need for Medicaid Planning
- The Nursing Home is waiting to Destroy Seniors’ Hard-Earned Savings
- Medicaid Managed Care Final Ergs Take Effect
- Long-Term Care Insurance Partnership Policies
- North Carolina State Owes Medical Providers for Caring for Poor, Elderly
- The Need for Medicaid Planning
- Can Life Insurance Affect Your Medicaid Eligibility?
- Requesting a Medicaid Hearing
- Medicaid Appeals
- CMS Approves High-Profile Obamacare Medicaid Waiver
- “How to Get Medicaid Coverage For Your Nursing Home Care…Without Selling Your Home or Leaving Your Family Without a Dime”
- “How to Get Medicaid Coverage For Your Nursing Home Care…Without Selling Your Home or Leaving Your Family Without a Dime”
- July 30 marked the 48th anniversary of the signing of the Medicare and Medicaid programs
- Changes with Medicaid, Medicare, and Veterans Benefits Seminar July 31 at 8.00 am
- Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Bulletin Summarizes Criteria for Medicaid Funding of Long-Term Care Ombudsman (LTCO) Programs
- CMS Issues Guidance Documents on Medicaid Managed Care
- Texas Legislature Passes Bill to Prevent Medicaid Expansion
- David Wingate discussing Medicaid and Veterans Benefits to Hospice of Frederick County volunteers.
- Updated Advocate’s Guide to the Medicaid Program Now Available From NHeLP
- “How to Get Medicaid Coverage For Your Nursing Home Care…Without Selling Your Home or Leaving Your Family Without a Dime”
- Americans in Denial About Long-Term Care Needs
- Act Now! Support Observation Status Reform!
- FREE Workshop on Asset Protection and Medicaid, April 23, 2013 at 9.30 am
- Medicaid Eligibility and Enrollment for People with Disabilities Under the Affordable Care Act
- Medicaid Expansion to Boost Access to Mental Health Services
- Five Myths About Medicaid’s Long-Term Care Coverage
- Medicaid eligibility is subject to a complex set of rules including look-back and transfer penalties
- With proper planning, a primary residence can be protected from the Nursing Home.
- Medicaid Spousal Impoverishment Figures for 2013 Are Projected
- An income stream from an annuity is not an available asset for the purposes of Medicaid eligibility.
- Medicaid Versus Medicare
- David Wingate talked to Social Workers, Nursing Home and Assisted Living Administrators, about long term care costs and Medicaid.
- The Romney-Ryan Plan to Obliterate Medicaid
- Why You Shouldn’t Walk into the Medicaid Office Alone
- There are many myths about Medicaid, more than any other program affecting seniors today.
- Medical Assistance and Annuities
- Will Adult Children Have to Pay Mom’s Nursing Home Costs?
- Supreme Court upholds the Affordable Care Act: What does this mean for Seniors?
- Tough questions about the availability of Medicaid
- Gifting: Taxes And Charity Versus Medicaid
- When can $50 Cost You $56,000?
- Are You Going to Pay For Your Spouse’s Nursing Home Care?
- What ia a Community Spouse?
- The Importance of Medicaid Planning – Asset Protection
- Medicare & Medicaid Statistical Supplement
- Many assets (“resources”) are exempt from Medicaid when there is a spouse at home
- Ineligible for Medicaid because the trust is an available asset under state law, even though the transfer occurred 17 years before she applied for Medicaid.
- The breakdown of deficit talks in Congress will exact little pain on the U.S. healthcare industry, but it’s a temporary reprieve from steeper cuts that could be put back on the table in 2013.
- no written agreement providing for repayment of past financial assistance between a mother and a daughter when the mother transferred funds to the daughter, the transfer was for less than fair market value for purposes of Medicaid eligibility.
- Medicaid – same-sex spouse or domestic partner beneficiary – Estate Recovery
- Medicaid – same-sex spouse or domestic partner beneficiary – LIENS
- Maryland’s Medicaid program underfunds the actual cost of providing skilled nursing care by $64.8 million annually
- Government, taxpayers, nursing home residents as well as their families and caregivers should be outraged and seek solutions.
- President Barack Obama proposes holding Medicare cost growth down by strengthening the Independent Payment Advisory Board and making Medicaid more flexible without using block grants.
- Pitfalls of the nursing home five year look back period?
- “Our pre-nuptial agreement shows that everything belongs to my husband so I can qualify for benefits.”
- “I can give away $12,000 per year and I will still qualify for benefits”
- “I have to give away everything I own before I can get Medicaid”
- The House Republican plan for overhauling Medicare would fundamentally change how the federal government pays for health care, starting a decade from now, likely resulting in higher out-of-pocket costs and greater limits to coverage for many Americans.
- The “Path to Prosperity,” would end the Medicare and Medicaid system as they currently operate.
- What is a Special (Supplemental) Needs Trust and Why is it Advisable?
- The Mediciad People will help me, all I need is the Forms.
- If we put our mother in a nursing home, and her only asset is her home, how will we afford to pay for her care?
- What is the Medicaid Penalty Period?
- Immediate annuities is a Medicaid planning tool for spouses of nursing home residents.
- Medicaid – What is Spending Down?
- Protecting Your House Before or After You Move Into a Nursing Home
- Managed care plans are becoming increasingly popular as one way to cut Medicaid costs.
- What is the eligibility requirements for Hospice?
- How Do You Pay the Nursing Home?
- Congress established Money Follows the Person in 2005, and states set a combined goal of moving out more than 37,000 residents from nursing homes and other facilities by 2013.
- Maryland’s health department has set aside $12.5 million to launch a plan that calls for outsourcing its Medicaid claims processing service
- More Than Half of Seriously Ill Medicare Enrollees Struggle with Bills
- Why Medicare Is Focused on Food Insecurity
- Medigap C and F Plans Unavailable to New Medicare Enrollees Beginning in 2020
- Where the Top Democratic U.S. Presidential Candidates Stand on ‘Medicare for All’
- CMS Races to Fix Flaw in Part D Plan Finding Tool
- Telehealth and Medicare: What Is Covered
- Using the Cost-Sharing Rule to Prevent Improper Co-Pays at Pharmacies
- Pelosi’s Proposed Prescription Drug Costs Fix
- Medicare Learning Network Call on Dementia Care
- Medicare Prescription Drug Premium to Drop Slightly in 2020
- More Doors to Medicare Home Health Closing, More Harm for Observation Status Patients
- Medicare Advantage Plans Overbill Taxpayers By Billions Annually, Records Show
- Lawmakers, Advocates Push to Extend Medicare’s Coverage of Kidney Transplant Drugs
- CMS Proposed Rule to Redefine Group Therapy in Skilled Nursing Facilities Raises Concerns for Resident Care
- Secretary’s Motions Denied in Class Action Seeking Appeal Right of Observation Status Designation of Hospitalized Medicare Recipients (D. Conn.)
- Feds Boost 2020 Medicare Advantage Payments to Insurers by 2.53 Percent
- WHAT? My Medicare coverage is ending when?!?!
- Push for Medicare Buy-in Picks Up With “50 and Over” Bill
- There’s Still Time to Go Back to Traditional Medicare or Change MA Plans
- CMS App Provides Details on Fee-for-Service Medicare Coverage
- Upcoming Webinar: Medicare Home Health Updates
- Groups say Medicare discounts threatened in opioids bill
- The Hidden Costs to Taxpayers of Part D
- How Medicare and Employer Coverage Coordinate
- Hospitals Now Must Provide Notice About Observation Status
- 243 Arrested in $712 Million Medicare Fraud
- Medicare Coverage Starting at Age 50 Could Save Costs Over Long Run
- Medicare Slow to Adopt Telemedicine Due to Cost Concerns
- The new Medicare premiums, deductibles, and co-payments for 2014
- Center for Medicare Advocacy Says New CMS Proposed Homebound Policy Would Leave Medicare Beneficiaries Without Coverage
- ACA and Medicare Open Season
- What the Marketplace Means for Older Adults and their Medicare
- Medicare Agency Won’t Pay for Eli Lilly Imaging Drug for Alzheimer’s Diagnoses
- Hospitals Will Be Penalized by Medicare for Patients Readmitted
- After A Decade, Congress Moves To Fix Doctors’ Medicare Pay
- Beneficiaries Urged to Help Fight Medicare Fraud
- Berwick Calls on CMS to End “Observation Status” Rule
- IRS and Medicare Will Recognize All Same-Sex Marriages
- Continuing Education Seminar A certificate for 3 Free Category 1 CEU’s for Social Workers
- Budget Cuts Force Scale Back of Health Care Fraud Investigations
- Medicare Panel Urges Cuts to Hospital Payments for Services Doctors Offer for Less
- Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Proposes New Rules Addressing “Observation Status” and Medicare Coverage
- Report Shows Huge Billing Disparities Among Hospitals for Medicare Services
- Observation Status Fact Sheet
- New rules passed as part of Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act aim to reduce the need for readmissions by charging additional fees to hospitals with excessive readmissions.
- Medicare Patients Enrolled In Hospice Receive Better Care
- Insurers Launch New TV Ads Against Medicare Advantage Cuts
- Medicare Cutoff Age Still Up in the Air
- Medicare Patients May Lose Their Doctors Under Sequestration
- Senate Special Committee on Aging
- Opportunity for Help with Medicare Cost Sharing Ends Soon
- President Obama Says No to Raising Medicare Eligibility Age
- The Medicare Advantage Disenrollment Period (MADP) is closed.
- Medicare patients often receive repeat testings
- The new Medicare premiums, deductibles, and coinsurances.
- Medicare Part D Open Enrollment: Let the Beneficiary Beware
- Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Report Calls Out Federal Government on Future Medicare Spending
- Medicare Rule Changes For Nursing Homes
- The Affordable Care Act Helps Seniors
- A new trend in hospitals could cost you and nursing homes thousands of dollars.
- What is Medicare Part D?
- What are the two choices for Medicare Coverage?
- How does Medicare work?
- Medigap has been, and will continue to be, a focus of attention for those seeking to cut the federal deficit.
- Nearly two-thirds of seniors don’t know that the Medicare enrollment period is early this year, a survey shows, and that could cost them.
- A program that helps beneficiaries better understand how Medicare works is expanding to additional states. And the program’s founders could use your help.
- Government Cuts Affect Nursing Homes
- Get Ready for Social Security, Medicare Meltdowns
- Free Preventative Care Screenings Available Thru Medicare
- New Rule Requires Homebound Medicare Patients to See Doctors
- What Do You Do When Medicare Says ‘No’
- CMS recently announced they are preliminarily raising the reimbursement rate for Medicare Advantage plans
- Veterans can utilize VA and Medicare Benefits
- Medicare fraud investigations returned a record total of more than $2.5 billion to the Medicare program last year.
Military Veteran
Nursing Homes
Retirement Planning
- Transforming 401(k)s into Automatic, Flexible Retirement Income
- The Retirement Crisis, by the Numbers
- Bill to “Improve” Health Savings Accounts for Medicare Users Comes with a Big Downside
- Beware, the IRS Is Eyeing Your Inherited Money
- Here’s How Much You Should Put in Your 401(k) Each Month to Retire with $2 Million
- For a Larger Social Security Check, Tap Your IRA First
- Half of Older Americans Have Nothing in Retirement Savings
- A WORRY-FREE RETIREMENT: Enjoy yourself knowing you are protected
- Introduction to Retirement Planning
- Make Sure Your Plan Beneficiary Choices Are Up to Date
- What to Do With an Inherited IRA
- How Much Money Will You Need for Retirement?
- Introduction to Retirement Planning
- Retirement Planning – Upcoming Seminars
- Planning for Long-Term Care
- Greatest Fear – Running Out Of Money
- Are You Thinking About Retiring?
- Work, Forever: Why Interning at 60 Is the New Retirement Plan
- California Bill Would Mandate Private Employee Retirement Savings
- Retirees Are Returning to the Workforce
- U.S. State Pension Funding Gap Up 20 Percent in 2012 – Wilshire
- Is a Reverse Mortgage Good for You?
- Behavioral Finance: the study of social, cognitive and emotional factors in understanding the economic decisions of individuals.
- Ways to Save For Retirement
- Are You Saving For your Retirement?
- Is it a good idea to give your home to your children?
- When should you turn on the tap that gets your Social Security benefits flowing?
- IRA owners turning 70 1/2 this year must comply with required minimum withdrawal rules — or pay a costly penalty.
- Career reinvention may be more of a necessity than a virtue for older Americans, but working longer can make a difference beyond your bottom line.
- “The generation that grew up with “On the Road” is hitting the highway once again. Only this time, they’re leaving the bedroll and taking their granite countertops..
- Should You Count on Social Security?”
- The 401(k) version of the Roth is bigger and stronger in many ways than it’s little brother.
- What do you do with your home should prices continue to collapse and the equity, if any, disappears completely?
- Those yearly statements that Social Security mails out — here’s what you’d get if you retired at 62, at 66, at 70 — will soon stop arriving in workers’ mailboxes. It’s an effort to save money and steer more people to the agency’s website.
- With regulators on the fence over 401(k) rollovers for small-business financing, a growing number of baby boomers are tapping their retirement savings for start-up capital.
- What Do You Do About Retirement Planning In The Later Stages Of Your Life?
- A traditional IRA is tax-deferred until withdrawal
- Why You Should Delay Collecting Social Security
- Finding Your Dream Career In Retirement
- A decade ago anyone who announced plans to spend their golden years beyond U.S. borders was often looked at askance as a bohemian adventurer—or worse, someone with something to hide. But the crash of 2008 is still having a transformative effect.
Small Business
Social Security
Special Needs
Tax Information
- Applying for Medicaid in Maryland: Unmarried Partners
- Updating Your Estate Plan After a Divorce
- Estate Planning After the Birth or Adoption of a Child
- Moving to a New State or Country: Why You Need to Update Your Estate Plan
- What to Do When Married for a Second Time: Estate Planning Considerations
- Reviewing Your Estate Plan After the Death of a Loved One
- How to Make Your Inheritance Last
- Why Work with Estate and Elder Planning, LLC?
- The Hidden Dangers of DIY Medicaid Applications
- The Importance of Early Planning for Medicaid
- IRS Releases 2025 Lifetime Exemption and Annual Gift Exclusion Amounts, Retirement Account Contribution Limits
- Life events that require an immediate estate plan update
- Reviewing Your Estate Plan after the Death of a Loved One
- How to Make Your Inheritance Last
- 3 Tips for Every New Homeowner
- The Differences Between Independent Living, Assisted Living, and Nursing Homes for Individuals with Dementia
- Ensuring Safety in the Home for Individuals with Dementia: Tips and Insights
- Estate Planning for Individuals with Dementia
- Difference between a Revocable Trust and a Medicaid Asset Protection Trust
- What is a Revocable (Living) Trust?
- What is a Medicaid Asset Protection Trust (MAPT)?
- Secure Your Future with a Medicaid Asset Protection Trust
- Asset Protection – Nursing Home
- Secure Your Legacy: The Dementia Asset Protection Guide
- Medicare’s Hospice Benefit for Those with Alzheimer’s
- Estate Planning for Individuals with Dementia
- Navigating the Complexities of Probate: Common Issues and Solutions
- What is Probate?
- How To Manage A Digital Legacy After Someone Dies
- Choosing A Decision Maker
- What is a Durable Power of Attorney? Your Key to Peace of Mind and Financial Security
- Putting Caregiving Arrangements in Writing
- Putting Caregiving Arrangements in Writing
- Caring for Those with Dementia
- Continuing Care Retirement Communities (CCRCs): A Guide
- Is An Assisted Living Facility Right For Your Parents?
- Review of Assisted Living Facility and Contract
- Retirement Planning: Embrace the Future You Deserve
- Discover the “Peace of Mind” Process with Estate and Elder Planning, LLC
- Discover the Importance of Consulting with Estate and Elder Planning, LLC
- The difference between a Revocable Trust and a Medicaid Asset Protection Trust
- Caring for someone with Alzheimer’s…real world strategies that work.
- Secure Your Legacy: The Dementia Asset Protection Guide
- Medicare’s Hospice Benefit for Those with Alzheimer’s
- Estate Planning For Individuals With Dementia.
- Pros and Cons of a Medicaid Asset Protection Trust
- Do you have your legal documents in place to protect you and your family in the event of an accident, illness or even death?
- Secure Your Future with a Medicaid Asset Protection Trust
- How to Choose a Decision Maker for Your Estate Planning
- Understanding Probate and Its Common Issues
- Understanding the Difference Between a Last Will and Testament and a Revocable Trust.
- Funding Your Revocable (Living) Trust
- What is a Revocable (Living) Trust?
- What is a Trustee?
- How To Handle The Deceased’s Digital Assets
- How To Manage A Digital Legacy
- What Is a Digital Legacy?
- Understanding the Difference Between a Last Will and Testament and a Revocable Trust
- Asset Protection Strategy – Nursing Home
- Asset Protection – Nursing Home
- Asset Protection for the Nursing Home
- Strategies for Asset Protection Planning
- Asset Protection Planning for Nursing Home Care
- Navigating Long-Term Care Costs: Our Wealth Preservation Plan
- How to Avoid Probate: A Guide to Estate Planning
- Understanding Probate: What You Need to Know
- How to Choose a Decision Maker for Your Estate Planning
- What Is a Last Will and Testament?
- Understanding the Difference Between a Last Will and Testament and a Revocable Trust
- How to Choose a Decision Maker for Your Estate Planning
- What Is a Guardian of the Minor Child?
- What Is a Guardian?
- What Is a Healthcare Agent?
- What Is a Durable Power of Attorney?
- Why You Should Do Estate Planning!
- The Difference between a Will and a Revocable Trust
- What is the MOLST Form?
- What is HIPPA?
- What is a living will?
- Guardians and Powers of Attorney
- Health Care and the Power of Attorney
- Relationship of Power of Attorney to Other Legal Devices
- Financial Management and the Liability of an Attorney-in-Fact
- Using the Power of Attorney
- Powers and Duties of an Attorney-in-Fact
- About Power of Attorneys
- What You Should Do With Your Estate Planning Documents
- Unveiling the Truth about Long-Term Care
- Planning for Aging: Essential Elements for Long-Term Care
- Retirement Planning
- A Guide for Family Caregivers: Taking the First Steps after a Dementia Diagnosis
- Late-Life Depression: Understanding and Support
- Navigating Long-Term Care: Planning for Aging and Assistance
- Discover the Importance of Consulting an Elder Law Attorney
- David Wingate: A Compassionate Attorney Who Understands Your Challenges
- Discover How David Wingate Can Transform Your Future
- Review of Assisted Living Facility and Contract
- Continuing Care Retirement Communities (CCRCs): A Guide
- Warning Signs of Dementia
- Navigating Long-Term Care: Planning for Aging and Assistance
- David Wingate: Leading the Way in Elder Law
- Discovering My Purpose: Why I Am Devoted to Elder Law
- Discover the “Peace of Mind” Process
- Retirement Planning: Embrace the Future You Deserve
- Putting Caregiving Arrangements in Writing: Ensuring Clarity and Protection
- Home – Making a Move: Considerations for a Smooth Transition
- Tips for Enhancing Safety and Accessibility in Your Home
- Living With Your Family
- Tips For Choosing A Caregiver
- several reasons why asset protection is of importance regarding nursing home care
- Asset Protection from Nursing Homes
- Implementing Asset Protection Measures: Practical Guidance for Safeguarding Your Wealth
- The Importance of Asset Protection Planning for Nursing Home Care
- What is an Advance Directive?
- What is a Guardian of the Minor Child
- What is and what does a Personal Representative do?
- Introducing the Estate and Elder Law Office of David Wingate: Your Trusted Partner in Asset Protection and Elder Law Matters
- Understanding the Importance and Key Considerations of Wills
- Protecting Spouses of Medicaid Applicants: 2023 Guidelines
- Execute a Power of Attorney Before It’s Too Late
- Pros and Cons of a Medicaid Asset Protection Trust
- Medicaid’s Coverage of Nursing Home Care
- Medicaid Estate Recovery and Medicaid Payback Rules
- Powers of Attorney Come in Different Flavors
- Nursing Home Contracts
- Your Medical Directive
- Caregiver Contracts: How to Pay a Family Member for Care
- The Benefits of Giving Gifts to Your Grandchildren in Trust
- Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage (Part D)
- What to Look for When Choosing a Medicare Advantage Plan
- Medicare Advantage (Medicare Part C) Plans
- Medicare’s Limited Nursing Home Coverage
- Medicare Part B: Coverage Outside of a Hospital
- Medicare Part A: Hospital Coverage
- Have Private Insurance and Are Turning 65? You Need Sign Up for Medicare Part B
- Turning 65? What You Need to Know about Signing up for Medicare
- How to Qualify for Medicare
- Introduction to Medicare
- How Gifts Can Affect Medicaid Eligibility
- Medicaid’s Coverage of Nursing Home Care
- The Ethics of Adjusting Your Assets to Qualify for Medicaid
- What Is a Trustee? A Brief Overview of a Trustee’s Duties.
- Probate v. Non-Probate: What Is the Difference?
- Common Types of Trusts
- Giving Gifts To Grandchilren – Use A Trust
- What Is A Trust?
- Charitable Gifting
- The Gift Rule
- Estate Planning For Estate (Death) Tax
- Reasons For Setting Up A Trust For Grandchildren
- Gifts To Grandchildren
- Reason To Create A Will (Part 2)
- Reasons To Create A Will (Part 1)
- Planning for Your Golden Years: 5 Things You MUST Know!
- Five Reasons to Have a Will
- Understanding the Common Types of Trusts
- Your Medical Directive
- End-of-Life Care Decision Making
- 8 Tips for Having ‘The Talk’ with Elderly Parents
- Medicaid’s Asset Rules
- How Does Medicaid Treat Income?
- Medicaid Protections for the Healthy Spouse
- Caregiver Contracts: How to Pay a Family Member for Care
- Medicaid’s Treatment of the Home
- Protecting Your House from Medicaid Estate Recovery
- Reverse Mortgages: A Way to Remain at Home Longer
- Is a Reverse Mortgage Right for You?
- Is Transferring Assets to Qualify for Medicaid Against the Law?
- Medicaid’s Asset Transfer Rules
- What to Look for in a Pre-Paid Funeral Plan
- Home Care Costs Rise Sharply in Annual Long-Term Care Cost Survey
- Don’t Gamble with YOUR Future
- Are You Caring For Someone with Alzheimer’s Disease?
- Why Everyone Needs a Living Will
- Do you have your legal documents in place to protect you and your family in the event of an accident, illness or even death?
- Establishing a Nursing Home Care Plan
- Family and Legal Decisions
- Getting the Best Nursing Home Care for Your Loved One
- Caring for someone with Alzheimer’s…real world strategies that work.
- Members of Congress Send Letter to Assisted Living Operators Inquiring About COVID-19 Response
- Nursing Home Residents, Medicaid, and Stimulus Checks: What You Need to Know
- Consumer Voice and Other Advocates Send Letter to Senate Opposing Immunity for Nursing Homes
- COVID-19 and Workers at Risk: Examining the Long-Term Care Workforce
- Medicare applications raise anxiety for seniors in pandemic
- Trump Announces Panel To Look At Nursing Home Responses To Coronavirus Outbreak
- New Research Reveals Nearly 25 Percent Decrease in the Number of Older and Middle-Aged Americans With a Will
- The Law Office is still open as we are deemed an “ESSENTIAL BUSINESS.”
- Myth: “I don’t need separate LTC protection because I have health insurance.”
- Myth: “I can save the money I’ll need for LTC services.”
- Myth: “A government program will take care of me.”
- Do you have a loved one entering a nursing home?
- Do you have your legal documents in place to protect you and your family in the event of an accident, illness or even death?
- Do you have a loved one entering a nursing home?
- Caring for someone with Alzheimer’s…real world strategies that work.
- How do I help my loved ones follow guidelines?
- Staying healthy
- Tips for supporting persons living with dementia receiving home-based services
- Tips for caregivers of individuals in assisted living
- Tips for dementia caregivers at home
- We Will Get Thru This!
- U.S. Hospitals Prepare Guidelines For Who Gets Care Amid Coronavirus Surge
- People With Disabilities Say Rationing Care Policies Violate Civil Rights
- Keeping nursing home residents safe from the 2019 Novel Coronavirus
- Estate Planning – planning and preparation
- Basic Estate Planning Package for First Responders and Health Care Workers
- New Guidance from CMS and CDC
- CMS Waives a Number of Nursing Home Regulations
- Senators Request Release of List of Nursing Homes with COVID-19
- Law Office Is Open During The Coronavirus
- Myths and Facts About Disability Employment: Q&A With a Vocational Rehabilitation Specialist
- New Jimmo Resources Are Available for Appealing Medicare Denials in Nursing Homes
- Unlocking Housing Wealth for Older Americans: Strategies to Improve Reverse Mortgages
- Bill Introduced to Protect Nursing Home Residents Through Background Checks
- Virtual Reality Is Helping Seniors Breathe New Life into Old Memories
- Facebook Promises Strict Privacy Safeguards as It Rolls Out Preventive-Health Tool
- Taking Hypertension Meds at Bedtime Cuts Health Risks Significantly
- Wisconsin Study Shows 3 in 5 people With Down Syndrome Diagnosed with Dementia by Age 55
- California Fires and Outages Put Seniors With Disabilities Lives at Risk
- Proposed Federal Legislation Would Add Dental, Vision Coverage to Medicare
- Researchers Find High-Intensity Exercise Improves Memory in Seniors
- Georgia Releases Broad ACA Waiver Application
- Important Update to Nursing Home Compare Will Enable Public to Identify Facilities with a History of Abuse
- Drumbeat Builds for a Peace Corps of Caregivers
- Hearing Aids May Help Delay Dementia, Depression in Elders
- On YouTube, People with Disabilities Create Content to Show and Normalize Their Experiences
- The Patient Driven Payment Model Is Here
- How to Pay For Care For You or Your Family at Home or in a Nursing Home…Without Selling Your Home or Leaving Your Family Without a Dime
- Local Author and Elder Care Attorney Shares Practical Advice on Coping with Alzheimer’s Disease as Part of Alzheimer’s Awareness Month
- “You’re Not Alone: Living with Alzheimer’s Disease” Answers to Questions
- You Are Not Alone – Answers To Your Questions In The Book
- Medicare’s New Plan Finder Could Boost Insurers’ Advantage Enrollment
- Genetic-Testing Scam Targets Seniors and Rips Off Medicare
- Isolated and Struggling, Many Seniors Are Turning to Suicide
- Surge in Voters With Disabilities May Influence 2020 Election
- CMS Announces Final Rule: “Medicare and Medicaid Programs; Revision of Requirements for Long-Term Care Facilities: Arbitration Agreements”
- Americans’ Reliance on Social Security Is Near a Record High, Survey Shows
- Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Inspector General Finds Serious Flaws in 20 Percent of U.S. Hospice Programs
- Caregiver Depression Tied to More ER Visits for Dementia Patients
- Trump’s Efforts to Rein in Drug Prices Face Setbacks
- Economic Recovery Has Not Reduced Pension Debt for Many States
- You Are Not Alone – Answers To Your Questions In The Book
- You Are Not Alone – Answers To Your Questions In The Book
- You Are Not Alone – Answers To Your Questions In The Book
- NADRC Webinar on Financial Capacity for People Living with Dementia and their Caregivers
- Proposed Nursing Home Regulations Could Be Released Any Time
- Sens. Casey and Toomey Secure List That Includes Hundreds of Poorly Performing Nursing Homes Across the Country
- Nursing Facilities Often Discharge Patients When Co-Pays Kick In
- Affordable Care Act Rate Hikes Appear Modest for 2020
- News You Can Use: How Many Steps Do You Really Need to Boost Longevity?
- Cannabis Use Among Older Adults Rising Rapidly
- Federal Employees Soon Will Have More Options to Withdraw Money from Their Retirement Accounts
- Senior Hunger Surges as Boomers Swell the Ranks of the Nation’s Elderly
- A Million People Could Lose Their Pensions If Congress Doesn’t Act
- Here’s Relief for the “Sandwich Generation”
- FREE Seminars – MAY 14th, 2019
- The Aging Driver
- How To Pay Family Members For Providing Eldercare
- CMS, States Face Difficult Choices on Medicaid Expansion, Work Requirements
- SSA Seeks Feedback About How It Considers Pain for Disability Benefit Claims
- People With Disabilities Are Entitled to a Free Lifetime Pass to National Parks
- Some Tax Deductions You Won’t Find When You File this Year
- Beware of Callers Impersonating Social Security Employees
- Don’t be “blindsided” by finding out your Durable Power of Attorney isn’t POWERFUL enough!
- Companies Navigate Dementia Conversations with Older Workers
- FREE Seminars by local attorney, David Wingate
- Medicaid: What to Watch in 2019 from the Administration, Congress, and the States
- Administration on Community Living, CMS Announce the National Center on Advancing Person-Centered Practices and Systems
- Democrats Fight Back Against Lawsuit Threatening Health Law
- Engaging in “Meaningful” Activities May Mean Healthier Old Age
- For American Workers, 4 Key Retirement Issues to Watch in 2019
- 66% of all unpaid caregivers are women.
- 75% of caregiving support in the U.S. is provided by family.
- Planning for the future means planning for the unknown…
- Who will care for you as you age? Don’t rely on strangers or burden family. Plan for LTC. #LadiesforLTC
- By age 75 or older, 70% of women are widowed, divorced or never married (compared to 30% of men).
- Women make up 66.8% of long-term care service users for nursing home care, as opposed to 33.2% of men.
- About 68% of nursing home residents and 72% of assisted living residents are “women”.
- $274,044 = lost wages and Social Security benefits when women leave the labor force to care for ailing parents, spouse or family members.
- Who is the “average” caregiver of long-term care?
- Long-Term Care
- VIDEO – How To Avoid Probate and Pay For Long Term Care
- Don’t be “blindsided” by finding out your Durable Power of Attorney isn’t POWERFUL enough!
- Guardianship & Supported Decision-Making: What’s the Difference?
- Was that a “Senior Moment” or a sign of Dementia?
- For Older Voters, Getting The Right ID Can Be Especially Tough
- New Jersey Nursing Home Cannot Sue Resident’s California-Based Son to Recover Unpaid Bill
- Residency Agreement Making Daughter Personally Liable Is Not Unconscionable
- Medicare’s Stealth Price Hike: Seniors Are Paying More for Generics Even Though the Drug Prices Haven’t Increased
- Long Waits Under VA’s Private Health Program
- Trustees’ Report Says Medicare’s Financial Outlook Is Worsening
- Trump Drug Plan Won’t Significantly Reduce Costs for Seniors’ Medicare Drugs
- Tax Law Led to Increase in Pension-Plan Contributions in 2017
- Seniors Slow to Embrace Online Access to Doctors
- 10,000 Baby Boomers Turn Age 65 Each Day!
- Poor Care at California Nursing Homes to Go Unchecked, State Audit Finds
- Medicare Costs Could Rise by More Than 200 Percent for Some Retirees
- Health Insurers Seek Big Rate Hikes for 2019
- Anxiety in Middle Age Linked to Dementia Later
- Seniors Are the Health Care Industry’s Gold Rush
- Your Money Isn’t Lost
- Live Free From Financial Uncertainty
- “You may never need long term care, but what if you did?”
- Could You Make Good Things Better?
- Social Security: 5 Key Questions
- Income Tax Basis
- Power of Attorney vs. Durable Power of Attorney
- My Client’s Basic Needs
- How Medicaid Work Requirements Will Harm Older Adults and Family Caregivers
- Social Security Checks Lower Than You Think
- Are You Average? Will You Need More Care?
- Don’t be “blindsided” by finding out your Durable Power of Attorney isn’t POWERFUL enough!
- Long-Term Care Protection
- Barbara Bush’s End-Of-Life Decision Stirs Debate Over ‘Comfort Care’
- Wandering Can Endanger A Person With ALZ.
- Caregiving needs change as Alzheimer’s disease progresses
- A Tale of Love, Family Conflict and Battles Over Care For an Aging Mother
- Probe into Generic Drug Price Fixing Set to Widen
- Loneliness Doesn’t Drive Seniors to See More Doctors
- U.S. Appeals Court Voids Obama-Era ‘Fiduciary Rule’
- A Worrying Shift for Pensions: Retirees Will Soon Outnumber Kids
- ACA Insurers Had Their Best Year Ever
- 10 Ways to Love Your Brain
- New Association report reveals increases in Alzheimer’s prevalence, costs
- Nursing Home Cannot Hold Resident’s Agent Personally Liable for Unpaid Bill
- Key Elder Law Numbers for 2018: Our Annual Roundup
- Father’s Transfer of House to Daughter Before Entering Nursing Home Was Not Fraudulent
- Class Certified in Residents’ Breach of Contract Claim Against CCRC
- Hospital Stay Not Covered by Medicare Still Qualifies Recipient for SNF Coverage
- LTC Insurer Cannot Be Sued Under State’s Elder Financial Abuse Statute
- Long-Term Care Insurance Company Breached Policyholder’s Contract by Raising Premiums
- New Budget Deal Reinstates Ahlborn Protections for Personal Injury Awards
- MD Can Sue Nursing Home for Patient Dumping
- New Federal Law Puts Focus on Preventing Elder Abuse
- House Passes Radical Change to ADA Enforcement
- New Quality Measures from CMS
- Nursing Homes Are Pushing Out Poor and Disabled Patients
- Why Big Medicare and Medicaid Cuts Are Likely
- Key Elder Law Numbers for 2018: Our Annual Roundup
- Retirement Savings Program for Lower-Income Earners Is Ending
- Be Aware of the Kiddie Tax Before Leaving an IRA to Children
- HUD Makes Reverse Mortgages a Little Less Attractive
- Social Security Beneficiaries Will Receive a 2 Percent Increase in 2018
- What Can We Do About Our Parents’ Credit Card Debts?
- Use Your Will to Dictate How to Pay Your Debts
- Is It Better to Sell My Mom’s House or Have It Go into Foreclosure?
- Retired or Retiring?
- How Much Money Will You Need for Retirement?
- The Five Phases of Retirement Planning
- Spending Down Assets to Qualify for Medicaid
- Transferring Assets to Qualify for Medicaid
- Protecting Your House from Medicaid Estate Recovery
- Major Medicaid Mistakes
- Be Aware of the Kiddie Tax Before Leaving an IRA to Children
- HUD Makes Reverse Mortgages a Little Less Attractive
- How to Reverse Medicare Surcharges When Your Income Changes
- Florida Nursing Home Tragedy Causes Rethinking of Disaster Preparedness
- The Need for Medicaid Planning
- Five Topics to Discuss With Your Spouse Before You Retire
- Referral Services Run by Avvo, LegalZoom and Rocket Lawyer
- Nursing Homes Move Into The Insurance Business
- The Financial Fiduciary Rule Is In Effect June 9
- Beware Medicare’s Penalties for Late Enrollment
- Owe Back Taxes? The IRS May Grant You Uncollectable Status
- Finding Your Home Sweet Nursing Home
- Don’t let your life savings be diminished by the high cost of probate or destroyed from ever increasing long term care expenses.
- 4 Ways to Survive the Costs of a Nursing Home Stay
- The Elder Law Firm Solves Nursing Home Residents’ #1 Complaint
- Dropping Off Books Etc for the Hospice Kline House
- Kline House Comfort Baskets
- What About You!
- April Award Winner for The Steven Stoyke Caregiver of the Month.
- The Aging Care Journey
- What to Do When a Social Security Beneficiary Dies
- Do You Have a Term, Universal, Whole or Group life insurance policy?
- Tips for Choosing a Caregiver for an Elder
- The Steven Stoyke Caregiver Award
- Trump Cutting Medicaid?
- Early Diagnosis Beneficial for People with Dementia
- News You Can Use: Can Drinking Coffee Slow Aging?
- Robo Advice, Elder Abuse in SEC Crosshairs in 2017
- Study Finds That Rise in Autism May Be Due to Clinicians Diagnosing Mild Symptoms
- Disability References Removed From White House Website
- What Does Trump’s Executive Order Against Obamacare Actually Do?
- Common Viruses a Deadly Threat at Nursing Homes
- Toronto to Create “Seniors Safety Zones” to Protect Older Pedestrians
- Cheaper Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids Could Be on the Way
- Feds Offer Schools Guidance on Restraint, Seclusion
- CT: State Spars With Providers of Home Care for Elderly
- Georgia Advocates Still Want Elder Abuse Registry
- Wandering Poses Challenges for New Medicaid Waiver Rules
- How Would Repeal of ACA Affect Employer-Provided Insurance?
- Finalized Medicare Outpatient Observation Notice (MOON) and Form Instructions Now Available
- California Tests Electronic Database for End-of-Life Wishes
- Retired Coal Miners at Risk of Losing Promised Health Coverage and Pensions
- GAO: Nursing Home Ratings Need to Be More Consumer-Friendly
- Where Is Autism Employment Heading in 2017?
- SSA Expands Online Appeals Capabilities
- The Painful Struggles of America’s Older Immigrants
- CMS Revised Nursing Facility Regulations
- A Dying Man’s Wish to Save Others Hits Hospital Ethics Hurdle
- Newest Issue of AARP Bulletin Addresses Possible Medicare Changes Under New Administration
- Autism Program Clients Face More Cutbacks Connected with State Funding
- New Mexico Cancels Planned Medicaid Rate Cuts
- How Will Republicans Dismantle the Affordable Care Act? A Q & A
- The World’s Oldest Yoga Teacher Has Some Advice
- Medicare Advantage “Do-Over” Window Will Soon Close
- California Modifies Estate Recovery Rules
- Meals on Wheels Wants To Be the ‘Eyes and Ears’ For Hospitals, Doctors
- Georgia: State Admits to Slow Pace in Addressing Nursing Home Complaints
- ABA Update: State Guardianship Laws
- Oral Argument in Massachusetts High Court Case (Nadeau v. Thorn)
- MassHealth May Force Seniors to Dismantle Trusts
- SSA Representative Payee Interdisciplinary Training
- Old Age Should Not Exclude Deceased Donor Organ Donation
- Hearing Impairment on the Decline in Americans Under 70
- Virginia Governor Leaves Medicaid Expansion Funds Out of His Budget Revisions
- On the Autism Spectrum: From Storyteller to Published Author
- Five Ways a New HHS Secretary Could Quickly Change the Course of Health Policy
- Rural Nursing Homes Lagging Behind in Information Technology
- Plan to Reduce Medicare Drug Costs Is Withdrawn After Bipartisan Criticism
- Little-Known Burial Benefits for Veterans
- 2017 Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Spousal Impoverishment Standard
- Seniors Increasingly Getting High, Study Shows
- ACL and AoA Announce Theme for 2017 Older Americans Month
- Grab Bag of Goodies in 21st Century Cures Act
- Beware Medicare Advantage Plans
- Ryan’s Medicare Plans Run into Wall in the Senate
- Dementia Rates Decline Sharply Among Senior Citizens
- NYU Plans to House Local Senior Citizens with Students
- How Advisors Are Preparing Clients for Trump’s Tax Plans
- Minnesota Nonprofit to Reform Hiring Practices in Major Disability Rights Settlement
- House Republicans Seek Delay in Case to End ACA Cost-Sharing Subsidies
- Illinois Lawmakers Fail to Block Changes to Elderly Care Program
- Finalized Medicare Outpatient Observation Notice (MOON) and Form Instructions Now Available
- California Tests Electronic Database for End-of-Life Wishes
- Retired Coal Miners at Risk of Losing Promised Health Coverage and Pensions
- GAO: Nursing Home Ratings Need to Be More Consumer-Friendly
- Where Is Autism Employment Heading in 2017?
- SSA Expands Online Appeals Capabilities
- The Painful Struggles of America’s Older Immigrants
- Changes to Medicare?
- IRS Warns of a New Wave of Attacks Focused on Tax Professionals
- Aging Paddlers? More Boundary Waters Trips, but Fewer Young Visitors
- Virtual Reality Opens World of Possibilities for Seniors
- Webinar: Fire Preparedness and Post-Disaster Accessibility Issues in the Home
- Arkansas: Law Enforcement Training on How to Respond to Those with Autism
- Medicaid Drives Historic Coverage Gains in Colorado
- “Simple Choice Plans” to Debut in 2017 Marketplace Enrollment
- Who Will Care For Us As We Age? New Research Raises Big Questions
- Grandparents Day: September 11– A Note from Acting Assistant Secretary for Aging and Acting Administrator, ACL
- Seniors Tapping Into the “Gig Economy”
- Hmmm…Longest Living Human Says He Is Ready for Death at 145
- Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregiving to Host National Summit
- Where Clinton and Trump Stand on Caregiving and Long-Term Care
- Audits of Some Medicare Advantage Plans Reveal Pervasive Overcharging
- U.S. Labor Department Makes It Easier for States to Launch Retirement Plans
- Judge Keeps in Place California Law Allowing Aid in Dying
- New Study Strengthens Evidence That Cognitive Activity Can Reduce Dementia Risk
- U.S. Dept. of Justice Files Statement of Interest in Ohio Olmstead Case
- New Law Will Protect California’s Seniors From Surprise Hospital, Nursing Home Bills
- The Need for Medicaid Planning
- Aging Poses New Challenges For Those With Special Needs
- Granddaddy of Sharks May Live to 400
- Virtual Reality Component Reduces Risk of Falls in Elderly
- National Resource Center for Supported Decision-Making to Fund State Grants for Supported Decision-Making Initiatives
- College Retirement Plans Face a New Wave of Lawsuits
- New POMS Transmittal Issued Regarding SI 01140.200 Checking and Savings Accounts
- Nursing Home Blasted in Report Following Patient’s Death
- WI: Long-Term Care Programs for Elderly, Disabled Go Statewide
- Hearings on Alabama Medicaid Lottery Bill
- Feds Aim to Crack down on Social Media Exploitation of Nursing Home Residents
- Underweight Seniors May Have Added Alzheimer’s Risk
- Study Says That Assisted Living Facilities Limit Older Adults’ Rights to Sexual Freedom
- Colorado Aid-in-Dying Proponents Submit Signatures
- Lack of Pharmacy Access May Send Some Seniors Back to Hospital
- Landlord Nation: Boomers’ New Retirement Plan Is Millennials Paying Rent
- Social Security Now Requires Cell Phone to Use Online Services
- CMS Delays Implementation of NOTICE Act Until Fall 2016
- Social Security: Where Clinton and Trump Stand
- Smartwatch Interface Could Improve Communication, Help Prevent Falls at Nursing Homes
- Seniors Who Live Alone Likeliest to Rate Their Health Highly, Study Says
- Many Well-Known Hospitals Fail to Score 5 Stars in Medicare’s New Ratings
- Celebrating 60 Years of Social Security Disability Insurance
- Ohio Economy Driven by $32.7 Billion in Social Security Benefits
- Illinois Governor Rauner Vetoes Senior Assistance Bill
- Doctors Are Improperly Billing Some on Medicare, U.S. Says
- Medicare Wants You to Talk to Your Doctor About Medical and End Of Life Wishes
- China: Beijing Nursing Home Caters to People Who Lost Only Child
- Brain Training May Forestall Dementia Onset for Years, New Study Says
- Billion Dollar Medicare Scam in Miami Is the Largest in U.S. History
- Factor in Health Care Costs When Planning for Retirement
- Medicare Prepares to Go Forward With New Hospital Quality Ratings
- NY: Report Shows That Insurers Wrongfully Cutting Home-Care Hours for Vulnerable Adults
- Hawaii: Advocates for Elderly Sue State Over Inspections of Care Homes
- Kathy Greenlee Gives Final Speech as Head of Administration for Community Living
- World’s Oldest Yoga Teacher: ‘I Have No Intention of Ever Growing Up’
- To Prevent Falls, It May Pay Off to Remodel the House
- DOJ Preparing to File Antitrust Suits Against Anthem, Aetna Insurer Deals
- NJ Gives Seniors Online Antifraud Toolkit
- States Require Insurance Companies to Locate Beneficiaries
- Loss of Employer-Based Health Insurance in Early Retirement Affects Mental, Physical Health
- Medicare Advantage Grows, but Provider Choice Is Limited
- Vets Will See Same Cost-of-Living Hike as Social Security in 2017
- Top Attorney – David Wingate
- Movie Review: “Last Cab to Darwin”
- A 101-Year-Old Artist Finally Gets Her Due
- Cats for Companionship Program Unites Homebound Seniors with Furry Friends
- ACL Grants Increase Older Americans’ Access to Legal Services
- Seniors with Access to Medical Marijuana Use Fewer Prescription Drugs
- House Passes Senior$afe Act
- Proposed Rule: Access to DME for Dually Eligible People
- Advocates Call for Federal Action on Kansas Medicaid Backlog
- Illinois Department on Aging Moving Forward with Changes to Program for Elderly
- Proposed Medicare Fee Schedule Rewards Primary Care
- NH Medicaid Expansion Law Clamps Down on Gun Purchases by Mentally Ill
- Alzheimer’s Association 2016 Facts and Figures Report Shows Financial Toll of Caregiving
- Beware of Non-Lawyers Offering Medicaid Planning Advice
- Dying Patients Given Needless Treatment, Major Study Finds
- Obama Official Pledges “Adjustments” to Controversial Medicare Proposal
- Study Suggests Doctors Enable Opioid Use Among Medicare Patients
- Digital Assets a Growing Challenge in Estate Planning
- Social Security and Medicare Trustees Reports for 2016
- U.S. Legislators Join Call for Medicare to Cover Hearing Aids
- CA: Gov. Brown Signs Bill That Limits Seizure of Assets of Many Medi-Cal Recipients
- In PA, For-Profits Are Snapping up Nursing Homes
- “Senior Moments” Explained: Older Adults Have Weaker Clutter Control
- Senate Panel Kills SHIP Medicare Program
- July 1 Marks the 50th Anniversary of Medicare Coverage
- Letter to Michigan Seniors Announcing Medicare Cut Was a Mistake
- Medicare Advisory Panel Report Targets Drug Costs
- CT House Passes Senior Retirement Plan Bill
- Are children legally obligated to pay for their parents’ nursing home care?
- The Elder Law Firm Solves Nursing Home Residents’ #1 Complaint
- 4 Ways to Survive the Costs of a Nursing Home Stay
- Canada News: Ontario Unveils Proposal for Community and Home Care Overhaul
- Essay: Balancing the Checkbook, and Much More, For an Aging Parent
- In Prince’s Age Group, Risk of Opioid Overdose Climbs
- A New Idea for Solving Social Security’s Money Troubles
- Treasury Rejects Plan to Cut Pension Benefits for Some Retirees
- Nursing Homes Turn to Eviction to Drop Difficult Patients
- Fourteen Insurers Apply to Manage Care of State’s Elderly and Disabled Population
- Aid-in-Dying: Not So Easy in California
- DOJ Issues Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for ADA-Compliant Government Websites
- Feds Want Medical Bills Simplified
- Unauthorized Practice of Law Committee Issues Opinion on Non-Attorney Engagement
- Canada: Report Offers Solutions for B.C.’s Aging Population
- Seniors Get Free Hearing Aids Through New Program
- DOL Calls on Youth with Disabilities to Provide Input on Transition Services
- Five Health Care Issues the Candidates Aren’t Talking About — But Should Be
- Finding Out Your Power of Attorney Is Powerless
- The Untold Cost of the Opiate Epidemic: Elder Abuse
- Genworth Publishes Annual Cost-of-Care Report
- Tai Chi: Rx for Arthritic Knees
- First National Study of U.S. Parks Finds Low Use by Adults, Seniors, and Females
- Use of Video Decision Aids Increases Advance Care Planning
- Disney Comment Leaves VA Secretary Facing Criticism and Puns Over Veterans’ Wait Times
- Filmmaker Strives to Change Way Autism Is Represented in Movies
- Justice Department Reaches Extension Agreement to Improve Georgia’s Developmental Disability and Mental Health System
- Feds’ Latest Plan to Measure Quality Is the Most Controversial
- Medicare Returning to an Old-Fashioned Idea–House Calls
- Ohio Supreme Court Rules on Non-Attorney Medicaid Planning
- Could Alzheimer’s Stem From Infections? It Makes Sense, Experts Say
- Palliative, Hospice Care Lacking among Dying Cancer Patients, Stanford Researcher Finds
- White Sox Plan Game with Autism Accommodations in June
- The Best Way to Help a Grandchild With College
- Phone Scams Reach Record Numbers as More Target the Elderly
- Massachusetts Lawmakers Move to Tighten Oversight of Nursing Homes
- EEOC Guidance on Leave as an Accommodation Answers ADA Questions
- United Health Publishes Report Ranking States on Measures of Senior Health
- SSA Mails Letters to Seniors Eligible for Extra Help
- Autistic Artist Shares His World of Vibrant Colors
- Hearing Aid Use is Associated with Improved Cognitive Function in Hearing-Impaired Elderly
- How City Design Is Adapting to Older Populations
- The Dangers of Polypharmacy
- Administration Says New Rules For Medicaid Plans Will Improve Service For Enrollees
- States Attempt to Fill Gaps to Help Traumatized Veterans
- Massachusetts Assisted Living Facilities Push to Add Medical Services
- Prince’s Sister Files Motion for Appointment of Special Administrator
- Customers First to Become Law in Retirement Investing
- Nurses Leaving Texas Nursing Homes for Better Pay at Fast Food Restaurants
- Which States Have the Highest Rates of Medicare Overbilling?
- Blue Man Group Announces “Sensory Friendly” Shows
- Raising Social Security Retirement Age Could Hit Latinos Hardest
- Hospital Readmission Penalties Approaching for Nursing Home Patients
- ABA Senior Lawyers Division to Host All-Day Program on Dementia
- Senate Special Committee on Aging to Hold Alzheimer’s Hearing April 6
- Feds Push to Keep Seniors in Home, Community-Based Programs
- USDOJ Launches 10 Regional Elder Justice Task Forces
- David Wingate, was selected for inclusion in the forthcoming Top Attorneys of North America – 2016 edition of The Who’s Who Directories.
- The Elder Law Office of David Wingate and Hospice of Frederick County Present April 19 th Workshop: Talking About Death Won’t Kill You
- Light Therapy Shows Promise in Activating Memories Lost Due to Alzheimer’s
- Is Aging With Dignity a Human Right? U.S., Europe Say ‘No’
- Electronic Records and End-of-Life Plans
- We All Carry the Genes for Autism, Study Finds
- What You Need to Know About 401(k) Taxes in 2016
- Nursing Home Watch Group Gives Pennsylvania Failing Grade
- Mississippi Program Puts Locator Devices on Elderly, Autistic Individuals Who Might Wander
- High Cost of Seniors’ Soaring Rx Drug Use
- Seniors Rush to Medicare’s Star-Rated Plans Under ACA
- Baby Boomers Love Their Pets to the Tune of $60 Billion Annually
- Feds Mull Medicare Changes After Big Success in YMCA’s Diabetes Program
- Minnesota Legislator Wants to Amend State Constitution to Ensure Funding for Elderly and Disabled
- McCain Calls for Universal, Permanent VA Choice Card
- Controversial Film Linking Vaccines to Autism Dropped from Tribeca Film Festival
- Pharmaceutical Company Has Hiked Price on Aid-in-Dying Drug
- NIH-Funded Census Bureau Report Offers Details of Global Aging Phenomenon
- Almost One in Five Seniors Have Been Hit by Financial Swindles
- State-Managed Retirement Plan for California Workers Takes Shape
- Judge preliminarily approves class action settlement about ALJ hearing delays for Medicare
- SSA Publishes Emergency Message Notices About Trust Required to Include Explanations
- ABLE National Resource Center Launches Website
- The Internet, Social Media & The Elderly
- UCLA’s Course on Aging for Freshmen
- Geriatric consultation with trauma surgeons improves outcomes for elderly accident victims
- Hybrid Long-Term Care Policies Provide Cash and Leave Some Behind
- Wisconsin Details Changes to Care for Disabled, Elderly
- NYT Special Section on Retirement
- Dangers Lurk Within Health Savings Accounts for Retirees
- Hospice fraud becoming a costly problem for Medicare
- States Simplify Medicaid Sign-Ups
- New Guidance on Diabetes Care in Elderly Residential Facilities
- Problems with Medicaid Eligibility System Leave Kansans Without Care
- How to Talk to People with Alzheimer’s
- Tax Scams Are Targeting Uninsured, I.R.S. Warns
- RNs and CNAs Work Fewer Hours in Nursing Facilities that Serve Predominately Ethnic and Racial Minority Residents
- Why Aren’t Candidates Talking About Long-Term Care?
- Federal Health Care Spending Tops Social Security Spending for the First Time in History
- Bright Light Therapy Reduces Depression and Agitation in Dementia Sufferers
- California Wildfires Left Disabled in Peril
- Sharing Economy Attracts Older Adults
- Medicare Drug Plan Prices Set to Rise in 2016
- Male, Female Hearts Don’t Age in the Same Way
- Nursing Homes’ Residents Face Health Risks from Improper Prescriptions for Antibiotics
- Dementia Takes Its Toll on Unpaid Caregivers
- No Ready-Made Rx For Rising Drug Costs
- Next Pension Funds Likely to Fail
- Social Security Disability Application Backlog Gets Even Bigger
- CMS Confirms That Spousal Impoverishment Figures Will Remain the Same for 2016
- 2016 Medicare Parts A & B Premiums and Deductibles Announced
- Rutgers University Has Grand Plan to Help Adults with Autism Find Jobs
- A List of Seven Books About End-of-Life
- Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Admits to Underpaying Dual-Eligible Health Plans
- Severe Obesity in Adults Cost State Medicaid Programs Nearly $8 Billion in 2013
- Five Things to Know About New Social Security Claiming Rules
- How Minnesota Fails Its Residents with Disabilities
- Connecticut Launches New Background Check System for Long-Term Care Employees
- Universal Health Care to Appear on Colorado Ballot in 2016
- John Oliver Explains Medicaid Expansion
- Kline (HOSPICE) House Comfort Baskets
- Deleting Genes Could Boost Lifespan by 60 Percent, Say Scientists
- Murder-Suicides Among Elderly Driven by Illness, Depression
- Learning to Ride Mass Transit Equals Independence for Older People
- Dying at Home Brings More Peace Without More Pain, Study Finds
- Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Releases Star Ratings for Medicare Advantage Plans
- Makeover Coming for
- Battle Begins Against Possible Rise in Medicare Premiums
- Social Security Benefits Unlikely to Increase for 2016
- Seniors’ Hearing Trouble Linked to Greater Risk of Death
- Texas: Cuts to Therapy Services for Disabled Kids Softened
- Colorado Access Cuts Medicare Coverage, Workforce
- Department of Justice Creates Elder Justice AmeriCorps Program
- California Gov. Brown Signs Aid-in-Dying Bill into Law
- Congress, Administration Seek Ways to Limit Increase in Medicare Premiums
- Bright Light Therapy Reduces Depression and Agitation in Dementia Sufferers
- Florida Couple with Autism Marries in All-Autism Wedding Celebration
- Bright Light Therapy Reduces Depression and Agitation in Dementia Sufferers
- California Wildfires Left Disabled in Peril
- Sharing Economy Attracts Older Adults
- Details of Utah’s Medicaid Expansion Plan Due This Week
- Medicare Drug Plan Prices Set to Rise in 2016
- Medicare Open Enrollment Is Coming
- Calling on Medicare & Medicaid to Ban Long-Term Care Facilities from Using Unfair Arbitration Clause
- Neighbors File Suit Against Parents of Autistic Child
- Health Apps Top 165,000 in U.S., Report Says
- New California Website Details Costs, Quality of Medical Procedures
- New England Attorney Generals Team Up to Fight IRS Scam
- FINRA Approves Rule to Help Prevent Elder Abuse
- Study Reveals Connection Between Fitness Level, Brain Activity, and Executive Function
- ‘Prisoners of Age’ is a Chilling View of the Elderly Prison Population
- Canada: New Guideline Aims to Reduce Fractures in Seniors in Long-Term Care Facilities
- Why Communes May Be the New Retirement Home
- Study Finds Seeds of Alzheimer’s May Have Spread in Medical Procedure
- Medicare Provides Few Respite Coverage Options for Caregivers
- Vaccination Rates for Older Adults Falling Short
- California Aid-in-Dying Bill Heads to Governor’s Desk
- Minnesota Rep. Tim Walz Calls for Nationwide Inquiry into VA Brain Injury Exams
- San Francisco Adapts Meals Programs to Needs of Ethnic Elders
- Knee and Hip Replacements May Be Bad for the Heart
- Researchers Zero In On the Best Way to Diagnose Autism
- Lawsuit Claims State of Minnesota Has Underspent Funds Meant to Serve the Disabled
- Alaska Supreme Court Allows Medicaid Expansion–For Now
- GAO to Review Nursing Home Rating System
- Need for Home Health Workers Grows
- AARP, American Bankers Association Partner to Combat Financial Exploitation
- Annuities Compliant with Federal Statute Are Not Considered Countable Assets for Medicaid Eligibility (3d Cir.)
- Casey Kasem’s Daughter Builds Foundation to Push For Family Rights
- White House Takes Aim at Medicare and Medicaid Billing Errors
- Florida Seniors Will Soon Get Low-Cost Uber Ride Service
- South Dakota Proposal Would Raise Retirement Age for State Employees
- Consumers With COBRA Coverage Should Weigh Moving to Health Law Plans
- Rising Drug Costs Send More Medicare Recipients into the “Donut Hole”
- Obamacare Is For Native Americans Too
- Common Medications for Dementia Could Cause Harmful Weight Loss
- Mental Health Insurance Parity Not Yet Achieved
- Wisconsin Has Rejected $550 Million in Federal Dollars for Health Care
- Congress Approves NOTICE Act (Observation Status)
- Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Proposes New Regulation to Govern Nursing Home Arbitration Agreements
- Pain By the Numbers
- Study Backs Flu Vaccinations for Elderly
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) Sues Pension “Advance” Firms Over Deceptive Practices
- When It Comes To Long-Term Care Insurance, Americans Don’t Get It
- With Mergers, Concerns Grow About Private Medicare
- Illinois Bill to Allow Monitoring in Nursing Homes Now Law
- Proposed Revisions to the Federal Nursing Home Regulations Now Published & Available for Comment
- The Most Popular Ages to Sign Up for Social Security
- A special workshop, Retirement: Are You Ready? Tuesday, July 28th, 2015
- SSA Clarifies Its Position on Court-Established (d)(4)(A) Trusts
- Local Nursing Home Confines Resident Against her Will and Denies Visits from Family
- New Grant Awarded by Huguette Clark Family Fund for Protection of Elders
- Same-Sex Married Couples on SSI
- Organ Donation: State Efforts Have Done Little to Close the Supply Gap
- Missouri Governor Nixon Signs Bill Aimed at Protecting Seniors From Fraud
- Medicare Drug Plans Favor Generic Opioids Over Those Designed to Avoid Abuse
- Three States Get Feds’ OK for Health Insurance Marketplaces
- Proposed Oregon Retirement Savings Plan Makes Sense
- Seven Reasons Why It’s Important to Talk To An Attorney Who Understands the Needs Of Hospice Patients and Their Families
- Lawsuit May Proceed Against CCRC For Misleading Marketing
- VA Changes Forms
- The Need for Long-Term Care Planning
- Medicare Observation Status: Denying Medicare Coverage for Skilled Nursing Home Care
- Casey Kasem’s Widow Will Not Face Elder Abuse Charges
- California State Medical Association Now Neutral on End-of-Life Bill
- Travel Site Pulls Ad After Complaints It ‘Borders on Elder Abuse’
- Study Shows That Rate of Senior Food Insecurity on the Rise
- Medicare Recovery Audit Program Targeted for Reform After Spike in Observation Stays
- Advocates Amp Up Colorado Universal Care Plan
- Feds Take Aim at Sub-Minimum Wage Jobs in Sheltered Workshops
- Battle Over Right to Die Headed to Nashville Courts
- Is It Ordinary Memory Loss, or Alzheimer’s Disease?
- Medical Marijuana Fails to Improve Symptoms in Dementia
- New Medicaid Bill Targets Soaring Generic-Drug Prices
- Soaring Medicaid Enrollment Could Hit State Budgets
- Many States Fare Poorly in New Study of Nursing Homes
- Senior Housing Transitions Can Lead to Stigma and Isolation
- Proposed Maine Law Would Raise Compensation of Home-Care Workers
- L.A. County Slow to Probe Nursing Home Complaints, State Statistics Show
- Observation versus Admitted.
- Five Reasons for a Medicaid Denial
- Consumer Voice Hosts Free Webinar on Round-the-Clock Registered Nurse Coverage in Nursing Homes
- STDs Reported on Rise for Arizona’s Aging Population
- More Autistic People or More Diagnoses?
- Montana Governor Signs Medicaid Expansion into Law
- Ohio Billboard Campaign Will Raise Awareness of Elder Abuse
- Advisers Ramp Up Efforts to Create Tax-Conscious Retirement Withdrawal Strategies
- Study Says Medicare’s ACO Test Program Saved Hundreds of Millions of Dollars
- Twin Cities Shelters Scramble to Help Homeless Seniors
- Medical Alert Scammers Bully Seniors
- Social Security Shift to Online Services Prompts Concern
- Signing Up Late for Medicare Part B Can Trigger a Lifelong Penalty
- May Is Huntington’s Disease Awareness Month
- Drop-In Chefs Help Seniors Stay in Their Own Homes
- Maybe You Should Rethink That Daily Aspirin
- New Study Says That Multiple Sclerosis Drug Prices Rose at an ‘Alarming’ Rate
- Illinois Measure Would OK Cameras in Nursing Homes
- Budget Cuts to Hit Low-Income, Elderly Residents
- Penn. State Veterans Homes Have Big Problems
- Thousands May Have Been Shorted on Insurance Subsidies After Calculation Error
- Communicating With Dementia Clients
- New AARP Online Tool Calculates Livability Index for Those 50+
- Georgia Owes Feds $100 Million in Improper SNF Medicaid Payments
- CMS Launches HCAHPS Five-Star Quality Ratings
- Jeb Bush Calls for Raising the SS Full Retirement Age
- New Study from Allianz on Financial Exploitation of Seniors
- Medicare Considers Changing Hospice Care Policy
- Medicare Fix Bill Requires Removing SSNs from Medicare Cards
- The ABLE Act – A New Tool for Special Needs Planning
- How to Apply for and Obtain Medical Assistance
- State Guide to Assisted Living Records and Reports
- Despite Rate Complaints, Medicare Advantage Plans Continue to Grow
- Medicaid Expansion Gains in Red States
- 2015 Genworth Report on Cost of Long-Term Care
- Medicare Fraud Crackdown in New Jersey Ensnaring More Patients and Ambulance Companies
- Red Tape in District’s Home Rehab Program Leaves Seniors in Limbo
- Delaware Rep May Introduce Aid-in-Dying Bill
- Five States Weighing Big Tax Breaks for Retirees
- Unconventional Wisdom: Communicating with Dementia Clients
- Singapore Researchers Discover New Treatment for Dementia
- Democrats Rethink Social Security Strategy
- Alabama Agency Closes Harper Lee Elder Abuse Investigation
- IRS Rolls Out New Retirement Guidance
- Advocates Fight for Nursing Home Reform
- Rule Proposed on Providing Mental Health ‘Parity’ in Medicaid Program
- Mexican Americans Confront High Disability Rates in Later Life
- Principal Forces Student With Down Syndrome to Remove High School Letter Jacket
- VA Officials Say They Will Work to End Overprescribing
- Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to Scrutinize Homeopathic Remedies
- Audit Says Maryland Overbilled Federal Government $28.4M in Health Exchange Launch
- Daughter Sues Elder Abuse Investigator Over Father’s Will
- Some seniors to pay more for Medicare in House passed bill to hike doctor pay
- Medicaid Applicant Did Not Permanently Gift Income From Life Estate
- Purple Weekend
- Take Action Re Alzheimer’s Disease
- Over half of people with Alzheimer’s not given diagnosis
- Communist Party Clamps Down on China’s Gyrating Grannies
- Many Nursing Homes Fall Short at Palliative Care
- Health Law Complicates Filing Season For Many
- Medicaid Expansion Spotted Many Undiagnosed Diabetes Cases
- Pilot Shelter Program Helps Elderly Victims of Domestic Abuse
- Experts Call for Reimbursing Doctors for Helping Patients Plan End-of-Life Care
- For Adults with Autism, a Lack of Support When They Need It Most
- Financial Awareness Foundation’s 2015 Improving Financial Awareness & Financial Literacy Campaign
- Med Pac Report
- Aging Boomers Still Want Their Fitness DVDs
- Obama Administration: 16.4M Have Gained Health Insurance
- Can App for Google Glass Offer Path Out of Autism?
- Medicare Advantage Has Multi-Billion Dollar Problem
- Credit Rating Agencies Agree to Be More Flexible About Medical Debt
- House Republican Budget Would Overhaul Medicare and Repeal Health Law
- Employee Benefits Research Institute (EBRI) Study Says Study: Medicare Gaps Cost Retirees
- New Department of Justice Website on Elder Justice
- The Far Reaching Effects of a Fall
- New Federal Rule Will Extend Medical Leave Rights to Same-Sex Couples in All States
- Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Revises Affordable Care Act (ACA) Taxpayer Costs Down Yet Again
- Wisconsin Cuts Back on Long-Term Care for Disabled
- Florida Lifts Nursing Home Moratorium
- Top Scams Targeting Seniors
- March Is Brain Injury Awareness Month
- Obama Delivers Plea for Medicaid Expansion
- Senior Care Facilities Mix the Frail and the Disturbed
- Home Care Workers to Rally for Higher Wages
- New Rules on Narcotic Painkillers Hindering Vets’ Access to Meds
- Cost of Long-Term Care Insurance Up 9 Percent This Year
- Erroneous Tax Information Regarding Health Insurance Has Impact on 800,000
- Feds Propose 0.9 Percent Cut in 2016 Medicare Advantage Payments
- Reverse Mortgages Can Cause Headaches for Heirs
- Banner Study Could Unlock Alzheimer’s Terrible Secrets
- Stanford Program Helps Vietnamese RN Realize His Eldercare “Calling”
- Suicide Rates Rising for Older Adults
- Retiree Preferences Are Poised to Drive Housing Market, Study Says
- Five Things to Know About Supreme Court Case Challenging Health Law
- Extra Cost of Extra Weight for Older Adults
- Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf Wants 5,500 More Seniors to Get Home Care, Avoid Nursing Homes
- Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf Wants 5,500 More Seniors to Get Home Care, Avoid Nursing Homes
- GAO Report Documents Provider Misuse of Antipsychotics to Treat Dementia
- Washington State House of Representatives Passes Bill to Protect Elderly From Theft, Abuse
- Long-Term Meditation May Slow Brain Aging
- California’s Ban on Physician Aid-in-Dying Challenged in Court
- Obama Signs Veterans Suicide Prevention Bill
- Fraud Case Casts Spotlight on Medicare Advantage Plans
- Feds to Change Nursing Home Rating System
- Mental Health Care Providers Scarce Despite New Benefits
- Veterans Say New Choice Cards Are Causing More Problems
- Website Glitches Extend Obamacare Enrollment
- Union Retirees Fear Dramatic Pension Cuts Under New Federal Law
- Identity Theft
- Obama Budget Would Upend Estate Plans
- The Need for Medicaid Planning
- What Is A Trust?
- Study: Suffering at the End of Life Getting Worse, Not Better
- Vermont Takes 2nd Look at Aid-in-Dying Law
- Obama Budget Extends Social Security Benefits to All Married Same-Sex Couples
- Florida Is No. 1 in Obamacare Enrollment Despite GOP Opposition
- Budget Plan Sees Savings in Changes to Medicare
- The Aging Driver
- 5 Estate Planning Tips for the Non-Traditional Family (Which Probably Means Yours)
- Tougher Reverse Mortgage Rules to Take Effect
- Seniors Losing Independence and Combating Depression
- Brains of People with the Condition Work in ‘Idiosyncratic’ Ways, Claims Groundbreaking Study
- Across the Country, Flu Takes Toll on Elderly
- Five Ways for Congress to Back Retirees
- VA to Look into Overmedication Reports at Tomah, Wisconsin Center
- Health Co-Ops Aim to Compete with the Health Care Giants
- Some Employers Say Same-Sex Couples Must Marry to Receive Benefits
- Head of CMS Stepping Down
- Proposed Georgia Bill Gives Law Enforcement New Tools to Fight Elder Abuse
- NY nursing homes filing guardianship petitions to collect debts from residents.
- The 6 Secrets You Need to Know…
- Iowa Rape Case Raises Question of Whether a Wife with Dementia Can Consent to Sex
- Congress Approves Tax-Free Savings Accounts for Some People with Disabilities
- Key Elder Law Numbers for 2015: Annual Roundup
- Lack of Personal Care Agreement Makes Reimbursements to Relatives an Improper Transfer
- Choir of Alzheimer’s Patients Sings Tunes From Memory
- Report: VA Misled Congress and Media
- Keeping Your Estate Plan Up-To-Date Means Greater Peace of Mind
- We can help protect your legacy
- Probate Law Meets the Digital Age
- The Jimmo scorecard and CMS compliance update
- Factors to Consider In Determining Whether to Preserve Elder’s Interest in Primary Residence
- Need for Long-Term Care Insurance May Be Overstated
- Medicare Tightens Non-Emergency Use of Ambulances to Combat Fraud
- Who Has Access to Your Digital Assets When You Die?
- CDC Unveils Flu Toolkit for Long-Term Care Providers
- Data Show Just How Much Exercise Can Lower Alzheimer’s Risk
- Most Americans Agree With Right-to-Die Movement
- Google Opens Its Cloud to Crack the Genetic Code of Autism
- Consumers Will Pay More Out Of Pocket Next Year for Specialty Drugs
- Support for an Adult Child with Disabilities
- The 10 Fundamental Laws of RMDs
- Black box warnings for drugs that are being abused
- If you continue to work after full retirement age (66) while collecting your Social Security benefits, is your AIME recalculated to include earnings each year that you continue to work?
- Please take this moment to watch a wonderful and moving video on the Kline House
- Home For the Holidays
- Be Careful of These and Other Scams
- Alzheimer’s Cases to Double by 2050, Researchers Say
- Laws Spreading That Allow Terminal Patients Access to Experimental Drugs
- How to Stop an Elderly Parent From Driving
- More Employers Are Offering Elder-Care Benefits
- Investigation Finds That Nursing Homes Serving Minorities Offering Less Care Than Those Housing Whites
- Tip on Medicare Prompts Insider Trading Investigation
- ALS Patients Win Fight Over Medicare Reimbursement For Speech Devices
- Research Shows Easy-to-Walk Communities Can Blunt Cognitive Decline
- MedPAC Considers Eliminating Observation Stays
- L.A. County Health Department Allegedly Falsified Nursing Home Probe Records
- Social Security Benefits to Rise 1.7 Percent for 2015
- States Cracking Down On Accessible Parking Abuse
- Kansas Hospitals Pressing Ahead with Medicaid Expansion Proposal
- Estate Exclusion, Gift Limit Rise to $5.43M
- Study: 1 in 5 Nursing Home Residents Is Abused
- The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Have Withdrawn a Notice of Proposed Rule Making Concerning Future Medicals
- The Hidden Secret – Alcohol and Drug Dependency of Seniors
- Massachusetts Elder Abuse Commission Urges Elder Abuse Awareness Campaign
- A Life Well Lived is Hosting a “Celebration of Life”
- Study Finds That Cost of Informal Caregiving for U.S. Elderly Is $522 Billion Annually
- New National Study: Five Things You Should Know About Aging and LGBT People
- Ebola Resources: What You Need to Know
- Open Enrollment Brings Out Medicare Scammers
- New Pneumonia Vaccine Recommendations
- Parents’ Medical History May Make Long-Term Care Insurance More Expensive
- Medicare’s Basic Part B Premium to Stay at $104.90 for 2015
- More Older Adults Struggle with Substance Abuse
- Neglect of Elderly Is ‘Hidden Euthanasia,’ Pope Francis Says
- Feds Website Showing Drug Company Payments to Physicians Launched Sept. 30
- Medicare Beneficiaries Make Expensive Mistakes When Selecting Part D Plans
- When Near-Death Alzheimer’s Patients ‘Wake Up’
- Reverse Mortgages Poised for Rebound Amid Troubled History
- Widow of author Tom Clancy battles lawyer over $6M in estate taxes
- Weight Loss Surgery ‘Reduces Chance of Alzheimer’s Disease’
- Fears Rise of Medication Misuse by the Elderly
- Elderly Population Nears 26 Percent of Total
- New York State Files Antitrust Suit Against Maker of Alzheimer’s Drug
- Social Security Resumes Mailing Benefit Statements
- Hospital Acquired Conditions Reporting
- VA Cross Referencing with the IRS on Income Prior to Date of Pension Application
- The Hidden Secret – Alcohol and Drug Dependency of Seniors
- Electric Current to Brain Boosts Memory
- Coverage For End-of-Life Talks Gaining Ground
- Good News About Medicare and the Budget
- Observation Stays in the Hospital: The Impact on Medicare Beneficiaries
- Weight Loss Surgery ‘Reduces Chance of Alzheimer’s Disease’
- Has Health Law Helped Young People Get Mental Health Treatment?
- Hospice Oversight May Come From Rare Bipartisan Health Bill
- Nursing Home Star Ratings Allow Many Facilities to Game the System
- Overuse of Antipsychotic Drugs in Some Kansas Nursing Homes Endangering Patients
- Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to Revise the Definition of “Spouse” Under Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
- Average Insurance Premium Increase for Exchange Policies to Be 7.5 Percent
- Kaiser Family Foundation Releases “Medicaid and Long-Term Services and Supports: A Primer”
- Proposed New Jersey Law Would Require Caregiver Education
- Too Many Impoverished Elderly Overlook Government Help
- Observation Status: New CMS Experiment and Senate Hearing
- Disabled Military Child Protection Act Awaits Further Action from Congress
- Health Care for Our Veterans
- Veterans’ Access to Care Act of 2014
- Should You Name Your Special Needs Trust As A Beneficiary
- GAO Issues Report on Challenges of Educating Children in Nursing Homes
- Social Security Extends Access to Benefit Verification
- Pets a Prescription for Health, Happiness Among Elders
- Boomers Still Viable Ad Target, AARP Says
- New Law Expands ACL’s Capacity to Serve Americans with Disabilities
- CMS Restructures Quality Improvement Organization (QIO) Program
- Medicare Testing Payment Options That Could End Observation Status
- Researchers Claim One in Three Alzheimer’s Cases Is Preventable
- Our “Peace of Mind” Process
- Benefits of a Asset Protection Plan
- 5 Questions to Ask Before Making Gifts for Medicaid or Tax Planning
- Dangers of Joint Accounts
- Wife in Bankruptcy Must Still Pay Husband’s Income to Nursing Home
- GAO Report on Medicaid Planning Strategies
- New Yorker Cartoonist Lauds Elder Law Profession in Interviews About Her Book
- We Salute Our Gallant Soldiers Who Fought on D-Day
- Many Skilled Care Providers Still Unaware of New Medicare Rules
- Federal Court Rules No Private Right of Action under NHRA
- SSA Now Refers All SSI Trust Cases to the Experts
- As You Age – a new book by David Wingate
- Eight Things You Ought to Know About Autism (But Might Not)
- Feds Impose Stiffer Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Penalties
- Even Boomers Are Moving Back in With Mom and Dad
- CMS to Implement Fingerprint-Based Background Checks for High-Risk Providers and Suppliers in 2014
- Aging Baby Boomers Could Be The Boost America’s Public Transit Needs
- Don’t Go Broke In The Nursing Home
- Observation Stays in the Hospital: The Impact on Medicare Beneficiaries
- Florida Bill to Shield Nursing Home Investors from Lawsuits Gets Final Approval
- Costly Breast Cancer Treatment More Common at For-Profit Hospitals
- Health Plans Scramble to Calculate 2015 Rates
- Why you Need To Make a Living Will
- The Aging Driver
- Topics to discuss with your Health Care Agent
- Social Security Administration (SSA) Releases New Guidance on Special Needs/Pooled Trusts Determinations
- Legal DIY Web Sites Are No Match for a Pro, Consumer Reports Concludes
- Adult Daycare Facilities Can Help Your Loved One
- Case Illustrates Dangers of Executing a Will Without Legal Assistance
- Tax Tips for Parents of a Child with Special Needs (Contd)
- Tax Tips for Parents of a Child with Special Needs
- Changes to Reverse Mortgages
- Go the extra mile on The Longest Day
- The number of people in Maryland with Alzheimer’s increasing dramatically
- Maryland is one of the Worst States to Die In.
- Self-Funding for Long-Term Care
- Pre Retirement Planning
- A Toast To The Holidays
- David Wingate held a seminar on Affordable Health Care Act to Social Workers, Nursing Home Amin. etc.
- New CMS Proposed Homebound Policy Would Leave Medicare Beneficiaries Without Coverage
- Rapid Growth in Medicare Hospital Observation Services: What’s Going On?
- David Wingate at the Western Maryland Alzheimer’s Walk
- Easter Seals Adult Day Services recently hosted “Medicare 2014: The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” Seminar
- Save the Date – Martini and a Movie – Alzheimer’s Awareness Month
- National Hospice/Palliative Care Month
- Regulators tell banks that reporting elder abuse doesn’t violate privacy laws
- “Obamacare” Should Be of No Concern to Medicare Beneficiaries, Although Scammers May Tell You Otherwise
- Court Rejects Medicare Observation Status Suit
- September is National Preparedness Month
- Worried About Retirement – Social Security? Attend Upcoming Seminar.
- Wingate Walkers
- “Stop Hurting Kids” Campaign Aims to Prevent Seclusion and Restraint Tactics in Schools
- New Report Details the Extent of Senior Hunger in the United States
- My Avvo Rating has increased to “10.0”
- Family Caregivers Are Probably the Most Depressed People in America
- Advocacy Group Tells Connecticut: Make Roads Safer For Seniors
- Pew Report: 43 Percent of Seniors on Web Use Social Media
- China Will Scrap One-Child Policy as Aging Crisis Looms
- Laughter and Music Better Than Drugs for Dementia Patients
- Consumers Impatient for ObamaCare Coverage Can Start the Process Now
- Bipartisan Bill Offers New Approach to Medicare Fraud Fight
- Reverse Mortgages 101
- AARP Releases Issue Briefing on Third Public Hearing Held by LTC Commission
- Medicare Drug Premiums Expected to Remain Stable
- CMS Offers Health Insurance Marketplace Webinars
- Obama Administration Launches Website to Help Businesses with ACA Issues
- Support Friends of Meals on Wheels with Great Food & Fine Wine at Mamma Lucia’s
- Observation Status Continues to Be a Growing Problem for Medicare Beneficiaries
- For Bioethicist With Ailing Spouse, End-Of-Life Issues Hit Home
- Maryland Regulators Approve Premium Rates Much Lower Than Insurers Sought
- Long-Term Care Fact Sheets
- The State of Aging and Health in America
- Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Says Insurance Premiums Will Be 20 Percent Lower Than Expected in New Health Insurance Marketplace
- Friends of Meals on Wheels – Art Show and Sale
- Call to Action to Support UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
- New Study Shows Severe Housing Affordability Problems for Individuals with Disabilities
- 2012 Report of the President’s Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities
- State-by-State Summary of Senior Poverty
- Developing an Estate Plan for Parents of Children with Disabilities Part 1 of 2
- Medicare Advantage Plans Continue to Cost More Per Enrollee Than Traditional Medicare
- Arbitration Fairness Bill Re-Introduced
- Join us For an Exclusive Information Session Navigating the Assisted Living Transition
- Class Action Filed Against Long-Term Care (LTC) Insurance Company for Bad Faith Denial of Coverage and Elder Abuse
- Proclomation Regarding Health Care Decisions Day
- Frederick Gounty Commissioners Grant Proclomation
- We get smarter as we grow older, well some of us do?
- Elder Law Attorneys Are Not Just For The Very Old and Sick
- National Senior Citizens Law Center (NSCLC) Capitol Hill Briefing on the Need to Strengthen and Restore Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
- Proposed Rule Addresses Consumer Issues Relating to Affordable Care Act (ACA) Health Insurance Marketplaces
- Nearly 1-in-5 seniors who are hospitalized return to the hospital within 30 days.
- Caregiver Stress.
- David Wingate’s Elder Law Newsletter
- The Elder Law Office of David Wingate Invites you to attend our Dutch’s Daughter Client Appreciation Breakfast Event Event to be held on April 20th
- David Wingate Donates Five Hundred Dollars to Alzheimer’s Assoc. Dancing with the Stars
- Center for Retirement Research (CRR) Report Analyzes Impact of Long-Term Care Insurance Partnerships on Medicaid Costs
- Medigap: Plugging the Holes in Medicare
- Death With Dignity Bill on Track to a Vote in Vermont Legislature
- Marilyn Tavenner Nominated to Head Up Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
- Polls Indicate That Most Back Social Security Tax Hike
- Protecting Your Assets from the Nursing Home (Contd.)
- VA Transfer Penalties coming soon
- Making the Holiday Season Happy for Seniors and Caregivers
- Making Prescription Drugs Affordable
- Resources To Remember
- Afternoon At The Movies
- How To Avoid Probate.
- Home Care Versus Nursing home
- The Elder Law Office of David Wingate is helping to raise awareness of Alzheimer’s disease by walking in the “Walk to End Alzheimer’s”
- The Office of Older Americans
- The Average Age Of Reverse Mortgage Borrowers is Decreasing.
- Many families are unprepared for nursing home or long term care planning costs.
- What is a Living Will?
- What is a Health Care Agent?
- Transitions in Care
- The Last Will and Testament of Andy Rooney, the longtime commentator on 60 Minutes who died back in November 2011, has been filed for probate in Manhattan Surrogate’s Court.
- Nursing home resident advocates applauded federal action on the issue of using antipsychotics to treat elderly nursing home residents with dementia.
- Checking Out Charities
- As the amount of money stashed in 401(k)s and individual retirement accounts has grown, more and more families are finding themselves locked in battles over who has rights to the assets.
- Best moves for getting your estate in order, after the Tax Relief Act of 2010.
- Providing care to an aging parent is a challenge. However, providing long distance care seems impossible.
- President Obama’s recent Republican-friendly tax proposal has riled many Democrats.
- Thanksgiving dinner started early, once again, at the Salvation Army, Frederick, Maryland.
- Are you transitioning from child care to parent care i.e. the responsibility of caring for your parents?
- The average stay in a nursing home costs (approximately 40 months x $9,000) $360,000.
- Women sometimes get short-shrift from the very advisors they trust to help them with these matters
- small business owners are finding their retirment plans delayed, if not abandoned
- How Do I Qualify For Mediciad?
- PBS Living Old
- Senior Housing Issues and Concerns
- Estate Tax – Issue Coming?
- VA – Aid and Attendance
VA Benefits
Veteran Military