What is Elder Mediation?
The mediator’s job is to keep the family focused on their common goal – your aging parents not yourself. Therefore, they review the issues of: control, money, end of life issues, medical issues, caregiving, independence , or whatever the issues are, and try resolve them to preserve the family relationship. Consequently, everybody gets their chance to vent, argue, express their grievances etc., in a neutral and professional setting. The goal is to reach an amicable agreement amongst the parties. The interested family members should attend, and in some situations professionals, an elder care attorney, financial planner, caregiver or geriatric care manager, can attend the discussion/meeting to give their expertise.
The great advantage about mediation is cost. Rather than litigating the issues, where only the attorneys win, mediation is so much cheaper and faster, if everyone is willing to have an open mind. Unfortunately, some think about themselves rather than their parent’s best interests.
Mediation is voluntary, nonbinding, confidential, and decisions are made by consensus. Elder mediation is a win-win situation. If you have issues with siblings, parents, rather than going to court, try mediation instead.
In Frederick, Maryland CALM provides mediation services,
723 North Market Street Frederick, MD 21701 Phone: 301-631-2256 (CALM)
Email : CALMFREDERICK@aol.com
Or here are some places to find mediators or to learn about the process:
Mediate.com: www.mediate.com
The Center for Social Gerontology: www.tcsg.org/med.htm
National Association for Community Mediation: www.nafcm.org
National Eldercare Mediator Network: www.eldercaremediators.com
Association for Conflict Resolution: www.acrnet.org
Tags: aging parents, anger, caregiver, elder care attorney, elder mediation, family relationships, financial planner, geriatric care manager, vent