Virtual Reality Opens World of Possibilities for Seniors
A startup called Rendever is working towards a future where the physical limitations many seniors face won’t prevent them from traveling – virtually. The men and women at the Brookdale Senior Living Community got to try out the company’s technology. They don’t need to leave the building to take a trip to the French countryside, soar through Yosemite National Park and explore the depths of the ocean, all thanks to the power of virtual reality. MIT graduate students Dennis Lally and Reed Hayes are pioneering the use of this technology with seniors. “I feel for the people living inside these communities, that they don’t have enough stimulation,” Hayes said. “They need to have a sense of wonder about the world again, they need to be curious, they need to be exploring. And when you’re physically not able to do that by yourself, then virtual reality is a wonderful aid to provide that.” Much of the touring is done through Google Maps footage, but they also showcase 360-degree films. Lally and Hayes plan to start offering their service to senior communities for an upfront fee plus a monthly subscription.
Source/more: CBS
David Wingate is an elder law attorney at the Elder Law Office of David Wingate, LLC. The elder law office services clients with powers of attorneys, living wills, Wills, Trusts, Medicaid and asset protection. The Elder Law office has locations in Frederick and Montgomery Counties, Maryland.