Compensation Service expanded and updated the Intranet ships list website: located at the Vietnam Era Navy Ship Agent Orange Exposure Development Site under “Rating Job Aids”. (Remember, you have to be inside VA’s firewall to access this website.) The website now includes additional ships based on evidence documenting inland waterway travel, shore/pier docking, or close coastal offshore operations with small boats and/or crew members going ashore. This website serves as a development tool for claims from veterans who served aboard ships operating on the offshore “blue water” of Vietnam. Development procedures are explained in Training Letter (TL) 10-06, Adjudicating…
Usually, a veteran or a qualifying surviving dependent must show a nexus between the veteran’s condition or death and his/her military service, except with a presumptive condition or death.
Veterans exposed to herbicides while serving in Vietnam and other areas will have an easier path to access quality health care and qualify for disability compensation.