A surviving spouse may qualify for pension, compensation, or dependency and indemnity compensation if the marriage to the veteran occurred before or during his or her service or, if married to him or her after his or her separation from service. The pension may be paid to a surviving spouse who was married to the veteran: (1) One year or more prior to the veteran's death, or (2) For any period of time if a child was born of the marriage, or was born to them before the marriage, or (3) Prior to applicable delimiting dates. To increase your monthly…
Veteran resides in Alzheimer's section of ALF. The VA stopped his Veterans Benefits because the VA sent the EVR's to the facility, rather than his agent (son). The VA claims Veteran over paid and are requesting overpayment. If within the 180 day window request forgiveness of debt; however, this is not a debt per se. Explain about the EVR. VA can forgive claimant’s debt if no intentional fraud. Attach corrected EVR, along with 21-8416 medical expense reports. File VA form 5655 explains current situation. Plead hardship on the statement of support of claim form – no assets and without the…
The Presidential Memorial Certificate was created by President Kennedy in 1962. This engraved certificate is signed by the, elected, President of the United States, when the certificate is requested.
If the doctor states that the claimant must live in a “protective environment as provided by ________________ “ and the facility letter states that they are providing this protective environment, the entire IL fee should be accepted as UME. However, if no confirmation of “protective environment” or the facility is not providing same, the claimant may declare some facility costs as UME; e.g. medic alert system, transportation to/from doctors, twenty-four hour on-sight supervision, meal preparation, etc. To increase your monthly income, please contact us about a FREE HANDBOOK about VA Benefits, written by David Wingate, an accredited VA Attorney, of…
Widow was married to vet who died in the Korean War. Widow re-married a WWII veteran. Unfortunately, widow’s second spouse died and she remarried a non veteran. Widow’s third husband recently died. Any benefits available? Since first husband was killed in the Korean War, if widow was married to firt husband veteran for at least one year or had a child by him if married less than one year, she should have received. Probably, lost entitlement for remarrying. However, widow is now single, re-apply for DIC reinstated. Also, apply for CHAMPVA and burial benefits, if did not apply for them. To increase your…
Review special monthly compensation, if requires A & A, an additional benefit beyond 100%, Form 21-526B. Also, dependent benefit money i.e. wife and any dependent children or parent(s) on this form and on a statement in support of claim form. Furthermore, file for extended care services through the VHA. This may provide home care, sitters, etc. The form is 10-10EC. Although, the VA doctor will have to approve. Additionally, file if veteran’s home requires remodeling (adaptation), form 26-4555 or form 26-4555d. Also, if veteran dies of ALS, widow file for DIC. Widow can receive up to $1,686.00 per month, dependent…
Yes, if veteran was rated 100% for at least one year prior to death and died after 09-30-1999. Futhermore, eligible for CHAMPVA health and burial benefits. To increase your monthly income, please contact us about a FREE HANDBOOK about VA Benefits, written by David Wingate, an accredited VA Attorney, of Senior Life Care Planning, LLC, go to info@seniorlcp.com or if you require additional information about VA Benefits, visit our Senior LCP's Website. We also have a Blog on Elder Issues and Veteran's Benefits. If you are not receiving our Newsletter, go ahead and subscribe to our free NEWSLETTER to stay on…
Claimant files with VA, who denies claim (claimant has one year to reply with a NOD) Claimant asks for DRO review within one year, who denies claim and sends a statement of the case (claimant has 60 days to file appeal using form VA9 before the BVA) BVA denies claim, claimant can file appeal before CAVC within 120 days OR Claimant can file a motion to vacate with no time limit OR Claimant can file for BVA reconsideration with no time limit OR Claimant can file for a revision based upon CUE with no time limit but no new evidence…