Posts Tagged ‘taxes’

THE federal estate tax is scheduled to rise from the ashes on Jan. 1, and a lot more families may feel its bite unless Congress changes current law.

Now is the time to consider the various tax strategies available.

Take a look at your investment strategies to help determine how to preserve hard-earned wealth with the goal of creating a family legacy

Asset Protection planning is especially prudent for professionals and business owners whose personal assets could be at risk due to the nature of their employment.

If you own a small business, you sure don’t need an IRS audit.

The Internal Revenue Service just launched a new online video series, Your Guide to an IRS Audit.

Now is the time to review your personal finances

Now is the time to review your personal finances, here’s a brief checklist.

Beware of VA and Medicaid information on the internet, even from professional sources

Basically, the only good advice, is “Consult with an estate-planning attorney or other asset-protection professional who is steeped in knowledge of VA pensions and assisted-living benefits.”
