Posts Tagged ‘service connected pension’

What is a Medicaid Friendly Irrevocable Trust?

A Medicaid Friendly Irrevocable Trust has asset protection potential for those whose health and budget will allow them to leave the assets undisturbed for five years.

If a Veteran’s widowed spouse is residing in her daughter’s home and daughter is providing caregiving services, can the payments under a personal caregiver agreement count as UME?

If a Veteran’s widowed spouse is residing in her daughter’s home and daughter is providing caregiving services, can the payments under a personal caregiver agreement count as UME?  Yes, but there must be an actual money exchange from claimant to daughter and the daughter must claim the income, in her personal tax return. Additionally, to the personal needs contract, many VA adjudicators request an attendant sitter affidavit. To increase your monthly income, please contact us about a FREE HANDBOOK about VA Benefits, written by David Wingate, an accredited VA Attorney, of Senior Life Care Planning, LLC, go to or…

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Can a disabled veteran (service connected), receive non-service compensation such as base pension+housebound+Aid and Attendance?

  No. A claimant can have both non-service connected benefits and service connected benefits.  However, the claimant must choose one or the other.  He/She can go back and forth, but the VA will not pay both benefits at the same time.  Service connected A & A can be tacked onto a service connected claim, but it is not the same amounts as NSC pension A & A. To increase your monthly income, please contact us about a FREE HANDBOOK about VA Benefits, written by David Wingate, an accredited VA Attorney, of Senior Life Care Planning, LLC, go to or…

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Republicans “pledge” to slash veterans benefits

“My feelings on veterans benefits,” Cleland continued, responding to the Republican pledge to slash them, “they’re all pre-paid. Veterans gave at the office.”

FREE VA Benefits and Mediciad Workshop

While the rules have changed, attendees will discover that good planning opportunities exist for those who plan ahead, as well as those who are already in a nursing home.

With a presumptive condition or death, it is presumed. the veteran served in a certain arena or time the military service was the cause of condition or death.

Usually, a veteran or a qualifying surviving dependent must show a nexus between the veteran’s condition or death and his/her military service, except with a presumptive condition or death.
