The $90.00 personal allowance reduction is not countable as income towards Medicaid, M21-1MR, Part V, Subpart iii, Chapter 3 1. General Information on Pension Reductions for Medicaid-Covered Nursing Facility Care Change Date May 14, 2007 a. Provisions for Pension Reduction 38 CFR 3.551(i) limits to $90 per month the amount of Improved Pension that can be paid to a veteran (or surviving spouse) with no dependents who • is in a Medicaid-approved nursing facility, and • is covered by a Medicaid plan for services furnished by the nursing facility. No part of the $90 monthly Improved Pension may be used…
YES. Net worth means your and your dependents net household asset value . It includes such assets as bank accounts, stocks, bonds, mutual funds and any property other than the veteran’s residence. There is no official set cap, unlike Medicaid, on how much net worth a veteran and his dependents can have, but net worth cannot be excessive. The decision as to whether a claimant’s net worth is excessive depends on the facts of each case i.e life expectancy – 96 year old has $50k, rather than 70 year old with $50k. There are some exclusions to income that allow…