Posts Tagged ‘Medicare’

Eligiblility for Medical coverage at Home

The health services used must be both reasonable and necessary in the treatment of an illness or injury.

You may want to learn more about a littleknown option called a “pooled trust,”

Joining a pooled trust may be an option for some people in certain states to receive home care
through Medicaid, without having to impoverish themselves in order to qualify.

A new plan operated jointly by insurer Humana and retail giant Walmart, is it the best?

There are many new developments in the world of Medicare. And, with many seniors beginning their decision process, it is important to know some of these changes are good and some are bad. One of the new developments getting a good deal of attention is the new plan operated jointly by insurer Humana and retail giant Walmart. However, according to a recent AP article (Walmart Drug Plan for Seniors May Not Be Best Deal), the plan has equal measures of good and bad, too. The plan has the lowest monthly premium, almost half the average, at $14.80. Nevertheless, the important…

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If you will be Medicare eligible this year, you know two things

If you will be Medicare eligible this year, you know two things:  First: It’s time to start! Medicare’s open-enrollment program began November 15th. Second: There are many differences from last year, and your options can be rather confusing. A recent article from the Wall Street Journal’s Personal finance section tries to round up some of the new rules from the overhaul, and how they differ between Traditional and Advantage Medicare plans. Traditional Plans will see an increase in coverage extending out to preventative services – including mammograms, Pap tests, and screenings for prostate or colorectal cancer – as well as…

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The basic premium for Medicare Part B will be $115.40 a month in 2011.

The basic premium for Medicare Part B will be $115.40 a month in 2011, up from $110.50 in 2010 (a 4.4 percent increase). But because there will be no cost of living benefit increase for Social Security recipients for 2011, most beneficiaries will be exempted from paying this increase and will instead pay the same $96.40 premium amount they have paid since 2008. A "hold-harmless" provision in the Medicare law prohibits Part B premiums from rising more than that year's cost of living increase in Social Security benefits. Since there is no Social Security increase, most beneficiaries — about 73…

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Medicare has never been an easy program to understand.

If you are approaching age 65, you should know that there is no one way of entering into Medicare.

To Hospitalize or Not to Hospitalize, that is the Question?

The Kaiser Family Foundation Report explores factors that appear to drive relatively high rates of hospitalizations, based on interviews with doctors, nursing home staff and families in four cities.  Key factors include liability concerns, limited onsite staff capabilities, difficulty reaching residents' physicians for care instructions on nights and weekends, better and more timely access to diagnostic tests in hospitals, and patient preferences. Physicians with patients in a long-term care facility say it is more convenient and potentially in their financial interest to see patients in the hospital, based on their understanding of coverage and payment policy.

a Website operated by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services that allows consumers to look up information comparing hospitals on quality — called Hospital Compare.

click Nursing Home Reviews to review nursing homes.

The NCOA national education campaign called “Straight Talk for Seniors on Health Reform.” The program is intended to help senior’s understand the health reform law.

This is why seniors who have questions about Medicare and the new health law should contact their State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP), usually located with the Department/Commission of Aging, for independent advice, and not slanted from the politician’s thirty second sound bite.

Providing Care For Someone With Alzheimer’s Disease.

We, at Senior Life Care Planning, provide our clients, families, and caregivers, with a support system, expertise and resources they need to better navigate the many health care, legal, and financial complexities associated with aging.
