Posts Tagged ‘Medicare’

Veterans can utilize VA and Medicare Benefits

Qualifying veterans can receive care at VA facilities. Additionally, those 65 years old and older – and those with certain disabilities – may qualify for Medicare. The VA and Medicare offer different, yet valuable, benefits to veterans." Through the VA, eligible veterans have access to a full range of preventive outpatient and inpatient services, within the VA health care system, which includes hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, pharmacies and doctors nationwide. VA co-payments and deductibles, including the costs of prescription drugs, are generally less than Medicare. Eligibility for benefits is based on a priority system. According to the United States Department…

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What is the eligibility requirements for Hospice?

To be eligible for hospice a physician must certify the patient to be terminally ill with a life expectancy of six months or less and treatment for a cure is no longer provided. The focus for the patient has changed to supportive care and quality of remaining life. Hospice is paid for by private insurance, Medicare or Medicaid Hospice Benefit or personal funds. Here are the conditions that apply for Medicare Hospice Benefits: You are eligible for Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance) Your doctor and the hospice medical director certify that you’re terminally ill and have 6 months or less…

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What senior residential or care organizations do you trust?

As the aging demographic increases, more state and national resources are being shifted to taking care of seniors Medicare, Medicaid, Nursing Homes, Assisted Livings and Home Care agencies. Consequently, as more and more residential and service organizations are formed who do you trust to take of your aging parents? We at Senior Life Care Planning help seniors and their families independent and professional advice on your parent’s needs, requirements, how to pay for care, and their goals. Consequently, we can help you alleviate the fear of your parents and yourselves, with caring and compassionate professionals. It’s really important that you…

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Estimated costs for different types of senior care

The following is an estimate of the costs of the varying types of senior care for your aging parents: Telephone Calls – Telephone home call "care" can cost approximately 40 per month, for safety checks, medication management, etc. Home Care – Depending if you hire an agency, approximate costs $20 per hour,  $7,500 for 24/7 care; or a private individual approximately $10 per hour, although you have  to pay taxes, insurance on top. Respite Care – Otherwise, known as Hospice, can be paid by Medicare. Visiting Nurses – If treatment prescribed by physician, may be covered by Medicare or Medicaid….

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Five Medicaid Myths

My goal is to dispel the Medicaid Myths: 1. Myth: “Medicare will cover my nursing home bill." The Truth: Medicare only covers a small amount of the nursing home care provided in this country. Many older people are surprised to learn this. Medicare provides 20 days of full coverage if you spent at least three days in the hospital and need skilled care (not intermediate level care). Then, if you still need skilled care, you can get up to 80 days of partial coverage from Medicare, the co-pay will usually be picked up by your supplemental insurance. After that, you…

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Aging Parents – Overwhelmed and Confused

As we age, our needs and demands change. Senior Life Care Planning’s goal is to educate and assist you in achieving quality of life and peace of mind. Before the care journey becomes overwhelming, it's important to have trusted professionals guiding you on your path. Our philosophy is to provide a dedicated service and attention to our clients to make the aging process empowering and rewarding. We are often asked: How can I protect my assets to take care of my spouse, or to leave them to my children?  Do I have to spend all of my money on the nursing…

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Medicare fraud investigations returned a record total of more than $2.5 billion to the Medicare program last year.

The Office of the Inspector General also maintains a hotline, which offers a confidential means for reporting vital information. The Hotline can be contacted by phone: 1-800-447-8477; or by email:

How Do You Pay the Nursing Home?

Nursing homes are very expensive, ranging from $7,000 to $12,000 or more a month.

Here are some tips from the Medicare blog on how to fight fraud

‘Tis the season – for Medicare fraud and scams, that is! Every year at about this time, the scammers come out from under whatever rocks they hide, taking advantage of the confusion and haste many seniors experience during the Open Enrollment period that lasts through the end of the year. According to the LA Times, we have the usual crop of potential identity thieves, calling seniors and trying to pry their personal financial information from them over the phone. Unfortunately, we also are seeing another type of scam this year: unscrupulous sales tactics by pushy sales agents. Some of these…

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Medicare Explained

Medicare is explained in this short video
