Posts Tagged ‘Medicare fraud’

Medicare fraud investigations returned a record total of more than $2.5 billion to the Medicare program last year.

The Office of the Inspector General also maintains a hotline, which offers a confidential means for reporting vital information. The Hotline can be contacted by phone: 1-800-447-8477; or by email:

Here are some tips from the Medicare blog on how to fight fraud

‘Tis the season – for Medicare fraud and scams, that is! Every year at about this time, the scammers come out from under whatever rocks they hide, taking advantage of the confusion and haste many seniors experience during the Open Enrollment period that lasts through the end of the year. According to the LA Times, we have the usual crop of potential identity thieves, calling seniors and trying to pry their personal financial information from them over the phone. Unfortunately, we also are seeing another type of scam this year: unscrupulous sales tactics by pushy sales agents. Some of these…

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