Basically, the only good advice, is “Consult with an estate-planning attorney or other asset-protection professional who is steeped in knowledge of VA pensions and assisted-living benefits.”
Ask if the financial advisor is VA accredited? If they are not, they have not performed required education to become accredited. Check accreditation at the VA Accreditation website.
The state cannot force you to sell your residence, but they will put a lien on the property, and when you die, the Government will go after your estate.
As the Internet grows, at an ever expanding pace, seniors and their loved ones, are usually, more confused because more information is available, whether that information is right or wrong.
Although families, keep the Alzheimer victim at home, as long as possible, most people with the disease move into an assisted living facility or nursing home.
Properly addressing legal issues, in a timely matter can go a long way towards improving the quality of life of your family member, with Alzheimer’s disease, as well as making things easier for the caregivers
When an adult child comes to my office, a frequent question “Is their anything I can do to save my mother’s assets?” The child states “I’ve been told that I have to spend all of my mother’s assets on the nursing home.” Additionally, “I cannot do anything, as my mother did not do any medicaid asset planning. Because of the five year look back period, we can’t do anything.” Unfortunately, we see these same MYTHs all the time. Mother does NOT have to spend everything to pay the nursing home. Luckily, I state that “Even if your loved one is…