Posts Tagged ‘medicaid’

Should a Veteran use an annuity for planning?

Most people, including veterans and seniors, do not have a sufficient understanding of annuities, to make a decision about the appropriateness of an annuity product.

Can a Vet transfer funds directly to his daughter?

The VA is now requesting documentation of all assets transfered prior to the date of a veteran’s application to show that all of these rights have been relinquished.

What do you do when a Veteran’s records were destroyed in the St. Louis fire?

It appears that all veteran’s records were destroyed in the fire, as when you ask, the file” was destroyed in the fire.” However, this isn’t the case.

When can a Veteran or Surviving Spouse collect the maximium Aid and Attendance?

The cost of the assisted living facility or home care, medications etc must exceed your household income.

A VA adjudicator called the facility and asked if the facility provided “medical care” to the vet, and the facility said “No”.

if you are a veteran or a family member acting as agent, filing for aid and attendance, inform the facility that ABSOLUTELY NOBODY from the facility has permission to speak to the VA. If a VA rep calls, he/she should be referred back to the agent of record.

the VA adjudicator called the facility and asked if the facility provided “medical care” to the vet, and the facility said “No”.

Consequently, if you state your claim correctly, have all your necessary documentation, and don’t allow any parties to talk to the VA adjudicator, you may not have been denied.

If my mother sells her house before moving into Assisted Living, does she have to count that money as income?

If you mother has plans to sell her house, then it is always best to take care of these issues before applying for A&A.

The VA did not consider prescription co-pays as there is no ability to predict their on-going requirement.

We suggest review the pharmacy print-out and line out everything that is not recurrent

To Hospitalize or Not to Hospitalize, that is the Question?

The Kaiser Family Foundation Report explores factors that appear to drive relatively high rates of hospitalizations, based on interviews with doctors, nursing home staff and families in four cities.  Key factors include liability concerns, limited onsite staff capabilities, difficulty reaching residents' physicians for care instructions on nights and weekends, better and more timely access to diagnostic tests in hospitals, and patient preferences. Physicians with patients in a long-term care facility say it is more convenient and potentially in their financial interest to see patients in the hospital, based on their understanding of coverage and payment policy.

What is the VA procedure of a DRO and a BVA?

Briefly, a DRO is at the local VARO office and can be requested by a claimant at any time.  This senior adjudicator and can overturn the original's adjudicator's decision and approve the claim.  If he denies the claim, he must send a statement of the case which gives the claimant the reasons for the denial. From the time that a DRO denies the claim, the claimant has only 60 days to file his formal appeal with the BVA, using form VA9. The Board of Veterans Appeals (BVA) is part of the VA and is in Washington.  Its judges review claims that were…

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