Posts Tagged ‘life care planning’

David Wingate has been named as the number one Elder Law Attorney again

David Wingate, was overjoyed with the recognition. However, he credits the staff of Senior Life Care Planning for the ongoing success. “I am honored to receive recognition from my fellow attorney and the publication,” he said.

Veterans may be entitled to additional benefits, if housebound or in need of aid and attendance.

To increase your monthly income, please contact us about “VA benefits.”

The Use of a “Medicaid” Annuity to Protect Assets

The annuity creates an income stream, (non countable) that repays the full amount of the annuity plus interest, over a term of years or the spouse’s actuarial life expectancy.

Through spouse’s, love and affection, is he abusing his wife?

There are a number of questions, facts and circumstances, to be investigated, not just get a list, and, slowly, hire someone.

The Senior Life Care Planning, LLC Leads the Way in Comprehensive Services Designed to Help Families Select Nursing Homes and Maintain Quality Long-Term Care

Senior Life Care Planning, provides assistance to the aging and Veterans in dealing with the unique issues they face.

The idea of Assisted Living is tremendously appealing – an older individual receiving necessary care and services in a home-like environment, while retaining choice and autonomy.

However, momentum toward Assisted Living, should not lead one to assume that Assisted Living is always the right choice, or that any and all health care conditions can be accommodated within Assisted Living.

Women sometimes get short-shrift from the very advisors they trust to help them with these matters

If you are a woman (or love someone who is), don’t accept poor service or communication from any legal or financial advisors.

Now is the time to review your personal finances

Now is the time to review your personal finances, here’s a brief checklist.

The VA is launching a multi-year initiative called Veterans Relationship Management (VRM) that will greatly improve Veterans’ access to health care and benefits information.

VRM is just one of the many initiatives VA is launching to help Veterans get timely access to health care and benefits.

How Do You Take Care of Mom – Long Distance

You live in a different city or state than mom. You try your best to see her, take the long trips, as much as you can. You call every day. However, no matter what you do, you feel the guilt, for not being there for her.
