Posts Tagged ‘life care planning’

What is covered under VA health care?

The standard benefits package includes: Preventative care services, outpatient diagnostic and treatment services (including mental health and substance abuse treatment), inpatient diagnostic and treatment services, prescriptions, and long-term care (including nursing home care for some veterans). Long-term care. The VA offers a number of long-term care options through its health plan. All enrolled veterans are eligible for the following services: Geriatric evaluationprovides either an inpatient or outpatient evaluation of a veteran's ability to care for him or herself. Adult day health carea therapeutic day care program that provides medical and rehabilitation services to veterans Respite careprovides either inpatient or outpatient…

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Who is eligible for VA Health Care?

To receive care, most veterans must be enrolled in the VA health system. Eligibility for the health system depends on a number of factors, including the nature of your discharge from military service, your length of service, whether you have service-connected disabilities, your income level, and available VA resources, among others. To be eligible, you must not have been dishonorably discharged from the military. Your length of service may also be important. Former enlisted persons who started active duty before September 8, 1980, and former officers who first entered active duty before October 17, 1981, do not have a length-of-service…

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How to apply for VA Benefits

You can apply for both disability benefits by filling out VA Form 21-526, Veteran's Application for Compensation Or Pension. If available, you should attach copies of dependency records (marriage & children's birth certificates) and current medical evidence (doctor & hospital reports). You can apply online at David Wingate has written a FREE HANDBOOK on Veteran’s Benefits, if you desire a copy please visit the Senior Life Care Planning’s website or email at, or call the Frederick Office at 301 663 9230. Additionally, for more information and articles on VA Benefits go to our Senior LCP's Veteran's Blog

The VA pays a pension to disabled veterans who are not able to work. The pension is also available for surviving spouses and children. This pension is available whether or not your disability is service-connected, but to be eligible you must meet the following requirements: You must not have been discharged under dishonorable conditions. If you enlisted before September 7, 1980, you must have served 90 days or more of active duty with at least one day during a period of war. Anyone who enlisted after September 7, 1980, however, must serve at least 24 months or the full period…

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VA Disability Compensation

If you have an injury or disease that happened while on active duty or if active duty made an existing injury or disease worse, you may be eligible for disability compensation. The amount of compensation you get depends on how disabled you are and whether you have children or other dependents. Click here to see the current compensation rates. Additional funds may be available if you have severe disabilities, such as loss of limbs, or a seriously disabled spouse. David Wingate has written a FREE HANDBOOK on Veteran’s Benefits, if you desire a copy please visit the Senior Life Care…

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According to a 2006 MetLife Study, at least 60 percent of employed caregivers, reported making work adjustments because of caregiving.

If you are a child caregiver, you must formalize this caregiving relationship into a caregiving (Parenting) contract.

If my mother sells her house before moving into Assisted Living, does she have to count that money as income?

Accredited VA Attorney David Wingate has written a FREE HANDBOOK on VA Benefits , if you desire a copy please visit the Senior Life Care Planning’s website or email at, or call the Frederick Office at 301 663 9230.

Veterans Advocates Group of America, LLC announced that David Wingate of Senior Life Care Planning, LLC, Maryland, attended its Fall VA conference on VA Benefits held in October 7-8, 2010 at Saint Louis, Missouri.

“Veterans deserve special attention, so we take our role as advocates seriously. We work to enusure that veterans and their families enhance their quality of life. The practice areas at Senior Life Care Planning, LLC include VA applications, and other areas of paramount importance to veterans.

Who do the Senior Life Care case manager’s do?

We serve as your advocate and intermediary, and we also give you advice regarding homecare, assisted living facilities and nursing homes or health care facilities.

Protections Against Health Insurance Companies

In addition, there will be new protections against elder abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation as well as free wellness visits under Medicare and incentives to providers to coordinate care – all taking effect in 2011.
