Posts Tagged ‘legal issues’

Should You Hire an Elder Care Attorney?

When a loved one is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease and requires assistance throughout the day, the spouse and adult children are faced with two choices. First, if you wish to keep that person well cared for in the home; Join the ranks of the 65 million family caregivers in this country and become a full-time caregiver. Or else hire a home-care aide to help with the many tasks throughout the day and night, from bathing and dressing to preparing food and doing housework and laundry.  Since each of these options has its own drawbacks, many concerned people, especially those who…

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The demographics of aging are shifting, and the number of single, childless seniors is growing.

As it turns out, Sophia, Blanche, Dorothy and Rose were ahead of their time! Yes, those Golden Girls of the 1980s were on to something that has become a growing trend of aging baby boomers. When the four savvy women decided to move in together and build a sort of ad-hoc “family,” they were simply doing (more than three decades ago) what an increasing number of seniors are doing, or considering doing, today. Sociologists and popular social critics alike have been discussing the erosion of the nuclear family for years but here is a new twist: what is to become…

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Senior Life Care Planning Helps Seniors and Their Families

At Senior Life Care Planning we help seniors and their loved ones navigate the maze of legal and financial issues associated with a prognosis of loss of memory or other long-term crippling disease.

What is an Elder Care Coordinator and Do I Need One?

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“I don’t want my kids to become my caregiver. Therefore, if the time comes along that I can no longer care for myself, I want to go to a retirement community or nursing home, so they do not have to worry or do anything”

However, this is not reality. The obligation for caring for elderly parents never goes away.

What Can Senior Life Care Planning Do for Me?

Senior Life Care Planning offers a wide range of services to help maintain their client’s independence at home, or to advocate for their client’s rights and quality of life, at an assisted living facility or nursing home.
