Posts Tagged ‘home care’

There is growing need in this country for improvements in care for the elderly.

We are changing the face of elder care, by delivering high quality, independent professional advice and advocacy services on home care, assisted living and nursing homes, asset protection, and finding governmental programs to pay for care.

You need to be aware of self described “veterans advocates” who are in fact unscrupulous investment advisors.

These financial scammers state that “we’ll get you eligible for VA benefits, thus you’ll have more income, to pay for the assisted living facility or the home care nurse, and all you have to do is purchase this annuity.”

“I don’t want my kids to become my caregiver. Therefore, if the time comes along that I can no longer care for myself, I want to go to a retirement community or nursing home, so they do not have to worry or do anything”

However, this is not reality. The obligation for caring for elderly parents never goes away.

They’re called “the golden years” – but it only takes one con artist to dull them.

For home care, you should always choose a reputable home care organization for an aging family member.

What Can Senior Life Care Planning Do for Me?

Senior Life Care Planning offers a wide range of services to help maintain their client’s independence at home, or to advocate for their client’s rights and quality of life, at an assisted living facility or nursing home.

Providing Care For Someone With Alzheimer’s Disease.

We, at Senior Life Care Planning, provide our clients, families, and caregivers, with a support system, expertise and resources they need to better navigate the many health care, legal, and financial complexities associated with aging.

How Do I Make Sure That Home Health Care Is Quality Care?

In looking for a home health care agency, the following 20 questions can be used.


Home care services can be paid privately, i.e. your own funds or funds from a family member; or thru your long term care insurance policy, if you meet their standards for help; or through a variety of public sources, Medicare, Medicaid, and the Veterans’ Administration.

Most people think that we do wills, trusts and power of attorneys. Although, we do prepare estate planning documents, the major focus for Senior Life Care Planning, is to provide advocacy care services

We provide our clients, families, and caregivers, with a support system, expertise and resources they need to better navigate the many health care, legal, and financial complexities associated with aging.

The challenges of elder’s choosing the right resources that are available, is daunting.

Senior Life Care Planning offers a wide range of services to help maintain their client’s independence at home, or to advocate for their client’s rights and quality of life, at an assisted living facility or nursing home.
