Posts Tagged ‘elderly’

Adult Daycare Center versus Home Care

Adult daycare centers and in-home senior care are both excellent choices that permit elderly and disabled adults to live at home rather than move into a nursing home or assisted living facility. In order to make the best choice for your family, it’s helpful to learn what each offers before deciding which best suits your situation. Either choice allows family caregivers to: • Keep a full or part-time job; • Have help with the physical needs involved with care; • Obtain respite from what can be a 24-hour responsibility; • Reclaim your relationship as spouse, son or daughter rather than…

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Elderly adults can improve their vision

Elderly adults can improve their vision with perceptual training, "Perceptual learning, aging, and improved visual performance in early stages of visual processing," appears in the Journal of Vision. It was funded by a $3.5 million grant from the National Institute on Aging. "We found that with just two days of training, in one-hour sessions, with difficult stimuli resulted in older subjects seeing as well as younger college-age subjects," G. John Andersen said. "The improvement was maintained for up to three months and the results were dependent on the location in the visual field where the stimuli were located – suggesting…

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PBS Living Old

Most people cannot afford to keep a loved one in a nursing home, without the help of government assistance, Medicaid.
