Posts Tagged ‘elder law’

If you are age 65 and married, the odds are 75 percent that you or your spouse will need long-term care.

If you are single, the odds are 50 percent that you will need long-term care. If you are age 65 and married, the odds are 75 percent that you or your spouse will need long-term care. These statistics reveal that most people will be faced with long-term nursing home care issues and challenges at some point in their lives – whether for themselves or a loved one. While surfing the web this week, I ran across an excellent Special Report on Long-Term Care put together by the folks at Kiplinger. I think it’s an excellent resource for anyone considering purchasing…

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The DEA has issued new guidelines to expediate nursing home residents in receiving certain painkillers and anti-anxiety medications.

Physicians may now authorize nursing home nurses to call in the prescriptions directly to pharmacies.

Keeping More Older Adults Out of Nursing Home – a FREE Webinar

The National Senior Citizens Law Center has published a new report, “10-Plus Years After the Olmstead Ruling: Progress, Problems, and Opportunities.”

As the holiday season is fast approaching, take time when you visit your parent’s house to review and plan their health and care situation.

The challenge is daunting; however, not doing anything can be worse. Sometimes, having a professional elder care attorney and care coordinators can help with the situation.

Maryland has encated a new financial power of attorney.

If you don’t have one, you need one, and if you have an existing Power of Attorney, you need to have it reviewed and probably updated.

More people should consider hiring an Elder Care manager to help them.

A good elder care manager has many years of experience and many weapons in their arsenal of intellectual capital. They are good at assessing the situation, good at identify and defining problems, and good at making specific recommendations on where to go and who to go see to get help.

There is growing need in this country for improvements in care for the elderly.

We are changing the face of elder care, by delivering high quality, independent professional advice and advocacy services on home care, assisted living and nursing homes, asset protection, and finding governmental programs to pay for care.

“I don’t want my kids to become my caregiver. Therefore, if the time comes along that I can no longer care for myself, I want to go to a retirement community or nursing home, so they do not have to worry or do anything”

However, this is not reality. The obligation for caring for elderly parents never goes away.

They’re called “the golden years” – but it only takes one con artist to dull them.

For home care, you should always choose a reputable home care organization for an aging family member.

What Can Senior Life Care Planning Do for Me?

Senior Life Care Planning offers a wide range of services to help maintain their client’s independence at home, or to advocate for their client’s rights and quality of life, at an assisted living facility or nursing home.
