Posts Tagged ‘asset protection’

The VA has begun distributing disability benefits to Vietnam Veterans who qualify for compensation under recently liberalized rules for Agent Orange exposure.

The three new illnesses – B-cell (or hairy-cell) leukemia, Parkinson’s disease and ischemic heart disease – are added to the list of presumed illnesses previously recognized by VA.

A change in federal legislation now allows women to have an easier time seeking treatment for suspected post-traumatic stress disorder.

Last year about 319,000 veterans nationally received PTSD treatment

Before you hire a home care agency seek professional advise from Senior Life Care Planning so we will find the right kind of agency for you.

FREE VA Benefits Workshop on December 8, at 9.00am, The Support Center, Rockville

It’s estimated that more than 25 million veterans or surviving spouses qualify for the benefit but only 143,000 vets are now receiving the pension.

Where should the senior move too?

The older adult often provides financial assistance by making the selling their home, and in return a home care setting, companionship, and security.

Whether you are caregiver, spouse, child, friend, Senior Life Care Planning’s comprehensive services will help you, and help your loved one.

Our clients and families that require and need our care and expertise, are always treated with dignity and respect.

Aging parents can pose a problem for their baby boomer children.

We find the children have peace of mind having an advocate to turn to, for questions, advice, and independent advice.

Senior Life Care Planning offers you independent advice about home care versus assisted living facilities.

Some home care can be paid by a veterans benefits, providing you qualify, see our previous veterans benefits blog and website.

Senior Life Care Planning works with individuals and families as advocates for their care, residence, and assets.

Senior Life Care Planning helps clients and their loved ones navigate the maze of legal, care and financial issues associated with dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease, or other disabling health issues.

How does a reverse mortgage effect assets or income with regards to VA Pension with A and A?

You do not report a reverse mortgage ie it’s a loan that is paid back; therefore, it is not an asset or income.
