Choosing a nursing home for your aging parent or loved one is a daunting task. In an AARP article 89%, over the age of 45, of people surveyed, desire to stay home in lieu of any other type of residential facility. No person wishes to live in a nursing home. And, typically, the search takes place in CRISIS mode, when discharge is impending from the hospital or it's no longer possible to provide home care. Here are a few pointers that may help you choose and evaluate the nursing home: Location, location, location. Location is the most important factor in…
If you are dealing with some of the thorny family issues that often arise as loved ones age – such as disputes over inheritances, where an elderly parent may live, what type of care may be necessary, and who will pay for it – you are not alone. And if you think your family could use a “professional referee,” it may be time to consider consulting an “elder mediator.” According to a recent Wall Street Journal article, elder mediators say their profession is growing as baby boomers seek help with their aging parents. “Our clients tend to be well-educated, successful…
Receive a FREE copy of Senior Life Care Planning’s Alzheimer’s Caregiving Strategies. These strategies include, how to cope with caregiving, financial and legal concerns.