Should I use an annuity to get Aid and Attendance?
The answer, it depends. Annuities are a very broad class of products and have many different features, designed for specific uses. Most consumers have heard of them, but know very little about the breadth of annuities. However, most consumers often have a strong opinion which is usually shaped by one comment they have heard from one person about one annuity product used (or misused) for a particular situation.
The “sales process”, of course, is extremely appealing. But be careful the type of annuity you purchase, and the financial company, you are purchasing from. Also, it is illegal for any person or financial company to help you complete a VA application, unless they are VA accredited, or charge a fee, or be an interested party.
See some of our previous Blogs, regarding financial (annuity) scammers
To increase your monthly income, please contact us about a FREE HANDBOOK about VA Benefits, written by David Wingate, an accredited VA Attorney, of Senior Life Care Planning, LLC, go to or if you require additional information about VA Benefits, visit our Senior LCP's Website.
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Tags: Aid and Attendance, asset protection, elders, life care planning, long term care, ltc, medicaid, Medical Assistance, non service connected pension, nursing homes, pensions military, senior life care planning, seniors health, service connected pension, VA, VA benefits, va pensions