Medicare has never been an easy program to understand.

Medicare has never been an easy program to understand, and even if you keep up on the latest developments it can be tricky to sort out. The shame of it is that now more than ever – with the economy as it is – you need to fully understand how it works and how to work with it. Medicare Interactive is a good resource to keep at hand (associated with the New York and Washington D.C. based Medicare Rights Center.)

If you are approaching age 65, you should know that there is no one way of entering into Medicare. You’ll want to learn how and when to do so, and what can go wrong if you don’t. One growing question among those nearing retirement age is how remaining employed past age 65 would affect your Medicare enrollment and benefits. For example, what happens when you remain employed and receive health insurance from your company (which becomes primary?)

I encourage you to do your own research, and become an educated consumer. But also understand that these complex issues are extremely important, and mistakes can be costly. Sometimes there is no substitute for an expert. If you are age 64 this year, it’s probably time to sit down with both your benefits advisor at work, and with a qualified financial advisor to consider your Medicare options.

To increase your monthly income, please contact us about a FREE HANDBOOK about VA Benefits, written by David Wingate, an accredited VA Attorney, of Senior Life Care Planning, LLC, go to or if you require additional information about VA Benefits, visit our Senior LCP's Website.

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