How Will Climate Change Affect Older Americans?

Climate change is affecting a growing population of at-risk older
Americans. Studies by EPA researchers and others find that seniors aged 65 and
older are more vulnerable to hot temperatures and extreme weather events
—effects which will become more frequent as the climate changes. In a recent
paper, “Climate Change and Older Americans: State of the Science” (Environ
Health Perspect 121:15–22. 2013), EPA researchers reviewed the current “state
of the science” about the links between climate change and health effects
impacting older Americans. The paper explores connections between what is
expected to be an increase in the population of older Americans living in
places relatively more affected by climate change. “Life expectancy has
increased at the same time that we see a huge bubble of baby boomers headed
into retirement. These demographic changes are happening even as the effects of
climate change are becoming more widely recognized,” explains EPA economist and
lead author Janet Gamble.

Source/more: EPA Science Matters Newsletter

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