Highlights of National Healthcare Decisions Day (NHDD) 2013
The sixth annual National Healthcare Decisions Day on April 16
proved to be another success, with particularly strong traditional and social
media reach. Some highlights:
The “official”
participants list includes 123 national organizations, 1,375 state/local
organizations, and 16 services/registries. Countless others participated even
without formally indicating their participation.
Based on survey
responses from 255 of the above, it is estimated that at least:
43,200 staff members or
organizational members of participants received information about NHDD and/or
advance care planning as part of NHDD;
223,285 members of the
general public attended events or received information at NHDD functions; and
9,897 advance directive
documents were completed as part of NHDD activities.
On Facebook, NHDD
exceeded 3,000 likes, and had 1.4 million impressions by 690,263 Facebook
On Twitter, with the tag
#NHDD and/or the term “National Healthcare Decisions Day,” NHDD had roughly 3.4
million impressions, which reached over 1.9 million users.
NHDD enjoyed a wide
variety of media exposure including national level media in ABC News,
Bloomberg, and twice in the Huffington Post / Huffington Post. On top of this,
NHDD reached millions via local media outlets and the radio. Of particular note
is the American Bar Association and American Medical Association’s joint piece,
which was picked up by scores of media outlets. Finally, the ABA’s newsflash
enjoyed an estimated 54.4 million impressions by nearly 2,000 radio stations