Do I Really Need Senior Life Care Planning’s Advocacy and Guidance Plan?

If you are considering engaging the services of Senior Life Care Planning, you should evaluate whether you have the time, inclination, or skills to manage the challenges of your parents or loved one’s care.  If you are not sure, call our office and we will give honest, independent and professional guidance to help you decide if we may be helpful to you, as you enter the legal, financial, and healthcare maze. You are not alone!

Consider these questions, and truthfully answer:

  • Can you or your loved one manage the larger and more complex elder issues?
  • Is your work, commitments, family demands and responsibilities now so great that you are not able to provide the desired level of advocacy, supervision and attention to your loved one's issues?

To increase your monthly income, please contact us about a FREE VA benefits HANDBOOK, written by David Wingate, an accredited VA Attorney, of Senior Life Care Planning, LLC, go to or if you require additional information about VA Benefits, visit our Maryland Veterans Benefits website.

Please review our Blog on Elder Issues and Veteran's Benefits.

Additionally, if you are not receiving our Newsletter, please subscribe to our free NEWSLETTER to stay on top of senior and veteran’s issues.

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