“Veterans deserve special attention, so we take our role as advocates seriously. We work to enusure that veterans and their families enhance their quality of life. The practice areas at Senior Life Care Planning, LLC include VA applications, and other areas of paramount importance to veterans.
If we give tax breaks to millionaires and billionaires that cost us $700 billion that we don’t have, that money has to come from somewhere. And we’ve got to be able to provide for our veterans. I’d rather choose veterans. I’d rather choose these young people who are looking for scholarships.
Everyone understands sales people, including those in finance and insurance, make money when people buy their products or services. But residents of senior living communities – such as the 94-year-old mother – can be especially vulnerable targets.
We are changing the face of elder care, by delivering high quality, independent professional advice and advocacy services on home care, assisted living and nursing homes, asset protection, and finding governmental programs to pay for care.
These financial scammers state that “we’ll get you eligible for VA benefits, thus you’ll have more income, to pay for the assisted living facility or the home care nurse, and all you have to do is purchase this annuity.”
Senior Life Care Planning offers a wide range of services to help maintain their client’s independence at home, or to advocate for their client’s rights and quality of life, at an assisted living facility or nursing home.
If a veteran believes they are eligible for disability benefits, they should submit a completed copy of VA Form 21-526 to the nearest VA Regional Office.