If you require an intensive 24 x 7 skilled nursing care facility, then an assisted living facility is not for you. Consequently, a nursing and rehabilitation care facility is recommended.
This is why seniors who have questions about Medicare and the new health law should contact their State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP), usually located with the Department/Commission of Aging, for independent advice, and not slanted from the politician’s thirty second sound bite.
In addition, there will be new protections against elder abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation as well as free wellness visits under Medicare and incentives to providers to coordinate care – all taking effect in 2011.
With our thoughtful, realistic planning, caring for an elder does not have to be a financial or emotional nightmare. We, help you make the right choices for you and your loved one, you are not alone!
We are here to help you, if your family is too remote or to busy to help you. We provide a case-by-case understanding of what options and resources are available, and how to connect you with the services you need.
Long-term care insurance (LTCI), also known as nursing home insurance, is the only form of insurance that will pay for long-term nursing home care. If you are single, the odds are 50 percent that you will need long-term nursing home care at some point in your life. If you are age 65 and married, the odds are 75 percent that you or your spouse will need long-term nursing home care. The average nursing home stay is 2.5 years, at an estimated national average of more than $75,000 a year. And yet, most people do not have long-term care insurance. One…
Senior Life Care Planning finds and accesses services for veterans, through VA benefits, and seniors through Medicare, Medicaid and other governmental or private resources. We also help identify, coordinate, assist and advocate on various issues i.e. housing, assisted living facilities, nursing homes, social and caregiver support. Additionally, we provide support services for seniors, families and caregivers, coping with the stress and issues with individuals with diseases including Alzheimer’s disease or related dementias, Parkinson’s disease, and other elderly diseases. The family dilemma is caring for your loved ones, with limited time, money and energy. Additionally, families are living in different areas…
These financial scammers state that “we’ll get you eligible for VA benefits, thus you’ll have more income, to pay for the assisted living facility or the home care nurse, and all you have to do is purchase this annuity.”
Senior Life Care Planning offers a wide range of services to help maintain their client’s independence at home, or to advocate for their client’s rights and quality of life, at an assisted living facility or nursing home.