Archive for the ‘Medicaid’ Category

Does a Veteran’s Aid & Attendance pension counts as income for the nursing home, when you are on Medicaid?

 The $90.00 personal allowance reduction is not countable as income towards Medicaid, M21-1MR, Part V, Subpart iii, Chapter 3 1. General Information on Pension Reductions for Medicaid-Covered Nursing Facility Care Change Date May 14, 2007 a. Provisions for Pension Reduction 38 CFR 3.551(i) limits to $90 per month the amount of Improved Pension that can be paid to a veteran (or surviving spouse) with no dependents who • is in a Medicaid-approved nursing facility, and • is covered by a Medicaid plan for services furnished by the nursing facility. No part of the $90 monthly Improved Pension may be used…

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Senior Life Care Planning helps seniors plan for their future and for what happens after they pass away.

Senior Life Care Planning helps seniors plan for their future and for what happens after they pass away. While it’s not a subject that people enjoy talking about, it’s a necessity for seniors. We help elderly people with all aspects of their current life and assets. One of the biggest areas we can help seniors with is Medicaid planning. Because Medicaid laws are constantly changing, it’s important to start the planning process as early as possible. We help seniors qualify for Medicaid and the benefits that come along with it. Estate planning is another area in which we can help…

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What is the eligibility requirements for Hospice?

To be eligible for hospice a physician must certify the patient to be terminally ill with a life expectancy of six months or less and treatment for a cure is no longer provided. The focus for the patient has changed to supportive care and quality of remaining life. Hospice is paid for by private insurance, Medicare or Medicaid Hospice Benefit or personal funds. Here are the conditions that apply for Medicare Hospice Benefits: You are eligible for Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance) Your doctor and the hospice medical director certify that you’re terminally ill and have 6 months or less…

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Can you use an annuity for Medicaid Asset Protection?

Beware of financial advisors and planners who are not familiar with Medicaid nursing home asset protection strategies.

What are some benefits of having Senior Life Care Planning help your aging parents?

“Hiring Senior Life Care Planning, is the best decision you will ever make for your parents proper care and support” states one of our clients.

How do you communicate with your aging parents?

Consequently, the best way to prepare is to incorporate a LIFE CARE PLAN by Senior Life Care Planning. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

Paying for skilled nursing and rehabilitation care can cost approximately nine thousand dollars each month.

Senior Life Care Planning has worked with countless individuals, couples, and families as advocates for their rights, care and proper services. We provide care advocacy services and have facilitated, our clients, to qualify for Medicaid benefits to cover long-term nursing home expenses. Paying for skilled nursing and rehabilitation care can cost approximately nine thousand dollars each month. We considerably reduce and have often eliminated these financial stressors, while sustaining a superior standard of living for spouses and protecting a family’s assets.

Can your net worth disqualify you from VA Benefits?

YES. Net worth means your and your dependents net household asset value . It includes such assets as bank accounts, stocks, bonds, mutual funds and any property other than the veteran’s residence. There is no official set cap, unlike Medicaid, on how much net worth a veteran and his dependents can have, but net worth cannot be excessive. The decision as to whether a claimant’s net worth is excessive depends on the facts of each case i.e life expectancy – 96 year old has $50k, rather than 70 year old with $50k. There are some  exclusions to income that allow…

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Estimated costs for different types of senior care

The following is an estimate of the costs of the varying types of senior care for your aging parents: Telephone Calls – Telephone home call "care" can cost approximately 40 per month, for safety checks, medication management, etc. Home Care – Depending if you hire an agency, approximate costs $20 per hour,  $7,500 for 24/7 care; or a private individual approximately $10 per hour, although you have  to pay taxes, insurance on top. Respite Care – Otherwise, known as Hospice, can be paid by Medicare. Visiting Nurses – If treatment prescribed by physician, may be covered by Medicare or Medicaid….

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Some More Medicaid Myths

1. Myth: “I can hide my assets and get eligible for Medicaid.” The Truth: Intentional misrepresentation in a Medicaid application is a crime and can be costly. The IRS shares any information concerning income or assets you have with the Medicaid agency. These reports include interest income and the sale of stocks or bonds. You or whoever applied may have to pay Medicaid back to avoid prosecution. 2. Myth: “I can give away $10,000 per year under Medicaid rules.” The Truth: This is a rule under federal gift tax law, not under Medicaid law. (Actually, the amount has changed to…

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