Archive for the ‘Elder Law Attorney’ Category

What’s In A Wired Home?

In addition to camera monitoring, companies offer other kinds of services to help keep track of an elderly person’s daily activities.

As Americans live longer than ever, some will find it difficult to stay in their beloved homes: Steep stairs or a slippery shower can pose dangers, and standard houses are not wheelchair accessible.

It’s a common problem — and an expensive one. Making a home accessible can cost tens of thousands of dollars.

A “Village” in the world of the aging is an organized network of volunteers dedicated to doing what is needed for seniors to stay in their homes.

For an annual fee, these communities help seniors manage household tasks they can no longer handle and arrange transportation when they can no longer drive.

Medicare has never been an easy program to understand.

If you are approaching age 65, you should know that there is no one way of entering into Medicare.

The estate tax – also known as the “death tax” or “inheritance tax” depending on one’s persuasion – has been suspended entirely for 2010.

With congress in post-election turmoil and heavy ideological difference at stake, there are many things that we simply can’t yet know and this makes planning both essential and baffling.

interest bearing business checking accounts.

The amendment repeals a law that prohibited financial institutions from paying interest on business checking accounts.

the Boston Globe reports the end of year holds some good news for retirement investors – thanks to new rules put into effect by the small business bill passed last month making Roth IRAs a more attractive option.

The remaining months of 2010 may prove an uneasy time for tax and financial planning – with the status of Bush-era tax cuts and the possible return of the estate tax hanging in the balance while a “lame duck” congress still has the wheel.

If the client is already receiving the maximum widow’s pension (residing in assisted living facility) and her exempt home is sold, can the spouse protect any of the assets?

Therefore, transfer or sell the home BEFORE the claimant files.

If a Veteran dies before benefits are approved, is the spouse eligible for any benefits?

The surviving spouse is entitled to be reimbursed for burial benefits ($300 for plot and $300 for burial) and apply for a presidential memorial certificate.

Are Supplemental Security Income counted as income by the VA?

All Social Security benefits reported by VA claimants are matched with the figures recorded by the Social Security Administration (SSA) for verification.
