Archive for the ‘Elder Law Attorney’ Category

More than 1.6 million Americans are expected to file for Bankruptcy this year, with 42% of filers citing “job loss” and another 65% citing “income reduction” as the determining factor.

it’s unfortunate that bankruptcy hits responsible persons the hardest because they likely have the most to lose.

If you will be Medicare eligible this year, you know two things

If you will be Medicare eligible this year, you know two things:  First: It’s time to start! Medicare’s open-enrollment program began November 15th. Second: There are many differences from last year, and your options can be rather confusing. A recent article from the Wall Street Journal’s Personal finance section tries to round up some of the new rules from the overhaul, and how they differ between Traditional and Advantage Medicare plans. Traditional Plans will see an increase in coverage extending out to preventative services – including mammograms, Pap tests, and screenings for prostate or colorectal cancer – as well as…

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Billionaires get off estate tax free

From the following blog Billionaire Fortune Date of Death Estimated Net Worth (from Forbes billionaires, 3/10/10) Mary Janet Cargill inherited, Cargill Inc. February 5, 2010 $1.7 bil Dan L. Duncan self made, energy March 28, 2010 $9.0 bil Walter Shorenstein self made, real estate June 24, 2010 $1.1 bil (with family) George Steinbrenner self made, Yankees July 13, 2010 $1.1 bil John Kluge self made, Metromedia September 7, 2010 $6.5 bil

Increased tax deduction for long term care insurance

However, there is a limit on how large a premium can be deducted, depending on the age of the taxpayer at the end of the year.

How do I request the Presidential Memorial?

The Presidential Memorial Certificate was created by President Kennedy in 1962. This engraved certificate is signed by the, elected, President of the United States, when the certificate is requested.

Learn about legal and practical issues that are likely to occur in providing care of your loved one at the Alzheimer’s Support Group at Country Meadows, Frederick, Maryland

David Wingate is a recognized leader in the field of elder care law and received he has been voted No.1 Elder Attorney by his peers.

Get Independent Advice Through Senior Life Care Planning

Unfortunately, we see many horror stories by people taking advice from their neighbors, acquaintances and friends. Thus, we help you save thousands of dollars per month through our nursing home and estate planning strategies.

The Deficit Reduction Act really punishes seniors for helping their families, charities, religious organizations, grand-children etc.

Families might have to borrow money to pay the nursing-home care or risk their loved one being evicted from the nursing home facility.

Where were the Democrats, standing up for the rights of veterans, and the frail and elderly?

where were the Democrats, standing up for the rights of veterans, and the frail and elderly? If they fought for these people rather than Bankers, Insurance Executives, Financial Executives, things may have been different.

Nursing homes, patients win debt payments in Medicaid settlement

In order to qualify for Medicaid, the federal-state program for the poor, an individual must deplete his or her assets to reach a $2,500 threshold. Often, that patient needs care before reaching that limit and can accumulate thousands of dollars in nursing home bills.
