Archive for the ‘Aid and attendance’ Category

With a presumptive condition or death, it is presumed. the veteran served in a certain arena or time the military service was the cause of condition or death.

Usually, a veteran or a qualifying surviving dependent must show a nexus between the veteran’s condition or death and his/her military service, except with a presumptive condition or death.

The idea of Assisted Living is tremendously appealing – an older individual receiving necessary care and services in a home-like environment, while retaining choice and autonomy.

However, momentum toward Assisted Living, should not lead one to assume that Assisted Living is always the right choice, or that any and all health care conditions can be accommodated within Assisted Living.

The VA is launching a multi-year initiative called Veterans Relationship Management (VRM) that will greatly improve Veterans’ access to health care and benefits information.

VRM is just one of the many initiatives VA is launching to help Veterans get timely access to health care and benefits.

SLCP hosts meetings for veterans and families to learn about VA benefits

We can help you obtain an increase in monthly income to pay for home care or an assisted living facility.

Beware of VA and Medicaid information on the internet, even from professional sources

Basically, the only good advice, is “Consult with an estate-planning attorney or other asset-protection professional who is steeped in knowledge of VA pensions and assisted-living benefits.”

Is your Independant Financial Advisor Accredited?

Ask if the financial advisor is VA accredited? If they are not, they have not performed required education to become accredited. Check accreditation at the VA Accreditation website.

The House Veterans’ Affairs Committee passed various bills.

It is unlikely, either the House and/or Senate will complete the passed House Committee bills, leaving everything to a post-election legislative session.

The RAPID Claims Act goes before the House of Representatives

This legislation will allow veterans to bypass a lengthy claim development period by submitting a complete claim that needs no further evidence.

Symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease

Although families, keep the Alzheimer victim at home, as long as possible, most people with the disease move into an assisted living facility or nursing home.

Our Life Care Planning & Elder Care Practice addresses senior citizens concerns.

Our Life Care Planning & Elder Care Practice addresses senior citizens concerns.
