Americans are Living Longer Than Ever Before

At the turn of the 20th Century, the average life expectancy was about 47 years.  Now in the 21st Century, life expectancy has doubled that.  As a result, we face more challenges and decisions in our life than those who came before us.  One of the major transitions people face is the change from independent living in their own home or apartment to living in a long-term care facility or nursing home.  There are many reasons for this while the transition is so difficult.  One is the loss of home; a home where the person lived for many years with a life time of memories.  Another is the loss of independence.  Still another is the loss of level of privacy we enjoy at home since nursing home living is often shared with a roommate.  Most people who make the decision to enter a nursing home do so during a time of great stress.  Some have been hospitalized after a stroke; some have fallen and broken a hip.  Still others have progressive dementia like Alzheimer's disease and can no longer be cared for in their homes.  Whatever the reason, the spouse or relative who helps the person transition into a nursing home during the time of stress faces the immediate dilemma of how to find the right nursing home.  The task is no small one and a huge sigh of relief can be heard when the right home is found and the loved one is moved into the nursing home.  For many, the most difficult task is just beginning.  How to cope with the nursing home bills that may total $10,000 per month or more.


A special free report written by David Wingate, Esq. an elder law attorney, will provide information on how to protect your life savings and get help for the cost of your loved one's care.  The report is FREE.  Go to and request your FREE guide.

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