ACL Profiles East Bay Area Olmstead Integration Program
East Bay Innovations (EBI) is a non-profit agency that has been providing integrated employment supports to people with disabilities in the San Francisco Bay area since 1994. Today, EBI provides employment supports to 200 individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities including 145 people who are employed in the community. EBI receives HCBS waiver funding through the Regional Center of the East Bay. Medicaid funds services such as long-term follow-along coaching services provided through supported employment after the individual’s Department of Rehabilitation case closes. The center is one of 21 regional centers in California that contract with the state’s Department of Developmental Services to provide services to people with developmental disabilities. The close partnership with the regional center also allows individuals one-stop access to a broad range of coordinated services offered by a variety of providers. EBI helps individuals identify the types of careers they are interested in and match them with local employers. They also provide on-going support including on-the-job training and help navigating areas such as public transit, the interview process, and Social Security work incentive programs. The team providing these services includes job coaches, front line supervisors, job developers who match individuals and employers, a contractor who works as a job developer with larger employers, and a Director of Employment Services who oversees the agency’s model including funding streams and administration.
Source/more: Administration for Community Living
David Wingate is an elder law attorney at the Elder Law Office of David Wingate, LLC. The elder law office services clients with powers of attorneys, living wills, Wills, Trusts, Medicaid and asset protection. The Elder Law office has locations in Frederick and Montgomery Counties, Maryland.