AARP Polls Find That Chained CPI Will Alienate Older Voters

A majority of older voters oppose cost-of-living cuts for Social
Security and would object to their member of Congress supporting the policy,
according to a new poll. The national survey from AARP found that 66 percent of
voters over 50 would be "considerably less favorable" to lawmakers
that back slower cost-of-living increases in Social Security. President Obama's
new budget is expected to include a so-called chained consumer price index
(CPI) proposal as an olive branch to Republicans, and the left has signaled
strong opposition to the policy ahead of the budget's rollout. Messaging from
AARP, including Monday's poll, indicates that the powerful senior lobby will
also flex its muscle against chained CPI. In a statement, the group's executive
vice president denounced the proposal as a tax increase. "This cut to
Social Security would break the promise to seniors," said Nancy LeaMond.
"As this survey shows, older Americans oppose the chained CPI, and they’ve
historically made their opinions known to their elected officials.

Source/more: The Hill

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