A veteran cannot receive both SC compensation and NSC pension.
A veteran cannot receive both SC compensation and NSC pension. Usually, compensation exceeds pension. Therefore, compensation is the best bet. If you have a professional or financial advisor make sure they investigate and are accredited. It is against the law for non VA accredited professionals/financial advisors to advise veterans or their widows on VA benefits,
If veteran is rated over 50% rated, pursue Concurrent Retirement Disability Payment (CRDP) from the DOD. However, this is taxable income.
Additionally, if a veteran with a combat related condition that exceeds 10% file for Combat Related Special Compensation (CRSC) from the DOD. This is a non-taxable match to the VA. However, Veterans cannot receive both CRDP and CRSC, but CRSC is a non-taxable offset to military retirement, while CRDP is a taxable offset to income. Form DD 2860. I advise to review both options.
Also, if multiple conditions, one rated at least 40% and the total over 70% or one condition rated at least 60% and unemployable due to his SC condition, apply for “unemployability” increase rating to 100%.
Furthermore, if veteran requires A & A due to his SC condition(s), file for Special Monthly Compensation, increases rating to 100%.
Also, if veteran has a spouse or dependent child(ren) or parent(s), file for dependants..
To increase your monthly income, please contact us about a FREE HANDBOOK about VA Benefits, written by David Wingate, an accredited VA Attorney, of Senior Life Care Planning, LLC, go to info@seniorlcp.com or if you require additional information about VA Benefits, visit our Senior LCP's Website.
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Tags: Aid and Attendance, asset protection, elders, life care planning, long term care, ltc, medicaid, Medical Assistance, non service connected pension, nursing homes, pensions military, senior life care planning, seniors health, service connected pension, VA, VA benefits, va pensions