A Consumer’s Guide to Hospice Planning

Planning for someone who has a life-threatening illness can be complicated. You may be torn by the emotional component…thinking that if you put your wishes down in the form of a last will and testament or a trust, you are somehow surrendering your fight and giving in to the disease.

Actually, my experience as an attorney who helps families with this type of planning is that the opposite occurs. I find that my clients experience a great peace of mind once they have done their planning so that they can concentrate on the other issues they are facing.

When a life-threatening illness strikes, it’s the responsibility of the spouse or family leader to become fully informed – to get smart – about these things. I have personally reviewed dozens of books, plus the literature commonly given to families who have someone on Hospice, and I’ve given and attended the public workshops and lectures. And I’ve found that these leave out most of the critical financial and legal information you need to know.

That’s why I wrote this booklet entitled A Consumer’s Guide to Hospice Planning. And that’s why I’ve been on a legal crusade of sorts, to make sure that families who have a loved one facing a terminal illness become smart about these things. Please contact our office to obtain your FREE copy.

The time to act is now. With proper planning, you will insure that things are handled according to your wishes and that you’ve taken the best steps possible to protect your loved ones and to protect your family’s financial security.

If you would like the guidance of a law firm which has helped hundreds of Maryland families successfully deal with these issues, then call The Elder Law Office of David Wingate at 301 663 9230 or visit our website for more information at www.davidwingate.com.


For a complete list of upcoming seminars, visit our website at www.davidwingate.com.

Peace of mind is only a call or click away! For an Initial Consultation call Estate and Elder Planning by David Wingate at (301) 663-9230 or visit www.davidwingate.com

David Wingate is an estate planning and elder law attorney at Estate and Elder Planning by David Wingate. The Estate and Elder Planning office services clients with powers of attorneys, living wills, Wills, Trusts, Medicaid and asset protection. The Elder Law office has locations in Frederick, Washington and Montgomery Counties, Maryland.

Notice: this Blog is published as a free service of the Estate and Elder Planning by David Wingate. The information is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. For specific questions, please consult with one of our experienced attorneys. We encourage you to share this newsletter with anyone you think may be interested.

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